Date women from United States / Arizona / Peoria, 42 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hi! I love to explore new little out of the way places or a backyard bbq is fun as well if you are with the right company. Hole in the wall restaurants, dive bars, or sports bars, out of the way towns...any place that is new is exciting! Chemistry is a must have! I'm most comfortable in jeans and tank tops and flip flops...I always said I wanted to live somewhere where I could wear flip flops year 'round! I work out 5 days a week, sometimes more if I hike on the weekend or run a race, I would like to meet someone that also has a passion for fitness. It would be great to have a partner to run all the races (the races 8k and under, I'm not a marathon runner) in the Phoenix area with in the "cooler" months and hike some of the peaks that I haven't gotten to yet! ! I'm easy going, funny, positive, dependable, independent, a great listener and am just plain bored with the same old thing. I have a 16 year old daughter, no idea where the time went! I am honest and up front. I expect the same. I won't waste your time, please don't waste mine! Looking for fun and friendship and if there are sparks and chemistry I guess the rest will fall into place!
Honesty and integrity are must have's, if you don't have both, please click on the next profile! I am drama free and expect that you are too! I also don't dwell on the past, it seems unnecessary and a waste of time. I'm affectionate, so if that is not your thing, then I am not the girl for you. I like all types of music...hard core rap is the only thing I can't listen to...well and death metal...they both make me head hurt! ;)
Friends and family are very important to me. My daughter and my sister are my best friends, family comes first. Family and friends should be equally imortant to you! I'm an early riser, 7 days a week...I lost that ability to sleep in about 16 years ago apparently, if you are someone that sleeps until noon, we probably aren't a good match, I would rather get up early and get the "chores" done so I can go do whatever adventure/experience awaits me.
I think for now that is probably enough! Afterall, I don't even know you! If you are interested, please send me an email and we'll go from there! **A side note...please have a photo posted (current photos of you not the landscape and/or your car or animals, I'm not looking to date your car or critters) I have a few posted, and it's only fair that we see who we are communicating with :)
Good luck in your search!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I love to entertain my friends and family but I also like eating out and trying new flavors. I am sold on the healthy lifestyle mantra because I think is important to my well-being as well as my family's. My first priority is my kid however soon there won't be much need for supervision.
In my spare time I read, travel, keep domestic and maintain an active exercise routine including hiking, Pilates, Yoga and I hope to get my black belt (in Kung Fu first) in near future. I like to explore things and places with or without a plan and usually the last minute escapades are most fun. I would love to travel more in the future and experience new places not only here in the States but worldwide. I enjoy volunteering in the community which gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Just because I like classical music, opera and ballet it doesn't mean I don't like other music concerts.
There is more to me than meets the eye so the more you know me the more you like the soul within which I believe counts more than the first appearance. I do tend to have long lasting friendships that go on for years rather than have many meaningless acquaintances. It's in my nature to help whenever I can and with the same enthusiasm whether it's friend or a stranger.
I would love to share my everyday with a man who likes to be active and is interested in exploring new places or go back to old places because they were so memorable. With mutual appreciation and respect a friendship can blossom into the most wonderful relationship which can only grow stronger year after year. In the last years I did a lot of self evaluation and I like to believe I learned what doesn't work in a marriage and now I became a much better version of myself looking forward to another chapter. Devotion and loyalty are two personal traits that I value so being attentive comes easy to me. As far as courtship is concerned I am "old fashion"and I don't think of it as an historic way of establishing a relationship to the contrary a great way to give men the best opportunity to do what they are born to do. I like men who know what they want then go get it as long as there is reciprocation. Men who take charge, are funny and responsible are a total package as far as I'm concerned.
So if you are out there looking for something wonderful don't hesitate to send me a message ;)

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I enjoy life and am looking for someone who feels the same. Searching for a friendship with the possibility that it may develop into a lasting relationship.
Let me share a little bit about myself and what I am looking for in a match. I have come to the conclusion that it is not easy to write about oneself but here goes... I am open minded, easy going, positive, sweet, responsible, a great listener and always smiling. My great sense of humor allows me to dish it out as well as take it. I do not dwell on the past. I learn from it and then move forward. Trying new things is always at the top of my list as I believe it is one of the best ways to keep life interesting.
So who am I looking for? Well, my ideal match is honest, kind, confident, considerate, sincere, has a sense of humor, and embraces family values. I would like someone who enjoys going out and doing different things but is also content to stay in. I believe communication is the cornerstone to a good relationship along with the ability to confide in one another.
I think that probably sums it up for now. If you think we could be a match I would love to hear from you.

Meet a soulmate from Peoria, United States. I'm forty-something and finally ready to live life to the fullest. I have a fulfilling career that leaves weekends and vacation time open. I'd love to meet someone who knows who he is and is open to new possibilities.

Date someone special from Peoria, United States. Well here's a little bit about me. I'm not your typical girl. I'm the perfect blend of a tom boy and a girly girl. I'm not afraid to get dirty and love a good challenge in whatever form that comes in whether its a home improvement project or muddy mtn bike ride. However,when it's time to go out I like to get dressed up and be treated like a lady. I'm an honest, sweet, caring individual who lives a healthy lifestyle (I don't drink or smoke and want to be with someone doesn't either).
Life's pretty busy right now...between school (I just got accepted into a physician assistant program yay!!) and spending time with my son. Hopefully in the fall I'll have a better idea as to what my schedule will be like while I'm in the PA program.... I'm sure it's gonna be crazy but it'll be worth it in the end!
I'm not into huge gathering, I prefer smaller intimate settings. Not into clubs or bars. I enjoying going out but I also enjoy relaxing at home. I'm into fashion and love to accesorize. I always dress for the occasion so if I'm going to the gym its sweats and a tank top (however I always match haha) and if I'm going out I make sure to fit whatever venue I'm going to. I'm a strong independent girl but don't let that scare you away...I am a very loving and nurturing person. I always put others first (which is not always the best thing). I know how to be a lady and want my man to be a man.
I was married for 21 years and have been divorced for a year. Since then life's been a lil bumpy so it's been awhile since I've been able to enjoy some of my hobbies: wakeboarding, snowboarding, quading, scuba diving, traveling. etc. Now I mosty spend time with my kids, at the gym or hiking a nearby mountain. I love to cycle and used to teach spin classes. So if you ever want a hiking/biking buddy, I'm in!!
Some of my favs are:
-spending time with my kids
-home improvement projects
-helping others
-fresh sheets
-the euphoria that comes after an intense workout
-the smell of rain
-exercising outside on a beautiful day
-over coming obstacles
-reaching goals
-the smell of fresh baked bread
-a clean car
-mean people
-conceded people
-being cold
-being single
I know what I want....I'm just not sure where you are?!? I want someone who's willing to take the time to get to know each other, take things slow and see where things go from there. I'm looking for someone with integrity, willing to communicate and be honest at all times. Someone's whose a team player and enjoys staying physically active and eating somewhat healthy (I love to bake so you'll have to consume a chocolate chip cookie or cinnamon roll on occasion haha), So if you're at all interested and would like to be a candate haha, give me a wink..

Meet a woman from Peoria, United States. I admire and respect an intelligent man who lives his life with integrity; a man who has balance in his life and enjoys the world he has created for himself. You are not perfect, but a man who stands besides his family and friends, a man of integrity and honor, a man to be respected. When I find the right man for me, I will offer laughter, unconditional love, passion, compassion, understanding, acceptance, support, friendship, and comfort.
I want a partner to share in the laughter, the tears, the ups and the downs, the mundane, and the extraordinary with. I love the person I've become, and I hope to find someone who loves who they are too and wants to add a new layer to their life. Not to change, but to augment and improve. I look forward to finding a man who has a career/job and passions/hobbies he enjoys, who would enjoy sharing somethings with me, but also enjoy doing things without me. If we both have own our passions, it will make sharing our time together even more special! I like to try new things, be it food, activities, thoughts, or places to visit. (Zip lining is in my near future.) I love doing fun things with my kids, and I also enjoy my adult time without my kids. I try to make the most of where I am at and who I am with. I love humor, and I am always smiling.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am a fun loving, adventurous, highly intelligent young women. I love to try new places, new things, new foods. I love to travel and just hang out with family and friends.
I have a great sense of humor,am kind hearted and expect TRUTH and HONESTY from everyone around me, if you say you are going to be somewhere or call then be true to your word.
Dishonesty is a true turn off.
I do not have kids but am open to a relationship with children. I have many nieces and nephews that I love as my own.
I am hoping to find someone to start a possible long term relationship, if you think you can be that person I hope to hear for you.
I love sports: Suns, D-backs (to see the METS play), Cardinals (to see anyone beat them), walking/hiking.
I volunteer at a few places that are close to the heart, Ronald McDonald House and National Bone Marrow Registry.
I listen to all types of music, watch all types of movies and read lots of books, Stephen King, Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson and the list goes on.:angel:
This is true....if you are looking for perfect...keep looking because no one is perfect.... I just admit that I am not up front......

Meet someone special from United States. Are there any "real" men out there anymore?
I am a lady who likes to kiss slowly, forgive quickly, laugh easily, love tenderly and embrace all that life has to offer. I'm adaptable, honest, transparent and don't hold grudges. I love the outdoors, nature, the sea and mountains. I have an inner peace and relish life. I may be rusty about this dating stuff, but I'm not jaded by it. It's even clearer to me that there's not just one person out there. And even if you get lucky and meet a winner, there's a mountain of work ahead, no matter what. It's knowing that the work is worth it, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I'm not looking to jump into anything, but I'm a firm believer in chemistry.
Who am I and what am I looking for. HMMM, well I am a great person, huge heart with a quick witt, so be prepared..LOL Communication is a must for me, cause without it there is nothing that will last for any length of time. I have been told that I am "hot" with class. I am a decent looking woman and my friends (male female) tell me that I am too modest (thank you) but really, I look at what is in the inside...I am a giver, not a taker, but I want my man to know how to treat his lady like a lady and not to forget the lil things over time. I have a huge heart and want someone with the same but not someone that I can walk over. I like all kinds of things that keep me going, a smile is a great start of the day along with a kiss and hug. I love all kinds of animals, lions, horses, tigers and bears, just not the little ones like spiders and slippery things LOL I love horses and dogs and have 2 cats I want my man to be a man, not someone I can just walk over, but not be so much of a man that he thinks he is going to control me either. I offer a lot of good qualities, huge heart, communicator, quick witted, loving and kind yet can hold her own too. I can get my finger nails dirty and transfer to a lil black dress pretty easily. I like most types of music, country to Enimem to Neil Diamond to Creed, etc. Would like to learn line dancing sometime. I can ice skate,snow ski, volleyball, roller-blades, mountain bikes, etc. I stay pretty active. I like to camp, love the ocean, etc. Not too good on sushi, so if you MUST have it, it's California Rolls for me.. I enjoy amusement parks, zoos and bowling, comedy clubs, etc.. Always open to new things , so they may get added to the list. ..
The man I am looking for will be funny, creative, not afraid of PDA, good hearted who knows and shows how to treat a lady, confident but not arrogant, mentally and financially stable and a a good listener.Someone who knows how to dress but can pull off some jeans and a T-shirt and still have my undivided attention. Someone who can't wait to see me again and I them. Someone who gets excited about planning a date just to see me smile and laugh.Why?? Cause that is what I do when I plan something out. Yes guys, the street goes both ways. Someone that wants to talk about my day and really care, not just pretending their listening and when you ask their opinion, the room gets silent, gee wonder why? Hey guys, we do, us women, ok well I do listen and want to learn about you and hear about your day because your day is just as important as mine..again, it's a two way street. I want to be with my best friend, someone that we both can always count on to be there for each other.. I am not looking for a intimate encounter or serial dating, what ever happens, happens... Fate
. If you like what you read and want to know more, well let

Date a woman from United States. I am a teacher in the Peoria district. I am very easy going, like to laugh, and enjoy company. I teach because I enjoy shaping lives and making a difference in the lives of others. I tend to be an overachiever in my work, but am very flexible and like to relax in my everyday life.
I coach girls volleyball, and enjoy playing recreationally.
I would love to travel, but have not had the opportunity to do much yet. I have two teenage daughters who I spend much of my time with.
I don't have a membership so I can't read email that are sent to me.

. I've been described by men as a cool girl, fun, honest and having killer green eyes. I would say I have to agree! ha. I really try to be a person who is honest and does the right thing. I'm a faithful girl too - and this is something I see that is lacking out there quite a bit.
I'm a well traveled person who grew up in the Army. So I have moved around a lot, met many different people and can adapt to change. The military life has it's ups and down's like anything but I would say it has been a wonderful experience and helped shape who I am.
I'd like to meet a guy who is serious about dating and not just on here looking for FWB. There are adult dating sites for that. I love men who can make me laugh - if you make me laugh you will charm me. I also think it's sexy when a man knows when to spoil me and knows when to tell me no.

. Fun gal looking for fun guy!
Hi guys. My name is Diana. I live in Peoria and work in Glendale. I have a job I love to hate! LOL Who doesn't? I am very passionate about my job. Sometime it come home with me when I vent but then for the most part its done. Right now I am the HBIC. I work hard on a regular basis and play even harder. I am looking for someone who can keep up.
My family and friends are amazing. Most are all in relationships so I am usually the single gal which means my dating pool is very shallow. I would like to meet someone who lives in AZ. Preferably in the West Valley. I am looking for a fun, loving, trusting, relationship. I work some serious hours but manage my time well between work and life.
My two most favorite people in the world are my mom and my sister. They ROCK my world!
I am up for trying new things to see if I like them. You have to try everything at least once before you can say that you don't like them. (So my dad said). LOL!
I am affraid of a few things like heights (that is why God made me short) and clowns (terrified to tears). I think I was an ex-circus performer in a former life. LOL!
I laugh at all of my own jokes (if you can't tell). My best friends all call me "small and warm" for all the right reasons.
I like chilling at home, watching movies, listening to music, going to sporting events, going out to restaurants, camping, traveling and down for trying new things and new places.
I am a girlie girl with all the hair, nails make-up and dress up but can get seriously down to earth and camp for days. I have everything from ball caps to heals and everything in between.
Love to cook, camp (girl make GOOD fire!), can be ready to go on an adventure in a moments notice even if its around the block.
I love kids but I never had any of my own. Have helped raise my niece and nephews and kids love me. I have a magic touch when it comes to kids so I am not affraid of starting a relationship with a man that has kids.
Mexico will be my final destination in life. The surf, sand and sun is peaceful and calming. I need to own a place down there in the next 10 years or less.
If you think we might be a match or even have one thing between our profils that match and want to see what else we have in comon, contact me.
If I have a trait that you can deal with, contact me.
If you are looking to mold, bend and change someone, please don't contact me. I have made changes to "Me" over the years and will continue to do so but, on my terms.
If you can deal with that, then "YES" contact me.
Best Wishes to all who read this,
Peace, Love and Happiness!

. I I like spontaneity and adventure, but also enjoy being lazy over the weekend and doing nothing. I will try anything once!
I love to travel, but haven't been able to get out much lately.
I have great friends who are all married so it is difficult to go out and meet someone so I thought I would give this a try.
I would like to meet soneone who enjoys laughing and having fun, who makes me laugh and smile.