Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm a down to earth type of person, im funny, like to have fun, outdoor type of person, and want someone who's out going , funny, has a sense of humor, who likes to go out dancing, movies, and who's not afraid of having fun.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Forgivness is the key to freedom and life so I try to live by those words. I am very happy with the person I have become and believe God doesn't make mistakes. I would like to find some one who is true and believes in God. Prayer is powerful, can't live without it. I enjoy going out and having a good time, LOVE to laugh (sometimes it's at people not with them) :D I'm sure a few get a laugh at me too, so its all good. I am a mother to four amazing gentlemen, they are my passion. No matter what, they are always by my side (yes I have a life, they are only part of it). If you're in this for games please don't bother, I have had more than enough....

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. This is the hard part. I have never been good at putting words to paper. I am an easy going person. Quiet and shy at first, but I will open up. Not afraid to get dirty, or even to clean up nice. Almost always willing to try something new. Not in to the bar scene or clubbing.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I tend to be my worst critic so writing about myself is tough but i will give it a shot. I like the outdoors, i.e., camping, the dunes, never hiked before but would like to try it. I love love love the ocean, soaking up the sun and laying on the sand would be my kind of perfect day. I also enjoy fishing, jet skiing and boating . Skiing is one of my favorite things to do, I would have to say I'm pretty good at it. Bowling and playing pool is fun as well going out to watch a good movie. I exercise everyday, Zumba is my drug of choice. I can be some what of a perfectionist but for the most part I am pretty down to earth. I have accomplished a lot in my life but my proudest accomplishments are my two beautiful kids. I am a single mother who enjoys working full-time. I love my job and I am dedicated to my clients.I enjoy watching sports, football, baseball, golf and basketball. Enjoying a beer at the bar with friends is always a good time. I am looking for first and foremost a best friend. A man who is confident, loving and honest. I am looking for someone who would enjoy being pampered by my cooking and my wonderful massages BUT someone who is willing to pamper me too. Can you dance? I love to dance and I like all kinds of music. A perfect night would be making a delicious dinner together and listening to nice music with a glass of wine, sitting on the couch and just being together.

Date a woman from United States. I am very laid back and don't take things too seriously. I am around high school kids so I've learned not to take things so personal.
I love to dress up when the occassion arises. Im not a girly girl and not a tombboy but I clean up well. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty just to give you an idea, I once changed the oil in my car. I enjoy watching and playing sports but I tend to get competitive. I enjoy going to the gym. A good sweat means a great workout, if I don't sweat then I must have not challenged myself to work hard. Exercising I feel, is good for the mind and body.
Laughing can lighten any situation and having a sense of humor is a beautiful trait in a person. I believe having a physical connection is an important element in meeting someone. If II don't have that with you then we will certainly only become friends.

Meet someone special from United States. My closest friends would describe me as being reliable, trustworthly, fun and easy to get to know. I am very close to and love hanging out with my family.....Although, we are truly a house divided! In our family, you are either a Wildcat or a Sun Devil! Out of the four siblings, there are two Wildcats and two Sun Devils! Makes for an interesting and fun rivalry!
I am looking for a companion to share laughter, fun and exciting new times. I would like for this person to be devoted, romantic and a good cook! :)

Date a soulmate from Tucson, United States. Im not sure how to say what I feel inside, about this life we live every day. People come in and out of our lives, for a reason; I hope. I love meeting people, all different personalities, I find them fascinating. I have experienced alot in my lifetime, thus far, I feel so wise, and yet.... I know there is so much more to experience and I can't wait to!!! I have an amazing gift of finding the beautiful qualities in people they aren't even aware of. I always hope to open their eyes to the beauty that I see in them.
I work with my passion for the culinary arts, I have a great career and get to do what I love every single day.
Im also quite philanthropic and am heavily involved in my community. I love life, love the people in it :)
Im a big lover, love to hug all of my friends and associates, kiss children and dogs. Muah! I hope you can all see for yourselves how beautiful and amazing you are in this quirky little thing called life.

Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. I am passionate and love my life, including all the bad times. I try to look at the silver lining in every cloud even the dark stormy ones. I work hard and try to play just as hard; then again everyone needs some relaxation time.
As for what I am looking for… the obvious ones trust, loyalty, faithfulness. It seems like those main three values are disappearing in out society. I would like someone that compliments my life not complicates it. I can’t say it’s a specific look, but I do need to be attracted to you in someway.
One thing I donРІР‚в„ўt like about Internet dating is that it seems like everyone gets a fantasy about how the person is with out neither meeting nor knowing the other person. I have to admit I am guilty too this process. However, I have learned to go with my gut feelings and I trust them very much.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. One would think it would be easier to meet people more organically, but I think at this point in life it isn't that easy. I would like to meet someone who has a dry, witty sense of humor, is intelligent, easy-going but not passive and communicates well. Attraction is a must, but I'm one of those people who never knows who will fit that bill.
I am laid-back but organized, independent but quiet and sarcastic but self-deprecating. I am comfortable doing things by myself if I'm in a new place. I like to travel and have been places by myself and with others. Recently, I've been to Belgium, Amsterdam, Berlin, Wales and throughout Italy.
I've never been one who dates a lot and I have periods of time where I'm not in a relationship. My goal is to have a committed, long-term relationship - I know that takes work but if two people want the same thing at least you have a fighting chance.

. I am sorry, however, contact from 20-30 yr old men is NOT desired. Thx, but it is stated above.
I need a smart, youthful spirited man, who is educated and professional.
I am passionate about many things, and love is at the top. I enjoy treating those around me in a very special way. I am a hard working professional and UA grad student. Busy yet emotionally available.
I can't wait to find a special man to become a part of my "family", but I am patient and realistic. I am loyal, and possess great empathy for those in life who suffer. I will do all I can to bring a smile to someone's face.
My best friend whom I have known since childhood, describes me as "not having a mean bone in my body", but I am sure someone out there might disagree.
I am a hopeful romantic, not hopeless......
I am a mother of a teenager who is growing up all too quickly. I would have loved to have more children, but if she will be my only one, I couldn't ask for a more precious daughter...okay, she is a teen, HOWEVER, she is lovely and a very good girl...most of the time.
I love nature, rain storms, good food, nice conversation, and a fair amount of attention (such as hugs, hand holding, and close contact) from a special man....he must be very special.
I prefer to be around people who are down to earth, and who find it fulfilling to treat the people around them well.
Rewards from hard work are commendable, but excessive materialism can sometimes get in the way of romance.....although diamonds can be quite romantic:) Hmmm, sounds like I am contradicting myself a little......balance, that is what's it's all about. It's nice to enjoy comforts every once in a while, making life more enjoyable, and sometimes, love more exciting! Also my girl friends JEALOUS AS HECK! Just kidding!
The true test of attraction is when two people can officially meet. Looks are not the first priority on my list of wants, but chemistry, character and personality are!
I hope to meet a man who loves to laugh, can hold an intelligent conversation about a variety of events or interests, and is grounded. Most importantly, he should love family, cherish friends and enjoys being a father....if he has been blessed with the amazing gift of children.
Being a good neighbor, and well liked by others are attractive qualities. The relationships we develop and maintain around us are always going to influence who we are, so we must choose wisely.
I believe in the power that we all possess, and the importance of our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
It is our priviledge to be on this vast and amazing planet, a decision that no human chose first handedly to participate in, our lifestyles are something for which we have chosen. Some of our every day nessesities have caused our species to become invasive to our entire planet, and in turn will shorten the lifespan of many diverse creatures....including humans. I feel powerfully drawn to making a difference by working toward erasing some of the footprints that we have left and continue to leave. I wouldn't call myself "earthy" or a tree hugger, or even an activist (yet), however, I am a believer in change, and I'm ready to take the first steps towards it. If you want to teach me a thing or two, I am open. I am not talking merely recycling my household trash (I already do it). It has to go much further than that. I am looking to learn about many feesible options, for myself, as well as for the general public, and I would love, love, LOVE to be responsible for building a "Green" School for children, and "Green" Home for us!
I have strong values, and LOTS of love in my heart. I try to maintain good judgement of character, however, at times, I am easily fooled by false qualities that seem so convincing.
I am trusting until given a reason not to. Sometimes it is instinct that tells me, other times, it is discovered through experience. Once a friend, a true and loyal friend for life.

. My life journey has made me a strong, compassionate person. I consider myself aware, quite assertive, open, healthy, and a thinker. I have a career and a son that demand a lot of time. But, we all need fun..which is why I'm on here! I am a not-so-average girl looking for a not-so-average guy who wants to just have fun (or adventure :) No pressure means possibility in my opinion. I'm open to a great connection, but not ready for anything serious at this point.
Health-both mental and physical-is extremely important to me. I love to be active, and get a great workout. I appreciate fresh air, art, history, exploring, and great conversation. I love to help others. Meditation, hiking, reading, or simply walks at night are good things for the soul. My son is my priority and my most beautiful accomplishment.
I would like to find someone who is honest, positive and fun. I want you to be brave enough to follow your heart---to know what you want and go after it. I need a man who takes charge and recognizes something good when he has it. I want you to take care of yourself..inside and out. I'd love a communicator, but like most men, you prefer not to. Just tell me what's on your mind--I can handle it! I love to listen. Eventually I'd like to settle down with a 'partner'. Not looking for someone to take care of me. Definitely not looking for someone who needs a mom! But, I am pretty domestic. I love to nurture and bring comfort and happiness to others. I am a real woman looking for a real man.

. she would say that im the best, and that im quiet and shy but only until you get to know me. and that i have agood heart'. and that she wouldnt trade for any one else. im the most sweetest person you would ever want to meet.