Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 61 year old

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. Conformity is a concept I’ve never quite come to grips with. As a kid I seldom stayed in the lines when I colored and my stories like my pictures were consistently more colorful and diverse than the others… So it’s not as if I woke up one morning and decided to bare my soul to a group of total strangers in the off chance that one of the single women might feel we have something in common and contact me… or write so little that substance and fault are undetectable.
I’ve spent the last twenty four years being a parent and the last seven of those as a single dad. I’m awed by the accomplishments of my three sons and avoid taking any credit, after all, the debt we owe your parents we pay to your kids and in my case I feel that account will never be satisfied. My parents shaped me with an abundance of love and an exemplary marriage which brimmed with resolve, compromise compassion and affection. They helped craft and hone those essential parenting skills and after all these years I can say with modest certainty… I did them proud… I’ve a deep passion for what I do and for now I can’t see myself slowing down.
I’ve dated periodically over the past number of months; I’ve kissed my share of frogs, met my share of “misrepresentations,” and met a few heart stoppers. I guess that’s the way of the world, and my unfaltering enthusiasm remains intact… of course I lie…
I shun using words like chemistry, spark and connection to describe a relationship for fear we relegate ourselves into carrying a zippo lighter, copy of the periodic table and set of jumper cables. I want what Mom and Dad had… that old fashion love that’ll carry you through till you draw your last breath. Yea I get it...endorphins, oxytocin, dopamine… but I’m talking about that deep abiding love, forged, cast, cut, etched into every fiber of our being…. That love, that fulfillment only satisfied with loving someone who loves me, caring for the woman who cares for me, indulging my dreams… knowing that the love of a woman will go a long way in fulfilling that part of my life, “that wanting”…that wanting to share, sharing intimacy, sharing lives, sharing the passion that comes with a single kiss or passing glance. I want to share the beauty of the moment, laughter, good food, great wine, tenderness, thoughtfulness, family, and friends.
There is a profound sense of excitement, of gratification, “of being,” when you’re in love. There is a required level of intelligence that allows for that graceful transition from one phase to the next, not mistaking comfort for complacency, each partner equally charged with finding their own happiness within that relationship, while ever mindful of the needs and wants of the other. For what other reason would we be here? Thanks for your time.


Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I currently cannot read emails.
Please check things FOR FUN to see if we can make a great life CONNECTION. No ghost hunts please.
I am a straight shooter. A country cowboy gentleman raised in the glorious pinelands of southern New Jersey. Honesty, respect and integrity are values that strengthen life and relationship and my Mom and Dad raised me up that way. I try very hard to always understand other folks' feelings and go out of my way to never step on anyone's toes. As the ol' John Denver song said: "Thank GOD I'm a country boy".
Life's goofy twists have left me with little money, but a wisdom of what is important. Loving and sharing precious times with a great friend are for TODAY and become memories to spend over and over; and thoughts that color my mind and soul with spiritual riches. A country boy can survive!
I am a hard worker in all that I do and am very task specific and detail oriented.
I am a retired civil engineering map maker (digital cartography, SAT imagery, software systems).
I work side jobs these days, mostly landscaping and yard maintenance. I was a partner in a landscape service for 5 years and can kick butt on most yard work. I enjoy working outdoors.
I created 2 small tree nurseries over the years, mostly evergreens. One was a 700 tree stock on an acre of very fertile land (dubbed Homesoil Nursery). The second was a 1200 tree stock, also in south Jersey, on 5 acres of pine barren's sandy soil, named Wildlife Farm. Yeah, that was me you saw on my knees in the rain and mud planting my baby seedlings into their nursery beds. Such a beautiful and peaceful sight when the winter snows would fall and frame the emerald of the coniferous youngsters, painting a magnificent scene in the backyard. Artwork from hardwork and pride...
When space is available in my living structure gardening is a must. I have a green thumb and I don't like to let my thumbs twiddle. Freshly picked garden produce...served at the supper table...the flavors are still pulsing with their life energies.
I enjoy cooking, cleaning, painting and all general household chores and home maintenance. I have done most all the cooking and baking (also have a white thumb) in my homes for 40 years, but have no problem stepping aside for another chef in the house. I am a cook...not a chef.
Cycling is my recreational exercise of choice. I have logged many miles throughout the pine barrens of south Jersey and am now finding new riding routes here in the desert. I enjoy walking/hiking thru scenic areas. I like free weights to build and maintain strength.
I write a lot: prose, songs, short stories. I enjoy most all kinds of music from different eras. Classical (especially Mr. Beethoven) from centuries ago, Bessie Smith blues from early in the last century, country, beebop to ELVIS to BEATLES to Aerosmith to Blackeyed Peas...not so crazy about RAP however, though some is okay, HIPHOP rhythms are alright once in a while, but some I can't wrap my headphones around. An all time favorite is Charlie Chaplin's "Smile" sung by Nat King Cole...great song with so much wisdom.
I like a good cigar and a few beers. I can "hang out" with friends but more enjoy the pleasure of a more private and quiet home life.
I am a PUNSTER...I can make you laugh and smile...big and sunshiney!
One on one time with a loving partner is my favorite thing. I am a workhorse in a relationship. I do everything I can to give my partner love, respect, and an ease to fulfilling a happy day. Conversation and creativity between two spirits...the desire and need to do TODAY together...spend our time as best friends...that is what I like with my love and partner.
I fall in love easily, maybe too easily, and want to devote myself to my love and best friend. I am wanting an honest and loving spirit that wishes to join me in life. I can make a day more loving, more romantic (I am a hopeless romantic) and easier to live. I am looking for a best friend to share the glow

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. I'm like all the other songs, I'll grow on ya, like those other songs. You just have to take the time to listen.....TCM had a tribute to Ernest Borgnine, and I watched the movie 'Marty...." very interesting. The dynamics of meeting someone in the 1950's was just as goofy as it is today. Watch if you get the chance....Please
I relocated from Sedona, after living up there 6 years, to the Biltmore area, Phoenix, in December of '09. I like it here living with a view of the pool, palm tees and hummingbirds I am in Tucson, Sunday afternoons, Mondays and Tuesdays, fulfilling an awesome business opportunity. . I am a US Navy Vietnam veteran and successful entrepreneur. Xpertise Consulting, a self employment endeavor as a telecom tech / consultant, is a pursuit of happiness, I enjoy, along with my real estate investments, rental income provides, financial security. You will find me on my Catrike "expedition" tricycle Saturday Sunday mornings getting 25 miles each morning. In December 2003, I became a "failure", I failed at retirement at age 53.. I tried and somewhat enjoyed being a Sedona Jeep Guide, for 3 years, so I know all the special places up there. Meanwhile, I have been on here way too long and I suspect this venue attracts ladies that are not fond of facial hair. (sigh), hence my long tenure on here. I trimmed to very very short recently and in my opinion, I look better with it than without. Gleaning from another profile I read on here and liked, "I'd rather find a lifelong friend who might become my lover, rather than a short term lover that would never be me friend", sums it up.Thank you to "saliing lady" for allowing me to use this many years ago.. If I am at Sky Harbor airport, or any airport and i see uniformed military on line, let's say at a Starbucks, I will go to the head of the line and pay their bill and thank them for their service. I did this at a Chipotle once in Tucson, all 4 Air Force men women were leaving for Afghanistan the next day ! Nevertheless, I believe I am non controlling, compassionate, honest, witty, open minded, gifted, handy and savvy and I look for the same in a friend whether they be a man or a woman.It is important to know....being handy would not be a deal breaker.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. just a average country guy who looking for lovewho can;t seem to find the right ladywho looking for the same thing i am looking for just any ladyany size any age any race any one that want to go out and have some fun

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Story Edit
I am I retired Architectural Signage Designer, I have a daughter and a grandson that mean the world to me.
I am heavyset, working very hard to fix that (started working with a personal trainer, he really kicks my .....but it feels great).
I ride a custom motorcycle trike. Photography and Percussion (drums) are very important to me.I currently have a one man show at Central Arizona College I am a good cook and I smoke my own meat which are both more enjoyable when you have a significant other to cook for.
I am kind of an old hippy just trying to make peace with the world and looking for someone to share it with. Friends first, the rest takes time.
I usually don't like to talk about this up front, but meeting people on the web is becoming very strange. Most of the time outside of my house I walk with a cane. If you need someone to hike up a mountain or take you out dancing, I'm not that guy. If that is not a deal breaker, I'll be happy to tell you everything about it. I am still active, it just takes a little longer to get where I am going.
I have no specific type that I look for. I want someone that is comfortable in her own skin. An affectionate and caring person, that is not afraid to show it. A good friend first, lover second. It would be great if you rode or at least liked motorcycles. I have three cats that run the house, if you don't like them, you can't come in.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. A fun loving person with a sense of humor and enjoys life. I am very adventurous person who loves to try new things. A really cool date would be to see a great play or concert have a romantic dinner and have a great conversation. Very creative and loving.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. I am easy fit for a woman that values things that money can't buy like character, loyalty, love and trust. I meet a lot of people, and I love people, but I haven't been able to find the woman that the one for me.
So I'm still hoping to find a strong mutual attraction, that leads to a great relationship. I'm really hoping to meet the woman that is happy to be with me, and I with her, and we just naturally grow to support and love one another. I'm still hoping that she's out there somewhere still.
I'm a rather straight forward and honest guy, and I'm not good at the brutal rules of the game of love, which in courtship often mean practicing a certain kinds of power plays and being mysterious. I don't know how to be phony. I know that I've been passed over by some women that I would be very interested in because they think that I'm too old, or that I don't make as much money as some women want a man to make. My last girlfriend was a millionaire, so she did not care. As far as age people age at different rates.
I do age slower than most people. I've always had a lot of energy as well.
I'm semi- retired. But I have some business interest that still could turn out very well. I still hope to meet a woman to become my girlfriend, and see where that takes us. But I'm open to find my true love. I enjoy my life every day anyway. People often comment on how happy I am.
I'm a former restaurant owner so I can get in the kitchen and cook for you, or with you. I like to do things with my lady friend that help us bond like that. we can take walks in the evening, or travel together, or just share some common interests. I'd take you out dancing. I know that my well is deep, and not just every woman will want to draw from it, nor would I want them to.

Date single man from United States. HI i am a retired police from NJ moved to AZ 15yrs ago, i live and work in scottsdale, i work for FORD 60hr a week. i am NOT looking for a onenite stand but someone that like to have fun, dinner, trips , going places , someone that need TLC and like to give TLC, someone i can talk to and someone that like to talk, , i am new to this so don,t LOL

Meet a soulmate from United States. Single man,never married.I consider myself out going,fun,and able to maintan an intelligent conversation.I believe that chivalry is not dead,and will go out of my way to be that perfect gentleman.
I am seeking a woman with similar intrests as mine,
will share her interests with me,and discover new interests with me.
I prefer a non smoker,social drinker,that has the ability to hold an intelligent conversation,but can listen as well. Someone that can make me laugh,and appreciate the blessings that God has to offer u.

Date someone special from United States. I enjoy going out to dinner,to the movies, going for walks holding hands, and being together with the one I am in love with. I love to travel and weekend trips sightseeing, or even day trips. I also enjoy being at home in bed watching movies and having long talks, spending time together just being in love. I have 3 adult children and 5 grandchildren and really enjoy spending time with them. I live alone and have been for a while now so I am intrested in finding a lady that will be my soulmate for the rest of my life. I am very open and honest and will tell all. I am now 61 years young and living alone for the past 2 years so now ready to move on with the love of my life

Meet a man from United States. I have been a trial attorney for 36 years, mostly representing insurance policyholders who have been cheated by their insurance company. For music, I love classic rock and country. Love to go to karaoke and sing some George Strait or Josh Turner. I run every day (I ran the NY Marathon years ago). I'm told my sense of humor is the best and I've actually written some comedy but never performed it. Kauai is my favorite destination, been there many times. I have 3 kids, ages 23-30, all doing fabulous and very talented, probably having nothing to do with me.! I've been a "jock" all my life, always in very good shape, no worries for you there. I've been very active in charity work over the years, currently assisting the handicapped by volunteering every week at Horses Help. I have founded several charity golf tournaments for The Leukemia Society, United Blood Services, etc. I've been single over 3 years and am very ready to find that special someone. Finally, I'm a romantic and cuddling guy so you've been warned if the chemistry is right. Ok, what am I looking for?? I'm looking for someone who is happy, fun loving, never overly serious, affectionate (including PDA's), drama free, responsible and, of course, attractive to my eyes. I'm not particular about your job or profession as long as you are dedicated to it. I'm not looking for anyone who's "Scottsdale" or high maintenance so if you only want to go to the high end restaurants, please look elsewhere. But don't worry, I do own a tux and can play the part. I love Vegas so someone who enjoys going would be nice (but I'm a low limit player-it's just entertainment). I would like someone who's physically active and in shape. I want someone who loves music as long as they don't think "rap" is music. Finally, though politics isn't really of interest to me, if you think Sarah is great or should be President, I ain't your man! I've covered pretty much everything but I've saved the best for last.......I have hair, my own teeth, and I shower outside my doublewide every Saturday night (weather permitting, of course). So if that doesn't cinch it for me, I'm in trouble!