Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 44 year old

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. I have a job I truly enjoy, friends and family I love and 2 kids who are my life, but I really miss spending time with single friends, as most of my friends are married - it would be a bonus if someday I met someone wonderful, who felt the same way about me...a best friend to share life with, someone who is honest, believes in treating people with decency/respect (even when it's hard or uncomfortable), an optimist who finds humor in life easily -

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. My children describe me as best friend and best mom ever,My parents describe me as a wise strong woman,pleople close to my family describe me as a sweet extraordinary mother,Yes I love children and my two angels are my priority,I'm so blessed to have my happy family,and be able to take good care of them and my home,unfortunate my exhusband didn't appreciated,fortunate us he's far out of our lifes,last 8yrs.I've been a single mom and capable to educate and grow happily my 2 children,I describe myself as happy,mature,clean,responsable,focused,respectful,
ensual,loyal,trusthworthy,romantic woman,I'm seeking for that unique man to be my best friend,with same values as mine and willing to grow together in a healthy relationship based on good communication,respect,loyalty and love,giving resonable time to get to know eachother well,NO GAME PLAYING,NO RUSH,NO PRESSURE,PLEASE!

Date a woman from Tucson, United States. I would describe myself as a social, active person who needs regular down time. I enjoy dancing, meeting friends for dinner and drinks and live music. I regularly use the gym at work and take my dog to the park. I also savor the times I can cook a nice meal at home at a leisurely pace or just settle down with a book or a movie. My week days are mostly busy with a job that requires a lot of focus but I would like to share some of my free time with someone who feels like their glass is half full and is optimistic about the future. A good sense of humor, a kind and generous nature and compassion for people and animals would be a real bonus and a good indicator that we would be comfortable in each otherРІР‚в„ўs company. LetРІР‚в„ўs meet over coffee or a drink and see!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Boots and Lace -- definitely decribes me. By day, I work in healthcare. I have an M.B.A. and usually have to be on my toes at work. (Not sure if that takes the boots or the lace!)
Every afternoon I drive home to my place and change out of my high heels and suit and into my boots and jeans! That's when the real fun starts. I am thankful for my two wonderful daughters -- one in college and one in high school. They both are avid equestrians, talented athletes and incredibly smart and beautiful. Although they have their own lives at this point, I enjoy every minute I do spend with them. We have enjoyed our western heritage and the horses we have raised, trained and bred for many years. But, now it seems we are moving on to new adventures.
Just a few things you might want to know . . . I can two-step and will usually let the man lead. However, I have enough life expereince to know better than to get my toes crushed! I am adventuresome and will try anything -- at least once. I love to laugh, and am happy most of the time. I truly enjoy the radiance of an Arizona sunset at the end of a perfect day and I try to take the time to enjoy them. Although I am not a particularly religious person, I am extremely spiritual. I always try and listen to what the universe is whispering and I believe in a power greater than our own. I take the time to enjoy the beautiful painted sky, the soothing warmth of the sun and sounds of a gently breeze. I love the outdoors -- from the grand mountain ranges to the white sandy beaches and everything inbetween. But, I can also enjoy a beautiful room at a nice resort and a fabulous dinner with a bottle of wine.
I'm very happy with my life and my lifestyle at the moment. It just would be nice to know a man that shares my interests and takes time to travel and experience new adventures. My Goal -- to be a snowbird in my old age. I love Southern Arizona and spend the winter riding and hiking in the Mountains of the Sonoran Desert. However, I'd love to get away to a special place in the Rockies or Tetons for the summers.
If you don't take yourself too seriously we might be able to have a few laughs together. So . . . tell me about your goals and what you like to do and maybe we can have some adventures along the way.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN. . .I know what I want in Life. I have 3 awesome kids they are my HAPPINESS :) I love who I am. . .beautiful, smiles, happy, laughs, positive, huggable, thoughtful, honest, loyal, understanding, listener, true friend, open minded, funny and so on and so on lol and would like to share it with someone special :) I enjoy being at the gym (LA FITNESS) daily working on my heart, body and mind doesn't hurt to sweat as long as YOU SMILE :) Life's too short. . .Start a new life and be happy :) I would like to meet 'The Man' who knows how to treat a WOMAN with respect, honest, loyal, sensitive, strong, who listens to my heart, understands, #1 communication, funny, spontaneous, cute, good hearted, huggable, a friend and when US is going well we become more then friends(relationship) for life, loves to dance just like I do, mmm romantic just because, handyman, a cook would be awesome. . . man in the kitchen WOW wink ;) wink ;). I know he's out there :) I'm drama free :) Thanks for viewing my profile, Have a great day with many smiles :) GOOD LUCK!!!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am a hardworking, dedicating, and caring person. I am serious about my job but love fun outside of work. I am well balanced and sincere. For the most part, I am shy to strangers but warm to those I consider as friends. Recently, I realized that I had spent too much time for work but not much for myself. I started to enjoy life and try out different things, such as Taichi, Yoga, backpacking and rock climbing. I just finished a little adventure -- skydiving. The truth is I got this Groupon deal with my friend's "encouragement". Since I was too embarrassed to back out, I overcame my fear and went for it anyway. I am really happy I finally did it. It turns out the most scaring part is the all the worry before actually doing it. I have to say I really love outdoors activities, such as hiking, backpacking, camping, and traveling. I also enjoy music and performance art.
I am a curious person in nature. I believe life is a learning journey. I have a lot of very close and supportive friends who are in good relationship. I am wondering if my special one is coming along. I am open to what life is teaching me. I read a statement before and really like it: Dating is a process to know and understand yourself. That's what I am thinking. My friends always comment that they are surprised a lovely girl like me is still single. (I hope they are not just trying to be nice. :)
I am looking for meeting people who value family and friendship as well as respect others with different backgrounds.

Date someone special from United States. We would enjoy great conversations over a quiet well-prepared meal with a glass of wine. Jazz or classical music wouldn't hurt either.
We would travel to exotic places around the world to learn about their history and taste authentically made dishes.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am that great Latina woman that has her act together, who knows what she wants and knows how to have fun. A Latina woman who is confident, sassy, does not put up with crap, but will give you my all (mind, body and soul) if you are deserving of it. A woman that has a career, that is independent, and does not need a man, but would like to have one in her life to love and be loved and share all the good and bad that life has to offer. A woman who knows how to cook a great meal, and is totally fine with you joining her in the kitchen or simply cooking for her. A woman that you can joke and have fun with and talk Spanglish to each other and make one another laugh.
I'm easy going, have a weird sense of humor that you may not understand at first. I enjoy going to new places and trying different things. I enjoy just watching a movie at home as well as going to a show. I am caring and compassionate and volunteer my time at various organizations/events. I know my limits and am able to put my family first. I am creative, loyal, honest, trustworthy and a good friend.
Yea, I want a relationship but it must be with the rigt person, I am not here to play games; I am hoping to find someone who is my age or a few years younger/older (41-46 and looks it). That understands my sense of humor and is spiritually, physically and intellectually compatable; who is serious about being in a committed relationship.
Even though I am a strong, independent woman, I do enjoy when someone takes car of me. So if you would like to start new memories. I am patiently waiting for my guy.

Date a woman from United States. I am passionate about enjoying a happy and healthy life, and sharing that experience with the right person. I love spending time with friends doing physical activites or simply enjoying great food, drink, & conversation. I am passionate about keeping in great physical shape so I can enjoy all that life offers. I love food of all ethnicities, usually healthy, but not always...yum! I have a passion for travel, especially to experience foreign cultures. In a person what I am looking for is
most importantly someone who is open and honest in their communications, and down to earth. Someone who enjoys an active and healthy lifestyle, and a sense of humor. Also someone who enjoys giving and receiving affection and is comfortable with who they are and the sharing of their thoughts and feelings.

. I want to meet someone honest, funny sense of humor, who likes to dance, walk and play. I want to have a beautiful relationship, I want to be your best friend. And maybe after some time form a more stable relationship.
Quiero conocer a alguien sincero, divertido con sentido del humor, que le guste bailar, pasear y divertirse. Yo quiero tener una bonita relacion, yo quiero ser su mejor amiga. Y quizas despues de algun tiempo formar una relacion mas estable.

. I would describe myself as self motivated, inspiring and caring. I am very goal orriented and are pleased with my accomplishments. I'm looking to find a man that is very much the same, is passionate about what he wants in life and is motivated enough to make things happen for himself. Is considerate in every aspect, makes a woman feel important and values her opinions. Someone that is open minded to ideas and experiences and is not afraid to show their feelings.
I am passionate about my family and being close with people that are caring and loving in return. I am really not a needy person, and not afraid to get things done, but would love a partner to share my life with.

. I love music. Even when I'm cleaning, I'm singing and dancing with my radio turned up real high. I love to shoot pool. Singing is my therapy. And I'm not afraid to hit the dance floor by myself if a song moves me. My perfect match won't mind going to a karaoke bar witn me, he'll love to hear me sing. He might even do an occassional duet with me. He'll partner with me shooting pool and be my best competition. And he will love to watch me when I dance alone. He can dance too he must love dancing to sexy jazz music.