Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 72 year old


Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. happy people make me smile, am grateful for good health, love a good movie, good music and plays. roadtrips and traveling to just anywhere. Am looking for a person who enjoys life and has no baggage. is willing to explore new places and make new friends, likes good conversation. I grew up in N.H. and am spending the summer here this year. Wanted to get away from the heat and desert and spend time in my Condo in the Laconia area
I do volunteeing at a local theater and have made lots of new friends. I retired from the Chicago area. Have a daughter In Tucson AZ who owns her own company and I work for her.
I love to travel having retired from the Travel Industry, I am always willing to explore new places. in the past 6 years I have visited Canada, Spain, Greece and Australia. I have driven cross country twice and just finished my third trip arrivinhg in the Lakes Region on June 30 and staying until Labor day. I have adventure in my blood, and love seeking new ones. i plan to return to AZ. by way of Canada.
i know my profile may be a challenge to any man, but hey nothing ventured, nothing gained.. I really am a nice woman.

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. Let me think about it. I can add a lot to your life and I'd want you to add to mine. I'm cheerful, active and irreverent. my hostessing skills are hailed in my small circle and I'm a really good traveling companion. I'm attracted to a man whose smile reaches his eyes, is vigorous, laughs readily and is comfortable in his own skin at a fancy affair, in a dive like the Bambi bar, cooking with me in the kitchen, or traveling even in third world countries.

Meet someone special from United States. Funny, smart, moxie, bookworm who likes movies and music, well travelled (never enough travel) seeking a nice like-minded man not allergic to cats. I am Interested in growing things, playing cards, cooking, politics (conservative),
I have 2 adult children (who are older than me, how did that happen?) and one grandchild. Live theater, jazz performances, even some old-timey rock concerts are favorite things. Looking seriously for gentleman with whom to do things like that; discuss the books we read, laugh at the way the world works sometimes. I have an optimistic nature, also a serious exerciser, as I truly believe keeping moving is the key to good health. Have pretty much given up on religion, but still hold to a higher power and the universe. And I will cop to loving Rod Stewart songs, at least the lyrics make sense to me. AND I am a lifetime member of Netflix.

Date a woman from United States. Looking for someone retired who also loves to travel and see new sites. I enjoy good health and financial comfort and would love to meet a happy, healthy companion with a good sense of humor. I'm a very spontaneous person; love to hit the road with no special plans, except to have fun and enjoy the sights. Love casual living and dining, coffee and conversation, cooking, dining out, museums and art, LOVE music and concerts, exploring new areas, performing arts, travel and sightseeing.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I feel I am a fun loving person who enjoys life. I feel age is just a number. I love going places and doing things and exploring new places. Family and friends are very important to me. I feel very blessed for the life I have.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am Friendly, Smile easily, love a good prank or joke in good taste. Grateful for being born in the best Country in the World and would fight for everyones freedom if need be. I would like to meet a "good" person, a believer in Christ, someone who still stays active and open to new things and new places, loves family and is not selfish. Good sense of humor a must. Passionate about my Country and the state it is in today and the upcoming election. And I should Answer honest with my thoughts!! No compromise on my hopes for mutual respect, no compromise on love of country, constitutional values and freedom of speech, religion, and the right to own a gun.
My kids told me to join Match, they feel I should meet someone..I told them that it is a waste of time at my age and with my values...please don't answer this if you are anything but what I describe as you will be wasting your time. I don't want a radical, I don't feel I am a radical, just a good Bible believing American. I haven't always been what I am today, but I haven't always liked myself as much as I do today, wrinkles and all :).
(And BTW, it asks about smoking below and I do not smoke ciggarettes, I do have an electronic vapor ciggarette that is totally undectable and safe to use anywhere at anytime, puts out no odor or smoke.) So basically I have quit!!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. i'm looking for good company and good character. for me, that would be a reflective, thoughtful, funny, emotionally tuned-in, politically aware guy who'd appreciate my humor, warmth, intellect, honesty, kindness, generosity of spirit, and my willingness to work for equity and justice! yup, all that! we could laugh together, talk together (about high falutin' ideas and also silly stuff, political analyses and also feelings, good gossip and also boring junk), listen to each other, maybe dance a little, maybe sing a little, see movies together and eat popcorn out of the same bag. i have fringe/marginalized ideas on some things (e.g., about market worldviews) but a very conventional 'life style'--i eat three meals a day, floss my teeth, keep the house clean, cook and bake, garden, call my out-of-town kids and grandkids, send get well cards--you know what i mean. i do water aerobics, read novels and non-fiction too, take car trips and stop wherever it looks interesting, keep trying to learn Spanish in Mexico.
by the way, if i write to you [not just a wink or a flirt but an honest-to-goodness email note] and you're not interested, i hope you'll let me know with a polite 'no thanks'. please don't let the anonymity of the internet stop you from being as courteous as i'll bet you are in person.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am an older lady who likes to be treated with decorum. I seek a friend to spend some time with, who can be fun, complimentary, and is financially able to care for his own needs. I hope he has a good sense of humor. And that he loves animals.

. Am looking for a person to have fun with, someone to share maybe a movie, or concert, Opera or stageshow, museum etc.
I also like to dance.
My friends think I am a good cook. I also enjoy gardening and enjoy reading.
I enjoy bicycling'

. I like to travel. I am intelligent, reserved and love to read. I like country western music. I like going to movies. I am looking for an interesting person who loves to dance and have fun. I am grateful for my family and friends.

. petite, blond, witty, good personality , sensitive to others, romantic, sensual, love to laugh and have fun. I'm loyal, concsientious, organized, financially and emotionally secure. I'd like a man who is romantic, attractive, a Christian, has moral character, is fair, loyal, honest, considerate, even-tempered and must like dogs (mine are 2 little Shit-zus). I'm passionate about traveling - abroad, cruises, or good old USA on roadtrips. Love RVing . Have a coach, but don't drive it. I've been in all 50 states - love Colorado, California and Oregon. Have traveled a lot of Mexico and Canada. Also to Europe a few times - Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Ireland and Scotland. There are still many places I wish to see and revisit. I am also passionate about music. I relax playing piano and organ. My Ipod is loaded with easy listening, classical, soft country, oldies from 60's, 70's, and 80's , religious and flamenco. I enjoy going to concerts, theater, movies, musicals and eating out from drive-thru to 5 star. And I enjoy doing all these things more with someone else. I don't play games and don't want to be with someone who does.