Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 32 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am a very laid back person. I love to be happy and have fun. I am very easy going. I work in the law field and enjoy it to the fullest.
I am a very lucky mother. I am very involed in my kids sports. We do wrestling, football and cheerleading.
I love to cook and bake...and of coarse shop:). I am looking to get to know someone and enjoy life with :) I must admit, I am a bit skeptical of this whole cite..but I'm willing to take a chance:))

Meet someone special from United States. Let's face it, while I would hope to write something here that is witty and insightful, have you read it and say to yourself, "gee, what an amazing woman", the reality is, the chances of that are slim. You've probably already looked through my pictures and if you've decided to read this, then you've decided I'm at least attractive enough to maybe want to know a bit more. So, if you actually do want to know a bit more, please feel free to email me. I am definitely more than a face.

Date a soulmate from United States. Summing yourself up is a hard thing to do. Basically, I am a down to earth, fun and friendly person. I can get along with everybody and even though I am shy at first, I open up once I am comfortable. I am up for anything and have always said that I would try anything once...twice if I like it. I am serious when I need to be and can let loose and be fun when I want to be. I love romance and to be treated like a lady.
I am looking for someone who is my equal, my partner and someone I can click with. I understand relationships take work and I would want someone who would work as hard as I am at making the relationship work. I am trustworthy and honest and I am looking for someone who has the same values. I love to be wooed and to be with someone who wants to be with me as much as I do. If you treat me well, I will do the same.
A little more about me:
So I thought I would let you know a little more about me:
I am a single mom of 1 preteen son (God help me)
I have a pathetic addiction to reality tv
I am not a supermodel but will always look good on your arm
I read alot, mainly fiction - It's my escape
I make my bed every morning
I'm outdoorsy - in the sense that I enjoy drinking on patios (joke)
I am just getting into yoga
I love watching the rain and the thunderstorms
I love sushi
I hate uncooked onions and beans
I don't have any animals (work limits my time at home)
I enjoy being at home when I can
I hate doing laundry
Doing dishes calms me
I like chick flicks
Scary movies give me nightmares
I go to church
I like to get dressed up and look pretty
I love put on jeans, a t-shirt and a ball cap and going to a baseball game
I can cook (not well but I try)
I have my own home, car and can pay all my bills on my own
Most of my family lives in town and I love spending time with them
I think that's it for now. If you want to know more, send me a message.

Meet a woman from Tucson, United States. Wow!!! It is so hard to talk about yourself. Lets see, I am looking for someone that is honest, trustworthy and that communicates well with their partner. Communication is a big part of a relationship, I want someone that is not afraid to speak the truth even if it hurts. We could always fix the issue at hand, if the other person knows what the problem is.
I am looking for someone that is mature and not here to play games, life is too short for stupidity.....I am a educated, independent, goal oriented. I would like my partner to be goal oriented and ambitious. I know how to have fun and always willing to try new things. I give my all, in anything I do or want to accomplish in life. I enjoy long walks, dancing, family or just staying home and watching a movie.I am an adventureous person as well. If you, would like to know more about me, just ask.

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. I like to have a good time, whether out with the family or friends. And love a good drink and conversation. I like a partner with a good sense of humor and that likes to laugh.
I would love to find someone who would like to travel and likes to explore new places.

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I am back in Tucson after a decade. I am a high school teacher taking a break and indulging in all the life stuff I haven't had time for. I am looking for someone who likes to laugh, have fun but can be low key.
Right now I am spending time reading, cooking, watching tv and movies, spending time with family, working out, and working an easy job. I enjoy having low stress and free time.
I want to find balance in my life and to find the people who I can share that with.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I'm shy at first till i get to know the person more am looking for a relationship.tired of games want someone that is easy going and appreciates things that count. Nobody is perfect just to make life easier

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. My name is keya,im a single mother of two, I have blackish brown hair my eyes are brown im short. I think im a very caring woman I have a very good heart ,what I like to do for fun well im glade you ask! I like to do just about anything&everything. my ideal mate hum let me see? Well someone that knows how to love & what I mean by that is trust someone with your HEART.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. A Boston transplant, trying to adjust to desert life and the heat. Currently I am in school trying to finish up my masters in Social Work (don't even think about trying to use me for all the money I will make)! I am HUGE sports fan (All Boston teams).
I must admit, I like a bit of a bad boy -- not an awful, I'm-going-to-treat-you-like-crap kind of guy, but someone who's going to push me to my limits and then pull back. Truth is, I'm just a nice girl (most of the time) with an east coast swag, who's looking for some fun and companionship (not necessarily in that order). I love funny guys, I love to laugh and laugh HARD. I definitely have an adventurous streak and hope you do too. I am nothing if not honest and loyal. I hope to find the same. If you have a good head on your shoulders and don't suck at life, then feel free to to hit me up..

. About me. Well I can tell u that I grew up in a very conservative household. I consider myself to be pretty traditional. I'm a Christian and having a personal relationship with God is very important to me. I have a real fun personality, I'm outgoing and very social.I love to cook and entertain. I enjoy working out and eating healthy. I'm pretty spontaneous and easy going. When it comes to the things I like or want I can be pretty particular. I'm a girly girl that loves to dress up. ;)
I'm looking for a relationship that can grow into something long term if possible. I would like someone who is hard working and goal oriented. Someone who enjoys being around people (I'm very social, NOT interested in a homebody). I want someone I can laugh with and just experience life with.

. I like to surround myself with people who have intelligence, compassion, and the ability to get along with others from all walks of life. Confidence and the quest to always improve oneself are important also. "Senility begins when learning ends."
Currently I am interning as a therapist at a center that deals with restoring mental health for trauma survivors and does advocacy for sexual assault victims, but I will be transitioning into another position in the helping professions here soon as my MasterРІР‚в„ўs program comes to an end.
In January I started rock climbing and have fallen in love with the sport. Last week I climbed my first 9, for those of you familiar with the numbers. Hoping for 10's by the end of the summer. Overall I'm not a very outdoorsy person, but I do like getting out into nature. I have rafted the Grand Canyon once for 8 days, and am going again next summer. When I'm out in the natural world I can feel myself centering and calming, plus my Big Dog needs walks and loves any time we can get around water.
I'm a huge animal lover, and currently share my life with three rescue dogs and two rescue cats. They are a lot of work, but putting my action where my passion is has been really rewarding. My friends joke that the universe sends me broken animals because I am constantly finding strays or other animals in need of help and doing my best, without overwhelming my own life and resources, to rescue them. (Ask me about the Coyote story.) IРІР‚в„ўm often as amazed as the people closest to me at how these animals seem to find me. Once a stray even showed up on my doorstep and sat outside barking until I came and opened the door for him. A rather strange experience.
Writing is also a great passion of mine. IРІР‚в„ўve been scribbling stories since I was 12. Recently I also started playing around with photography, although IРІР‚в„ўm a base novice in this field.
I'm also really big on family. I am blessed to have a lot of loving cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents in my life and to be close with my mother and father (I'm currently working with them on whittling down their timeline for moving here to Tucson).
ItРІР‚в„ўs important that both my friends and any partner I may end up with have the ability to be compassionate to those less fortunate than them and the voiceless in our world. This can take many forms, but is essential for me. Trust and a sense of well-being are paramount for any intimate relationship I enter into. Even though I was raised on the Disney princesses, I have lived a lot of life and value a more rich and realistic view of love and relationships. I am looking for something serious, but that doesnРІР‚в„ўt mean it has to be you. ItРІР‚в„ўs just what I ultimately want.
Thanks for reading. E-mail me if you are still intrigued.

. Who am I? That's a pretty loaded question. I am a laid back, easy going, easily pleased sort of person. That is not to say I will agree just to make the crowd happy. If I have an opinion, I'll state it. I'm shy when you first meet me but don't mistake it for being stuck up. Once I know you a little I'll give you crap just like I would my own family.
I'm an extremely loyal person. If you have my friendship then you have my heart and soul and I'd walk through fire for you. I prefer a few close friends over 500 fb friends any day.
I love to go out and see new places and try new things. At the same time, I am more than happy to stay in with a few friends playing games, watching movies, or just sitting by a fire and having drinks.
My goal each and every day is to find a reason to laugh. I mean a good, strong, gut busting sort of laugh. So many people focus on the negative in life and I see no point in it. Life is good if you just let it be good. Sometimes it slaps in the face you but you deal with it.
I'm a happy person by nature. I promise that I am not that giddy and overly bubbly person we all want so badly to slap though. I'm not a morning person, a coffee person, or an ASU fan. We might have issues if you are an ASU fan....just kidding. You may not be able to tell in my photos but I do have braces. Not for life, just through the end of the year.
Many of my friends have kids so they all call me "Aunt". I love being an aunt and I am pretty great it!
I'm not looking for someone exactly like me. Just be sure you have a good personality, can carry a conversation, can make people laugh, and most importantly, please know how to make a great drink!
Important side note: if you're looking for a "random hook-up" are looking in the wrong place! Talk to you soon :)