Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 34 year old

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. Am a great cook and love to spend time with my kids and going to the park. Very outgoing and love to joke and do pranks on my kids and friends. I love to cook and eat dinner with my family. I have a teacup chiuahua and half yorkie. Shes a great pet.

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. Hello:)
I've analyzed my relationship status throughout the years as relationships come and go. Was it me? Was it them? What was the problem? There was this amazing connection, chemistry and interests, but it didn't last. And through all of that what I have learned the most through my heartbreaks and disappointments with romance is that it's ok to let go and move forward.
I never thought I would be 34 and still be searching for "HIM"...but I am :)
So here is my check list don't be scared. LOL!
1. Have intent.
2. Be patient.
3. Have boundaries.
4. LOVE.
5. Action.
6. Speak up.
7. Goals.
8. Work hard.
9. Romance.
10. Pursue.
I'm looking for a guy that knows what he wants in a relationship. When he sees it. He won't freeze. He will pursue. Here is some advice (really just my point of view)...there may be some women that are OK pursuing the guy...but for MOST women we want the guy to pursue us. In the wonderful 21st century which I feel has a lot of great aspects but "the dating world" is not one of them. Being ONLINE I feel I'm saying "I'm looking" and there is a saying, which I'm sure most of us have heard "When you at least expect it LOVE will find you" being ONLINE seems to deflate that lovely saying.
I have time for friendship. I have time for someone looking for a true partner. I am not here to USE any one and I only expect the same in return.
I'm a sucker for true love...and I know it will find us one day. Even though I feel the cyber world is a little weird...I would say the meaning behind it is more POSITIVE then negative.
Good Luck on your search and thanks for reading my profile.
With intent,

Date a woman from Tucson, United States. cancelling
I am a nice girl, just looking for someone to spend time with and enjoy life. I love to travel and see new things, but also enjoy hanging out at home. I'm looking for someone who loves to have a good time, and who will (eventually) put me first (within reason, of course). Someone who is driven and motivated, who loves to have fun, and is passionate about life. A man with a good heart. Honesty and trust is a must. I'm not looking for someone to take care of me, but I like being treated right. I have kids and they are my world so obviously you would need to be fully okay with that. I love my family and spend a lot of time with them. I am silly, nerdy, professional and fashionable all rolled into one. I have lots of random, useless information - I'd be great on Cash Cab. I am opinionated but like to hear others' opinions also. I love to watch sports and play pool but I'm a girly girl too...I can't really explain it. I enjoy the finer things in life, but I can go for the occasional taco or hot dog from the corner stand too. I love to bake. Love music and my iPod. I love shoes (okay it's a bit of an addiction). I love to decorate. I love a good Cabernet. Arizona's great but I love California and am considering moving, in case you're wondering why I cast such a wide net. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. The first thing people tend to notice about me is that I am a very happy and positive person who always is smiling! I was born and raised in CA, but moved to TX's back in 06 and lived there for 6 years (I now have a bit of Southern Charm) I moved here to Tucson back in October. I am a very loving person and have a BIG heart! I'm outgoing and can even be a little sarcastic, but basically I'm a sweet and kind person. I love to laugh and am not afraid to laugh at myself; I love to joke around. I am very down to earth and well rounded (not physically.) I am not afraid to get dirty or work outdoors. I love to hike, and fish, honestly anything outdoors is perfectly fine with me, and I LOVE sporting events. I am big into fitness and love to work out and am at the gym every day some times twice a day. Cooking and baking is my hobby and love to do it especially for others. Any thing else you would like to know just e-mail me. You really can not get a feel for someone by reading a profile.
I'm always attracted to a person's smile, his inner heart and his sense of humor. He'll be someone who's in good physical shape and likes to work out, and personality-wise, someone who is sweet and kind and, with luck, a hopeless romantic like me! A trustworthy, honest, family oriented man.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. This acct is no longer active. Send me a note: annabelle335atgmail.
I grew up in California and consider myself easy going and laid back but also somewhat old fashioned when it comes to the "rules" of dating. I come from a very strict upbringing so I was taught to be polite-'please and thank you'-always important!
I know what I want in a partner and am easily turned off by games, dishonesty, and mere pettiness. I am very straight-forward and feel the truth is always the right way to go even if the other party involved does not agree. That does not mean I am insensitive. However, I do appreciate someone that can communicate with me on this level.
I would enjoy a partner that likes to travel, play golf and tennis, camp, fish, and maybe explore new things. I would also like someone who is passionate about the things that are important to him.
*Necessary addendum: I also want to just add that although I love children, I do not want any. It's listed as one of my "wants," as in I don't, right next to my picture. You don't have to look too hard to find it. So to save us both time, please don't contact me if you want children.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. How does one describe themselves without sounding cocky? I am a passionate, insightful, and have a love for words. I am a woman who knows what she wants. I am determined, driven, goal oriented and positive about my life. I am very much an early raiser in the mornings, but am not at my best until after that first cup of coffee :)
Music is in my veins. I am a singer, I have been caught on more than one occasion singing entirely too loud at my desk at the office, and have been given that goofy smile by the car next to me in traffic, too many times to count.
I love both my job and the rewards I feel after a long day. I take my career very seriously. That being said, I also know how to take the time to read or just enjoy the beauty in the world. IРІР‚в„ўm very much a traditionalist, and believe in the important things, Family, Faith, Love, Trust and Hope. I go to bed every night not understanding why I am so blessed.

Date someone special from United States. I am a woman with a sense of humor about life. I love to laugh and to have fun. I would define myself as honest, loyal, and outgoing. I wear my heart on my sleeve...most days :) I am a mother to a beautiful five year old girl, who keeps me on my toes. I love new adventures; the way I see it, I only have this one life to live, I want to make the best of it. No regrets. I love to watch sports, baseball is my favorite.I am looking for a man who loves children and will understand that my daughter is my first priority. My ideal partner will have children, but it is not a must. I am looking for a man who possesses integrity, honesty, and good morals.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hello, I am a friendly,outgoing person & have a great sense of humor. Love to have fun! love going out with my friends & spending time with my family. Love my kids more than anything in this world. Like to go to movies,excercise, love to cook and like traveling. I am very surprises! Very open minded and like to try new and different things...

Date a woman from United States. Variety is my key to a balanced life.
Music makes everything better! I have an eclectic mix and will listen to just about anything.
I wear lipgloss and nail polish but I'm not afraid of getting dirty. I enjoy the adrenaline rush of doing something daring. I also enjoy the comfort of a quiet night at home.
I like to make people smile - especially when they're having a bad day
I love the sound of a highly tuned V8
I find the outdoors to be calming and grounding
I like to push myself outside of my comfort zone to try new things
I will be the first person to admit to my mistakes and laugh at myself for them.
I'm adventurous, thoughtful, independent and loyal (to a fault). I try to see the good in everyone and everything. I believe that on some level we all have the same story to tell, we share the same experiences in different forms. My life can be pretty serious at times but I can't imagine a day without laughing so hard that I cry. If you can make me laugh and not take yourself too serious, it's a huge plus. I always try to grow and evolve to better understand myself and the world around me.
I'm looking for someone that is motivated, adventurous, caring, warm, flirtatious, honest, has a sense of humor and someone who can keep me on my toes. Someone who is grounded - in line with his principles and values.
I like to make the best of every situation. Life doesn't have to be perfect -it's what you make of situations that define your character.

. I am a person that loves to view life and all its possiblities in a positive way. I enjoy laughing and joking with everyone and I love spending time with the people that I am close too. I am currently nurse and have been in the medical field since I graduated high school and could not picture myself doing anything else. I absolutely love my job and working with people. I'm hoping to find someone that shares the same faith as mine so that we can encourage eachother in our belief system. I also desire to have children with my future husband so we can build a family and home together. I want to be with someone that wants a partner, companion, and friend for life. I am the type of person to stand by my man, encouraging him and believing in him and with him regarding the decisions he makes. I am very affectionate and enjoy spoiling my lover and want to be with someone that would express the same attributes to me. I love to meet new people and explore the world and can't wait to share these experiences with someone.

. Going to school full-time and trying to be the best single mom of three wonderful children is a challenge, but that's where I am at in my life right now. I am positive, funny, caring and motivated. Everyone else comes before me and giving is what makes me the happiest. I served in the Air Force and now am going to be a nurse. I love doing anything and everything outdoors. I put 100% into everything, including relationships and am looking for someone that can do the same. I want a man who is positive with a keen intellect, can make me laugh, trustworthy and ambitious; a little romance never hurts either.

. Hello there! Hola!
I work in a family business in the medical field and absolutely love it! I can honestly say that I do not consider it a job, yet a treat and feel truly blessed in this area of my life! Being self employed has allowed me to have a fairly flexible schedule; however, there are moments when it can be quite hectic!
I have been lucky enough to have grown up in both Tucson, AZ and Acapulco, Mexico, am bilingual and bicultural and find languages, cultures, background traditions and societal mores to be fascinating! On that note, I love travelling and learning about history, customs, norms, languages, etc that each country offers.
I try to enjoy every opportunity life offers because we are on a ride that goes by too fast! The best accessory one can wear is a smile. I try to find the good in all people and all situations. Having a positive attitude and a good sense of humor are of most importance to me!
I love Pilates and being physically and mentally active…challenge is a good thing! I am spontaneous and enjoy going out and having a good time with family and friends, but can also appreciate a quiet night in, watching a movie, reading or enjoying a home cooked meal.
Family is extremely important to me and I hope to meet someone with similar values. As mentioned, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, the place does not matter…just the people I love in my life. Laughing with family and friends is the best cure for a difficult day and helps one to appreciate the small things in life.
I keep up with news/current events and like to be informed as to what is going on in our world on a daily basis.
I would like to get to know you…Nice to meet you...Mucho gusto!