Date women from United States / Arizona / Buckeye, 42 year old

Date someone special from Buckeye, United States. I am honest, loyal, dependable, funny, grounded, mixed with a health dose of crazy, passionate, and mysterious. I just moved here and I only know what family I have here. I want someone to spend time with ,show me around, and laugh with.

Meet a woman from Buckeye, United States. I moved to Arizona from Georgia two years ago. Not into hiking like everyone else. Too Hot! I love to laugh out loud and will do so often. I am looking for a man who can laugh with me and not at me unless I deserve it. I want someone spontaneous( is that spelled right). I think that it is hard to find someone as we get older but still have hope. Would like to have a loving long term relationship. I have one son left at home. Two years until he graduates. It is definitely time for me now. Hope you all have good luck on this site.

Date a soulmate from Buckeye, United States. I am high energy yet love to find ways to relax. I enjoy the outdoors. I spend a lot of time riding quads in the desert and I love the beach. I like to try new foods, love dancing, and the occasional party. I work fulltime and spend the rest of my time between family and fun.

Meet someone special from United States. I speak three languages and have multiple Masters degrees. Looking for a smart man who will love to share a bottle of Chianti at the golf course bar while exchanging funny childhood stories and maybe even some political conversations to mello the bursts of laughing out loud. I enjoy flirting and being persued. Business men facinate me, especially atheletic ones. I'm 5'6" but always wear 3-4" heels.I'm a size 6 and dress conservatively, but very sexy. Sexuality is what motivates me, feeds my soul, and keeps me coming back for more.

Date a woman from United States. I want some to grow old with and spend their rest of our live together. Some who will love me everyday as well I will love them. A person who love family and love big family gather. I am great person to be around, love to have fun.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Down to earth, old fashioned, funny, loves family, a great friend, caring, sincere and genuine woman that has not met the man I want to spend my life with.
I work long hours 4 days a week. I am a single mom that works hard at being the best mom ever.
I own my own house and it's very peaceful.
I am looking for that special someone to spend time with......

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I LOVE MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH. I LIKE SPENDING TIME WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY.I'M A HARD WORKER. I'M INDEPENDENT,TRUSTWORTHY.AND RESPONSIBLE.AND A GOOD LISTENER. Ihave a wild sense of humor.I like like to go out to dinner or a movie.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. East Coast girl meets west coast, looking for someone to hang out and have fun with in my spare time. I enjoy surrounding myself with like minded, intelligent people who can keep up with my wit. I LOVE to make people laugh and like the same in return. I enjoy good music of all kinds, travel, entertaining and cherish connections that I believe do not occur by accident. No drama, just sweet, ole' ME! :-). It is important that the man that is special to me, has an even more special relationship with God. I am a one man woman and ultimately endeavor to find the man that I will grow old with. Let's become friends first and see what evolves from there!

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Im hoping to meet new people who share the same interests and values.
Im a very relaxed person, love to laugh and have fun! I have a great job but work odd hours and blessed with 2 wonderful kids.....not much spare time left.

. What can you say in a few sentences that gives a good impression of who you are and what you're looking for.... probably not much.
Ok so honestly I don't get the whole wink thing on here, and I don't respond to winks... if you want to get a response from me you will have to go out on a limb and send me a message. I promise I don't bite!
I'm a great mom to 3 kids and they have always and will always come first for me. I am very active and don't sit around watching tv,
I'm always doing something. My passion is horses and I try to be with mine every chance I get. The most important thing for me is to find someone to laugh with. I know that's what everyone says but, I love to laugh and guarantee that once you get to know me you'll never stop!
The rest I prefer to get to know one on one.