Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 46 year old

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. Hi. so your checking out my profile. That's nice.
Before you wink and send me a message I would like you to look inside your heart. .. leave your mind out for a moment.
i am a fantastic lady with a golden heart for that special guy. I ask that you really decide if I am someone you would be proud to commit to a relationship with and be proud to include me in your private, social, and career life.
Let me be crystal clear, I don't mean after first date or two. I do mean after we both decide that we are who we are looking for to grow into a strong healthy lasting relationship. If your heart says no then please pass me by.
I am not seeking a player or someone that just is not able to commit to one fantastic beautiful lady, that's me. I am looking for that guy who is done with lies, deceit, and sneaking around dating several girls at a time only to be caught due to the nature of the girls he chooses to cheat with and they contact me. Yes, you know who you are, please pass me by, your type I would not like to encounter again.
My heart is genuine and kind. If all that craziness is behind you and you have truly learned the consequences of your actions only hurts other people or better you've never been "that guy" then wink, I'll decide if your "that special guy" that possibly may have personal integrity and respect for yourself and more importantly me.
You may be of interest for me to meet you, if not I am sure there is someone out there that would be interested in you.
Bye for now.

Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. My closest friends would describe me as strong and level headed. I tend to be a nurterer by nature, making sure everyone around me is taken care of, which sometimes includes an amazing homecooked meal. I'm a great listener, but also love talking with people. I love to laugh, act, sing, and perform in theatre and do so with my students as well. I have a love of life, try not to take things too seriously, I make sure to watch the sunsets and enjoy the AZ rainstorms. Sometimes I forget how old I am because I am full of energy and will embrace life with grace and gusto.
I am looking for someone who likes to have long conversations over coffee or wine, someone who just likes to sit and be with me. I love to be romantic, cuddle, watch a movie, and spend time together, but I also like to have some space to just center down and reconnect with who I am as an idividual. I see myself as spiritual, somewhat religious, open to what others have to express and do not judge quickly.
Things that make me smile: kids, when someone I'm interested in looks into my eyes, chocolate, flowers, being outside during the fall, rainy days, Michael Franks, kissing, peanut butter cookies...
I am most passionate about kids, teaching them at school and in the theatre. Theatre is my other passion, performing, singing and dancing. It's a great outlet and stress reliever, and always pushes you to be better.
I'm hoping to get to know someone who will be a good friend, a partner in crime, someone who will ask how MY day went, and allow me to do the same in return. Looking forward to some new adventures!

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I have enjoyed being single for a quite some time and am now ready to explore the possibility of meeting someone to get to know on a little bit deeper level. I do not want anything that is rushed or forced. I think relationships should not be sought out, but rather something that is allowed to happen in its own time based on the solid foundation of a true friendship. So, please be someone who is comfortable with a first meeting being simply good conversation that may evolve into a friendship in its own time and is allowed to create its own path....
Part of my journey right now includes learning to live more in harmony with the Earth, learning how to garden and grow food, growing sprouts, working out, and appreciating the tiniest things in life. If you end up being the individual who shares some of these things with me, that would be great, but if our meeting turns out to be just a nice conversation over herbal tea or coffee, that would be equally as awesome. I value the friendships that I receive as much as the relationships that are deeper and more long term in nature.
Like most people, I have my share of idiosyncrasies and am enjoying the process of looking for a person who has similar and/or complimentary ones. It's fun talking to and meeting new people and I don't really have a required outcome for any given person that I meet other than just a nice conversation.
So, here's some peculiar stuff about me in no particular order:
**As I travel on my journey through life, I am constantly assessing how I can become a better person and give more to others on all levels, I have a lot of role models and I value all of the inspiration and guidance that I get from them. Some of my favorite RMs are "The Todd" from Scrubbs, my English Mastiff, and Captain Piccard (Earl Grey .... )
**For movies, I usually like fantasy/sci-fi the best, with action movies being a close second. I like non-fiction books for the most part. Fave show is Big Bang Theory.... Although, I don't have TV currently (Some people have regarded me as if I have three heads because of this... lol... but, it's really as simple as I wasn't watching TV very much so I got rid of it....)
**i think it would be amazing to find someone to play video games with. (That is something I usually don't do by myself....) And, it would be even more miraculous if you wanted to play MYST.... (I actually have it... ok... that's your cue to laugh... )
**As far as my career goes, I have 2 wonderful jobs and am going back to school to be a massage therapist. After a lot of soul searching, this seems to be where my true gifts and talent are and the best way to contribute to society in a healing manner. I will be starting my own business after I have completed the program. For many years, I have had a very detailed vision for what I want to create and am very excited about bringing it to life.
**I don't have any children, and at this point in my life don't want to have any, but I am very much open to a partner having children.... I am very caring and nurturing, but also know when to back off a little bit.
AND, if you think it would be cool to build a Hobbit House in the back yard, we would probably get along really well... ;)
**Final Caveat... When I first meet someone,I am looking for just for good conversation and friendship. I think relationships should not be sought out, but rather something that is allowed to happen in its own time based on the solid foundation of a true friendship. (I know I'm reiterating, but I have run into a couple of people who had some difficulty with that concept... I'm extremely laid back about most things, but when someone is pushy, I can get mean... ( Ok.... now you've been officially pre-chastised.... lol....)
If you would like to talk some time, let me know.
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Elvish for: "May all stars shine upon your path"

Meet someone special from United States. I am that down to earth, outgoing girl who loves to laugh, enjoys a good storm, dance while making dinner and explore new places. Sundays should be about friends and family all gathered in the kitchen or backyard for dinner. I enjoy a lot of different types of music and always have something playing. For me its about finding that person who can give you butterflies just by giving you wink from across the room. I might be a little shy at first, but dont let it fool you! I'm all for jumping in the car for a quick surprise get away weekend or if need be rolling up the sleeves to paint the porch. I am looking for someone who knows who they are, being a romantic is a plus and knowing how to communicate is key. Can you laugh at the hard times and turn up the volume on the good times ?

Date a woman from United States. I'm looking for a quick witted, fun, and happy person that wants to share a life, banter, and laugh. I like the outdoors. I like being at home at least sometimes. I like to dance. I like going to garage sales on Saturday mornings with a hot cup of coffee or going for a walk or a hike or barbeque with friends. I enjoy fishing and camping but not roughing it in a tent. I am a happy person and want to be with a happy person. I am a peaceful person with friends that are male and female so I jealousy doesn't work for me. I believe in integrity and tust.
I love kids (I'm a grandmother) and I understand there are a lot of people with kids but... it is my opinion that kids shouldn't meet everyone you date so I prefer not to get to know the kids unless the relationship is serious. I had a relationship where I fell in love with the child too and when the relationship didn't work I was heart broken and so was she.
I'm a Christian and fairly conservative. I like tall men that are husky (not bone skinny) and handsome! Nice teeth/smile mandatory. I look forward to getting to know you.
Let's be honest (since I have to use at least 200 characters) we all are a little shallow in that we want to be attracted to the person we are with. I'm not saying he has to be perfect, I'm not. I have dated fat guys but they had a handsome face and great personality. I have dated guys that my friends didn't think were "cute enough" for me but they made me laugh until my sides hurt. I want someone that is real but yes, I have to be attracted to him! My point here is attraction is more than physical appearance so shoot me a note to say hi if you are interested and if a spark happens we can go from there.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I'm a fun gal who likes to be around people who like to laugh 'a lot'. You will typically find me with my kids and their friends or maybe with my friends for an early happy hour but generally you'd find me at home when not at work. I live with my three teenage kids who keep me on my toes. I like to travel and explore new places with them and try to give them a well rounded view on life. My views generally fall conservative but I have the occasional topic that leans liberal within reason.
I am loyal to the end with my family and friends and was loyal to my husband of 25 years until he decided to find someone new. I am actually not yet divorced but realize now that it is better for me in the end. Now I will spend my time to find a true partner where we will appreciate each other's qualities and learn to accept shortcomings. When I find that special person, I will proceed with the divorce but for now it's logistical which is why I listed myself as divorced instead of separated.
I would like to find someone to share my life with who likes to take life by the reins and enjoy every moment of it, appreciating what God has provided. I seek a Christian man who has strong morals and practices his faith in his everyday life. My faith is what I lean on when times are tough and I don't know what to expect around the next corner.
I hope to find a lifelong partner to walk this journey with me. Thank you for visiting my profile and no matter what's around the corner, I wish you well on your personal journey.
P.S. If you are out of state, please pass me by so we can focus on true possibilities. I plan to remain in Tucson AZ until my youngest graduates high school in six years (2017).

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Fun and exciting, looking for same. someone who enjoys life and doesn't take it for granted. Someone who doesn't look back and wonder what if. Someone who's willing to take a chance and not sit back and regret the what could have been.
I'm looking for someone who believes that no matter what life has served in the past but what you can serve in the future. A person who cares and loves, enjoys the touch of a woman and wants it as much as needs it. A person who can admit when they are wrong and not dwell on a lie.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. A little about me...I have had 2 long term relationships that accounted for 26 of the last 27 years. I enjoy the comfort and intimacy of a committed relationship. I am having fun meeting new people until I find "The One".
I love to laugh, don't take myself too seriously and have ample opportunities to laugh at myself. I smile a lot and wake up with the intentions of making it a great day. I tend to be a bit sarcastic and would like to find someone who doesn't mind some teasing.
I am happiest outside and if water is near, I am even happier. I love the sun and being warm but don't mind visiting the snow occasionally. I have been divorced for nearly 10 yrs and I live a peaceful, stable , and drama-free life.
I have 19 yr old son who lives nearby and is going to college and a 13 yr old son that lives with me most of the time. He is very active with sports and I love to go to his games. I love to watch him wakeboard and ride his quad. He is funny and has his mom's sarcastic sense of humor. He keeps my IPod loaded with all of the latest music and he appreciates some of the classsics that I have introduced him to.
I enjoy watching sports, in person is preferred but can go to sports bars or gather with friends. Camping is very important to me and I try to get an outing in about once a month. I enjoy riding quads, boating, floating the river, walking on the beach and driving to new destinations.
I have a truck and toyhauler that I use when going to the lake or sand dunes or a weekend outing. I would rather stay in the toyhauler than a hotel. It is very peaceful and comfortable. I have had to learn to be the driver to get us to our destinations but to be honest, I prefer to be the co-pilot.
I don't mind going out and playing hard and getting a bit dirty. I am not really much a city girl but do like to explore old mining towns. I prefer to eat at the places the locals know about rather than a chain restaurant.
I am independent, secure and responsible. I have lived alone with my sons for 9 years and capable of taking care of myself. I own my home and have been in it for 19 years. It is an old house and I am having fun updating it room by room as money allows. I try to do as much as I can myself but would love a partner who enjoys these types of projects as well.
I love the sound of a race car or Harley. I love long kisses, holding hands and leaving love notes. I am passionate about music and what I listen to is based upon my mood. My favorites would be alternative and rock, like to shake my booty to hip/hop and can tolerate country in very small doses.
I am an optimist and a very hard worker. Not interested in negative people or couch potatoes. I do go to the gym but would rather get my exercise either doing work around the house/yard or outdoors.
I understand that people are not mind readers and I will be honest and forthcoming. You can ask me anything. Like most of us, my past has shaped who I am and what I expect but I am only looking forward and have interest on dwelling on the past.
I like dive bars, farmers markets and dirty martinis. I like to meet new people, go new places and try new things. I have a love for life and am happy where I am right now. I mostly eat healthy and work to take care of myself, but do enjoy having a beer or two.
I would love to have a special man in my life to share these things with or discover new things. I would love to be scuba certified, go deep sea fishing and travel to wonderful beaches around the world.
My biggest turn-on is a man who can fix things. LOL My best match would be a man who loves being outdoors, patient when things get a bit crazy and has a great sense of humor. Someone who enjoys watching the monsoons roll in while drinking a beer on the patio, jumping in the car last minute and going anywhere for a quick weekend getaway, and is ready to fall in love again. Are you that man

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. This probably one of the most difficult task for me to do...Writing something about myself :)
I am honestly a good person. I love spending time with my kids when they are with me...and the rest of my time outside in the beautiful AZ weather...from the AZ lakes to the majestic mountains. I'm adventurous, outgoing and fun! I am looking for a gentleman that is seeking the same. I have to confess, I do like a man who rides a motorcycle...tattoos and harleys ok but clean cut!
You wont find me hanging out every weekend in a bar but it is fun to go out every once in a while. I prefer spending quality time talking, dining, walking/hiking or floating on the water...having good conversation and laughing with that special someone.
I consider myself as a very well rounded/grounded and educated person, I have traveled from China to Mexico and enjoyed the many cultures the world have to offer. Hawaii by far has been my favorite!
I absolutely love my career, co-workers and what I do. My job is physically and mentally challenging and by the time my Friday rolls around, I am ready for some "me/we time!"
As for the man I'm looking for: With all due respect....Happy, fun, employed, homeowner, transportation and being stable is a must!
I already have 2 children (17& 15) that are my financial responsibility, I don't need another teenager. I'm not looking for a "daddy" for my children, they have one that is active and involved with their lives.
Also someone who is honest, upfront and has a good sense of humor with a great heart, no players or BS! I say that with a smile :)

. Hmmm... my story......I'm a warm, friendly, outgoing woman. I have a zest for life. Kindness, delightful sense of humor and curiosity describe me well. I enjoy being active outdoors and have a wide range of interests. I regularly exercise and have a healthy lifestyle and am always working to improve my trouble spots. Would be nice to have a partner to exercise with ;-)
I feel blessed to have a rich life, filled with friends, family, rewarding work and connection to my community. I am an involved parent, but make sure to balance my life with my own interests, friends and adventures. I'm at a place where I'd like to meet someone special and enjoy a meaningful relationship that enriches both our lives. I don't take myself too seriously, but do enjoy delving into subjects and learning about other people's ideas and perspectives. I'm openly affectionate, sincere and honest to a fault.
I'm looking forward to meeting a man interested in taking the time to get to know me. Someone interested in building upon an attraction (physical, mental and emotional). A man comfortable in his own skin, who has defined goals and knows his strengths and weaknesses, has good friends and knows how to be one. The ability to treat himself and others with kindness and consideration is very attractive to me. Of course, a sense of adventure, playfulness and openness to new experiences are equally appreciated.
In trying to be concise, my silly, sarcastic and playful side is underrepresented ;-) Guess that will just have to be experienced!

. Well hello there!
First of all, you get extra points if you figure out where the photo was taken in my main photo (city and country). The country should be easy.
A little about me and then it's your turn. I like to participate in a wide variety of activities and learn about new things. Some things that are on my list to try are adventuresome (hang gliding); others are tame. I believe that honesty is #1 in a relationship of any kind. Some of the things that I look for in a significant other: you like to travel; you have a sense of humor; you volunteer and/or donate to charity; you have the desire to go out on weekends rather than watching sports on TV; you are affectionate.
What about me? I am loving, energetic, affectionate, and am a good listener.
Talk to me.

. I am a good woman looking for someone who is loving and who wants to be in a relationship. I would love someone romantic and a man who can take charge when needed. I am grateful I am alive and for my daughter. There are many things I would like to try given the chance. I want to travel, always wanted to go to Italy, Spain and Alaska. Saving Alaska for my daughter but there is room for one more. There is much more to me then what I have written in this profile, please give me a chance and see how much more there is to me. Will try and get a picture up soon. I am still working on how to do it, I can work the basics of a computer but not great at up loading a picture. Don't hold that against me!! LOL.