Date women from United States / Arizona / Tucson, 56 year old

Date someone special from Tucson, United States. Hey There!!! I thought I would take a new approach....and list my tools.....I have a conduit bender....ooooo awwww....two chain saws....I like the alligater one...the other one I loan out ...way to scary to use...I have a drill with way too many parts...a drummel I still can't figure out...lots of I really need morn than one?? new day off passion is working with clay...I love to create...I am not toooooo clingy...but like to cling to the right a good way not a needy way...I love passion and I am very touchy feely.......I am looking for that last first kiss! Someone that is open to new ideas...I am pretty easy going..people say I am easy to talk to and make them feel comfortable...I guess I am a people person...good thing as I am a hair stylist and work with people all day...I am not hung up on any past relationships...I have enjoyed all that have come into my life and try to learn from the people I meet. I love to garden...plant flowers...I have a small pond in my back yard and enjoy the changes the seasons bring even in Tucson to my back yard...but more monsoons would be great!! Family is important to me...Give me a chance...I am just looking for an everyday guy.... ;-) don't let anything stop you from chasing your dreams! Must be a non smoker.

Meet a soulmate from Tucson, United States. I am a nice person looking for a LTR with someone special. He must be honest, trustworth, and patient. I want to be able to talk to him about anything and I want him to be my best friend. It would be nice to have some similar interests and also some intersts that I could learn about. My interests include motorcycles, cars, camping , travel, music, movies, and too many to mention. He must love dogs, I have two.

Date a woman from Tucson, United States. I am looking to meet the love of my life. I am kind, considerate, gentle by nature, loving, honest, hard-working, and have high morals and ethics. I am faithful in love. I am seeking a man with the same qualities. I am new to match and have no interest in playing games.Life is too short for that!
I want a man who can tke charge when needed - someone who can make up his mind about simple and important things while still letting me make my own decisions too. In short, if you can't make up your mind, don't expect me to do it for you. I want a man who can be spontaneous, romantic, and fun. I like to go out and do things but still like my time at home.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a woman who Loves to laugh and be positive. I love my children, my two dogs, music, swimming, laughing, playing bad tennis and golf, did I write laughing, traveling, especially on weekend getaways, taking long walks and having great conversations, laughing, reading books that are collecting dust, writing my book that someday might be published if only for Christmas gifts......watching college football and basketball and pro football and going shooting and feeling like Annie Oakley........being with people who want to have fun and seize the moment of this precious life!
I do not care how many times you work out, or if you can go from jeans to a tux in 15 minutes, I can do it in 10!!! I do not care if you go camping and have a motorcycle, I do not participate in or on either!!!! I do not care where you work, or live, or your social status---- I do care about how you treat people, your integrity, your passions, your relationships with your family and your true intent to eventually find a great relationship.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Im looking for a man that loves the Lord more than me, who has a sense of humor, is romantic, compassionate, caring, kind, gentle, knows how to treat a woman like a woman, who shows affection, is respectful and not afraid to show emotion, loves kids, likes to be around family and yet can enjpy some "alone" time.Is considerate and not ashame to open the door and pull out a chair for me. is not too serious but knows when to be, who doesnt mind giving a compliment , one who makes me feel loved , appreciated and beautiful and brings out the best in me so I can bring out the best in him!

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I am passionate about many things. I will not engage in drama. Positive, educated and fun loving person for friendship. Must like German Shepherd Dogs. I am very driven in my work and passions.
I work for a Non-profit 501 (c) 3 Corportation, Rescued Helpers Inc.
I was a nurse for 30 years, traveled abroad and lived in Germany for 10 yrs.
Orignally from the east coast, I prefer Az.

Date someone special from United States. im a country girl that likes the simple life and not alot of drama. im looking for someone who enjoys watching beautiful sunsets or the stars at night and someone who likes me for who i am. i love my family and am real close to them, i am looking for someone that lets me be me and loves me for it.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Oh where to begin. I am a very independent woman and tend to be a bit outspoken. I love the desert and have been wanting to get out and discover what there is in and around Tucson. Having just moved here from the Pacific Northwest the weather is a welcome relief. For some reason I do not mind the rain here as much as I did up in Oregon. One of my habits I picked up in the PNW is coffee, must have my coffee in the morning.
My friends would call me loyal, dependable and someone to turn to when they need support. They also know I have a sarcastic side and tend to not take things too seriously, although I do know how to turn it off when needed.
When it comes to relationships, I feel communication and honesty are very important to have a successful relationship. But, I also believe you don't need to spend 24x7 with someone that each person can have their own interests, their own friends and still have a successful relationship. To me a girls night out or a boys night out occasionally can be fun but I'm also a fan of couple's nights.
I have two grown boys, the oldest is back East and the youngest decided to stay in the PNW for college. I also have two dogs that stayed with my family and I miss them dearly so any time I can get a dog fix I'm thrilled. So now that my kids are grown and I'm on my own I'm looking forward to this next chapter of my life.
My favorite place to go is the beach, I love the ocean, the sound and the smell. Hopefully I can get to San Diego some time soon to play on the beach.

Date a woman from United States. Quiet times together, talking about our day, our plans...being able to enjoy each others presence. I like a calm person, soft spoken. Someone who speaks from the heart. When you enjoy and respect each other anything together is fun. I am very open to travel, passport ready! Love to scuba dive and ski. Would also like to see more of Europe and Asia.
But most of all, on a regular basis I want someone who also enjoys walking or hiking fo exercise and the mind clearing effect of being outdoors!!! That always puts me in a good mood!. Also helps keep in shape!
I enjoy a dinner from the grill,... and casual nights out to dinner. if your interested, lets meet, It's so much better to talk in person.

. I'm a fun, positive person with a lot of energy! I love to spend time with my son who is in college! I’m very grateful and fortunate to be a professional musician… so playing and listening to many styles of music is a big part of who I am. I exercise seven days a week, including yoga, zumba, and running. I have a passion for cooking, and enjoy being outdoors. I love the water... ocean, lake, river, garden hose... I also enjoy some quiet time by the fire… I live a healthy lifestyle, but can always be talked into a cold brown ale and some sweet potato fries!
I'd like to meet a man with a great sense of humor, who has a positive attitude, and appreciates and enjoys life. Someone who likes the outdoors, as well as relaxing and watching a movie, and who also likes to exercise and be healthy. Someone who likes either cooking or eating... or both is a big plus! A large dog lover is a positive!

. The best relationship I ever had was a gay man. We talked about everything and did almost everything together. It would just be nice to have someone to talk to. I can also be a pretty good listener.

. Me: Well, I thought I could write until I tried this! I'm looking for a long term, committed, loving relationship. I don't know how to find that except to meet people, be honest and myself and see if it goes in that direction. Family is central in my life and my small circle of friends are just like family. I have long days and long commute during the week and a few more years until retirement. I love people, but need alone time too. I don't want to be joined at the hip, but hope to be joined at the heart. If it's important to you, I will value it, even if I don't join you in it. I want to travel more, have been a few places, not nearly enough. I'm more of a small sailboat between islands than a floating city cruise ship sort of person, the off-season is preferable to crowds. The exception on my bucket list is the Kentucky Derby. I've been to Churchill Downs, watched them exercise the horses and heard the bugler play the call to the post, but what a thrill it would be to see that race live and in person. I don't care much for gambling and haven't watched a live sporting event since my kids got out of high school. Basketball is my favorite spectator sport-so immediate and up close and fast paced. Live music is important. I tend to the singer-songwriter types. The opening act often outshines the headliner, but then there's people like BB King. Oceans are magical. I like mine crystal clear and warm. But the stormy North Sea has its allure too. Honesty, loyalty, sense of humor,kindness, curiosity and tolerance are qualities I value and think I have in decent quantities. It's funny to read people's take on 'baggage'. If you think you don't have any, you're just fooling yourself. I liked one guy's comment on it: a small handbag is acceptable. I promise to keep mine to a small handbag at most, not filled with scorpions and I won't bludgeon you with it for other people's mistakes. Oh yes, dancing! I take dance classes for fun, exercise and to get out of my head. I want to take ballroom dance classes and intend to be a writer when I grow up.
You: Are still reading, that's a good sign. You're young at heart, happy, interested in the world. You're strong but not aggressive, know your own mind but tolerant of other viewpoints, self-sufficient but looking for a partner to share life with. You don't need constant stimulation or to be entertained, you can make your own fun. Your family/friends adore you and know they can always count on you. You love to laugh and have high moral and ethical standards. I'd like to hear about your interests, challenges, what you're proud of and still want to accomplish.