Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 61 year old - page 3

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Mature, adult, fun loving woman interested in life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. I enjoy the finer things in life, such as fine wines, great restaurants, music , books, the ocean, my family, culture, sports and my employment. I love life and try to find the good and beautiful in each day, perform senseless acts of kindness, and to laugh at myself and with others,explore the unknown, and continue to grow with human understanding.
My motto is to live life with passion and compassion.
Many people walk into your life but only a few leave footprints on your heart.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I don't want to marry you and I don't want to live
with you. You have your space; I have mine. I talk loud,
I laugh loud and most people remember
meeting me. If you are a shy, quiet guy, I'm not
for you. I'm self confident and honest and want
to have fun. I hope you are the same. I give everyone
the benefit of the doubt and view life
very positively. I put my faith in God and dearly
adore my family and friends. I place great value
in integrity. I want a gentleman who treats me like
a queen....and I will treat you like a king! Hold
my hand, make me smile and laugh and kiss me
softly. If I ask you if my rear looks fat in this outfit,
tell me the truth. Always tell me the truth. Honor
and respect me, as I will you. Let's be best friends,
and companions and always be excited to see
each other!

Date a woman from Phoenix, United States. Me:
Fun, witty and in love with life, I am looking for someone who is interested in a partner who is actively looking forward to the rest of life and not ready to let go and vegetate. Still want to travel, go out to dinner, have new experiences and add to another persons life in all ways. I am a creative person, a jewelry designer and have been involved in the arts since I was in grade school. I try to be honest and truthful in all that I do and can pretty much say there are no hidden agendas Not completely physically fit but I am working on it. I go to the gym 4 times a week and do some weight lifting. I like to cook but don't cook much for myself. Done the domestic goddess thing and don't plan on being that again(at least for awhile). Boredom is not an option, intellectually, socially or sexually. I do know how to kick back and have a good time just enjoying life and like to have large amounts of fun, Laughter and honesty is a necessity. Communication is a must, strong and silent types need not apply. Love new experiences but I'm not ready to jump out of a plane yet. Not into one night stands, dating guys with previous relationship issues and definitely no married guys.
Classy romantic, comfortable and secure. Yes, romantic, but that does not mean I am looking for everyday grand gestures. Can hold your own intellectually. Occasionally reads books and can talk about them. Loves all sorts of music from opera to rock to country. Ever the gentleman, doesn't get bent out of shape if I get to the door first. Keeps up with life today and reads beyond the sports page. Aware of your health - tries to live a healthy lifestyle but still enjoys ice cream or cheesecake occasionally. Able to communicate, honestly with grace in all aspects of life. Has a sense of spirituality, doesn't have to be a regular churchgoer but has to have a reverence for God if not a faith. Enjoys watching sports but is not a fanatic, Someone who enjoys the outdoors but also doesn't mind an evening of just being together. Uses punctuation, grammar and is punctual. A guy who can drink responsibly and enjoys a great glass of wine or a kick ass shot of tequila but doesn't over imbibe.
So if you have gotten this far, you may be thinking "what a picky broad" or worse. For those that continue - I am old enough to know what i do and don't want in a partner and I don't want to waste anybody's time. My goal in life is to find someone who is compatible with me, who is willing to take a chance at having a great rest of our lives and has gotten to a point in their life where that is a priority. Please no married or separated people, i prefer all issues to be resolved before we start talking. Every email will be treated with respect, saying that I would hope that your emails would be polite and respectful.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am funloving, attractive and well educated. I have a keen sense of adventure. I love to dress to the nines, but am just as comfortable in blue jeans. Love romantic dinners, quiet nites by the fireplace, pubs, art galleries, or going to a great movie. Comedies, romance, and action drama are all great. I really enjoyed Arthur, Failure to Launch, When Harry Met Sally,and Pretty Woman to name a few. Love to travel, scuba dive, shop, read and do spur of the moment trips! Surprises, roses and hugs are high on my list as well. If you haven't figured it out, I love life and living it to its fullest!! Dancing-almost any kind-is great fun--I'm full of energy and zest for life, although I tend to be very inquisitive, but shy when I first meet people I do not know very well. I do not like to play games and am really very content to be on my own--dating isn't my top priority. I'm looking for that special numero uno person to spend my time with--I want him to be my best friend, lover and confident. I am looking for a committed relationship. My last love of my life!I love adventurous, fun, silly, romantic, caring people. If he has had a rough day, I would be there to listen and give him a shoulder to lean on. I would expect the same of him. I am well-educated and would like my mate to be the same. I'm attracted to what's on the inside--can you make me laugh, feel warm all over, dry my tears after a sad movie??? That special person in my life must be respectful, dress well (whether its jeans or tux) and be healthy and confident--baggage is always around, but should be placed in the bottom bin when attempting to have new beginnings :). Honesty, integrity and a warm heart are an absolute must. So if you think we may be compatible, please send me a note. I am looking for a very special relationship with mutual interests, and most of all-- best friend to be a part of my life. Oh yes, I love cooking and kissing!!! I am a therapy pet trainer and have multiple pups around both for training and for personal pets.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Looking for companionship and most of all friendship. Laughter and compassion are important attributes in any close friend. In return, I would be a loyal friend who makes themselves available in good and bad times.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. The perfect person for me would be someone that laughs at life instead of getting mad at life. I am the type of woman that enjoys romance, fun and anything new. I want someone to have as much passion about living as I do. For we are only on this earth for a limited amount of time and should make the best of the time we are here. I want someone who likes taking care of their body physically, emotionally and mentally. I think we all are looking for that someone who we connect with on all three of those levels in some way.
I could go on and on about physical appearance, and yes it is important to me as well as it should be with you. I would love to meet someone who can just sit and talk for hours about anything. I want someone who will be there for me first in mind then in spirit, and that I can be there for emotionally and mental. I think we are all looking for our soul mates in life and that's what I am looking for too. I like surprises so I will surprise you with the notes, flowers or a date out.
If you're over weight pass me by. I want someone who enjoys taking care of his body. If you have no photo
I will not answer. In all fairness, I have photos you should too.
I am a person who follows through on promises or things that I say I will do. I'm enjoy people who are available and follow through
with what they say and do. I'm a hospice volunteer. I"m really good at listening and I have humor and compassion for all people.
I love to giggle and always have a smile on my face. I have a adventures spirit.

Date someone special from United States. I am a lot younger in my mind than my body! I love traveling, spending time with my kids and the most adorable grand kids in the world. I love working, because I like having enough money to pay the bills and have fun-and I love having a reason to get up in the morning! I like to go to the casino (when I win) and I like shopping (on line mostly). I don't think I am frivilous though. I love to cook and entertain. I like having fun. I want someone who is patient and tolerant, understanding and not afraid to voice his opinion. I also like someone who can make me laugh and isn't afraid to try new things.

Meet a soulmate from United States. My friends describe me as a very attractive, nice person. I truly enjoy making people smile and find the positive in every situation .
The person I would love to meet will be secure within his self, happy and wants to enjoy life with a special woman on his arm.

Date a woman from United States. I'm an open, caring woman who loves life. In a relationship I tend to be spontaneous (such as a hug in the kitchen or a kiss as we pass in the hallway), passionate, flexible and fairly easy going. I'm up for learning new things (anyone want to teach me golf?) and enjoy being with people. I don't do drugs and would prefer not to be around those who do. I don't like gossip and am content to let other people live their lives without an audience or unasked for opinion. I like sitting down with good music and a book in the evenings, or going out and meeting friends, enjoying dinner, a movie, a concert and living life. I can usually find humor in most situations and love to laugh, but do know when its not appropriate. I'm intelligent and would prefer to be with someone who is also intelligent and knows what's happening in the world. I have traveled a lot (I've been to all but one state...can you guess which one I've missed?) and would be frustrated with someone who has never left the county (much less the country) and doesn't plan to. I love the beach, mountains, culture, history and anything else that you can travel to see, even if its a local museum. I am stable, secure and not afraid to ask when I don't know something. I'm not desperate to find a mate but would like to find a long term partner, with or without marriage, to create memories and experiences with. Although I am ordained and work as a chaplain, I am not a Bible thumper and teach World Religions because I enjoy learning about all religions. I am not so arrogant to think that my journey is the only one to take.

. I'm mature, basically happy with my life, love to have a nice evening with a companion, looking for friendship and possibly more. Are you? Maybe we should get to know one another. You never know what could happen.

. I'm looking for someone to enjoy life with me, to relax and laugh and cuddle and talk. I'm looking for someone who wants to go out and do positive and interesting things with the rest of his life, who cares about giving to and sharing with others and sharing himself and his time with me.
My children are grown, and independent, but still dear and close to me. My son is in the SuperBowl event picture with me. All three climbed Kilimanjaro with me in February 2010.
I had a legal separation decree for years after my near-ex developed early dementia. I balanced taking care of him and living my own life. He is now deceased. I find joy every day, and am not interested in approaching life as a victim of circumstance. I work full time as a lawyer, but most days and weeks also find time to relax. My yoga practice has helped me stay pretty grounded and open.

. I am the fourth child of 12. I like to be close to my family and I help my parents and my two girls as much as I can. I like to cook and stay at home but enjoy good concerts. I like to keep my clothes as much as they can be presentable and as much as they fit me. The family for me is very important. I like to improve my community by being involved in something that can improve the way we live. I smile a lot because when I don't do it everybody things that I am mad. I like to eat and never read how many calories I am eating.