Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 30 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am recently divorced and looking to start over in my life. My son is my first priority. I graduated from high school 12 years ago (yes, it's been along time)and never returned back to school as I am wanting to become a CNA since I have such a passion to be around the elderly. I am currently living in my parents guest house untill I can get back on my feet again, I am very close to my mom and we tell each other everything. I love to have fun,very easy going person, love being around people love to laugh and especially love to Dance. I love affection and be
complimented. (What girl wouldn't (:
My #1 thing I am looking for is someone who has kids or someone who enjoys kids. Someone who enjoys the same interests as me. If you want to know more or have any questions message me. thank you

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Hi!!!!!
Yes that is generally the best pick up line out there and is a good warm up to the other cheezy lines that usually follow...
Anyways, I am a single 30 year old woman that is currently a full-time nursing student who is super passionate about the new career change. Yep, my life can get pretty hectic but I still love to go out and meet new people in my spare time and try to learn a thing or two in the process. So if you are someone who say doesn't have a lot of interests or hobbies or doesn't like a nice witty conversation around the dinner table I may not be for you. I am looking for a sweet, charismatic, witty, loving, loyal, easy going, romantic guy who interests me. Of course taking care of oneself never hurt but generally us females are more attracted to the personality and attitude vibes from a guy than just nice toned abs or good hair. Lets face it good pillow talk is a must!
Who am I? Good question, I am a brutally honest, very witty, but extremely loyal and true blue girl that is pretty secure in my own little world but always looking to expand my horizons and of course meet a new guy in my life. I generally don't take myself/my life too seriously, life is short so might as well be happy. I love to ride my bike around downtown Phoenix during the weekends to meet up with friends and am a pretty casual chic yes I own lots of products from the girls fav Sephora, but I would prefer to sleep in, let the long blonde hair dry in the wind and try to remember a hair tie for school. I like things that make me smile and laugh a lot. So if any of this catches your eye or interests you, well you know what to do...

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I,Ve been hurt so many times but I don't think that should make me shut the door against love. I am a humble and easy-going girl who just wants a good man to always be in his arms and kiss before leaving for work. You could drop me your cellphone number if you wanna get in touch.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am a single woman looking for someone to share my life with. I have a 13 year old son that I have full time and a part time student working on a degree in accounting. I enjoy laughing....matter of fact this is important to me...laughter soothes my soul. I believe life is to short to waste on anything that doesn't make you happy. I follow my dreams and continue to grow. Life is all in perception

Date a woman from United States. Hilariously loud, adventurous, sincerely candid, live stand-up sense of humor, ambitious and wise are some words my friends would use to describe me. I've been told that I could be intimidating, I have a 'you don't want to fox with me demeanor.' In actuality, I'm extremely friendly, a sweetheart, and I have a heart of gold. I love to be outdoors enjoying the day, checking out something new in my local area, relaxing at home, and spending time with my family or friends. I'm originally from Chicago and moved to Phoenix over three years ago to change careers from orthopedic surgical sales to becoming a special education teacher in 'high-needs' schools. I've learned early that life is so much more beneficial when you're fulfilled with the love of others, and sometimes helping a perfect stranger makes my own life enriched, beyond my corporate earning years. I'm also extremely motivated and a self driven woman. I know what I have, know what I want, and have ideas of where I want to go. I just want to be holding hands with someone great when I cross some finish lines of life.
My social life consists of going out with friends weekly, speeding across Phoenix on my bike, finding the best spots to eat, or shopping with my mother on Sundays when it's not football season. Whenever I can, I hit the road and head to the nearest beach, like California or Mexico. I'm not really into 'da club' scene but I do enjoy a great sports bar or wine bar.
I'm looking for someone who is kind, open-minded, is funny, has integrity, is a strong man, and enjoys being active. I like a man who is goofy, a bit obnoxious, and can hang with the best of them. I love sports and I would love someone who loves going to games and watching live sports. I like someone who likes taking risks, being adventurous, and giving new or unique experiences a try. I want someone who is confident in their own ideas, a person who values family, and has ambitions for their own life. I love a romantic guy, not a materialistic man. I want a 'Say Anything' guy, someone that would stand out my window with a boom box rocking to some 80's love song. Well, not exactly that, but someone with soul and spirit. When it comes to relationships I'm more of a traditionalist. I want a relationship of experiences, honesty, passion, lots of laughs, and a continued sense of romance.

Meet someone special from United States. The first impression that people get of me is that I am quiet, but once I get to know you I am out going and am a kidder. I was raised in Oregon, I lived in Arizona for 2 years, moved back to Oregon and now have decided that Arizona is the place to be, so have decided to come back. I taught second grade up on the Navajo Reservation, I can say it was an experience. I am a third grade teacher and just ended up getting a teaching job at another school for the next years academic school year.
I like to stay active whether it be playing soccer, exercising or going on hikes. I am very down to earth, I am a hard worker and pride myself in doing the very best in what ever it maybe. I would like to travel and see what the world has to offer. I got back about a month ago from an amazing trip to Turkey,I would definitely return.
I enjoy my friends because they have helped out through some difficult times and respect my family.
I guess I am looking for someone who is down to earth, likes to travel, and enjoys working out. Someone who knows how to balance his work and personal life. I like a man to have a good sense of humor, but also knows when to be serious. He likes to be adventurous like me and would never say no to trying new things.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I am looking for some one who honest caring,lovely,passionate,respectful,handsome,truth
ful,trustful,some one who don't lie some one who always tell the truth some one with good heart and some one with always in believe of what ever is doing so please let me know if you are interesting on me because i was been cheated before so how can i have a trust and faith that you wont do the same to me,Well who knows life is short when we understand each another i think things will be alright for us ,

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. Four words that best describe me:
Hard Worker
I love to travel and read. I like meeting new people. I am adventurous, I would like to travel to Europe one day. I don't like to fail so I am always setting new goals for myself. I think you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. I am originally from New York, but I have been here in Arizona for more then half my life.
What am I looking for: I am looking for someone who is funny, intelligent and not afraid of hard work. Someone who I can laugh with, have fun with and someone who is up for a little adventure. Someone who would be interested in going out or staying in and not afraid to laugh at themselves.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am an adventurous woman, always willing to try anything and go anywhere. New to the dating scene...but excited for the possibility of meeting someone who lives life to the fullest! I am a bit of a workaholic, but I play just as hard. Looking for a guy who is compassionate, creative, and would rather go on a day trip than sit at home!

. Hey there. I am an out-going 30 year old who spent the last ten years conquering two and a half degrees and figuring out who I am in life. I am looking to meet someone with similar values, beliefs and loves to have a good time. What I want in a partner is so stinking easy, it is so ridiculous that it is hard to find. I want to be with someone who knows who they are 110%. No more soul searching, or self-discovery. I want this person to be settled in his life, have conquered school and a degree, and well-established in his career. Well-read is a must. If I date one more guy who thinks "heighth" is a word, I might scream. I would like for him to be close to his family, have great friends, and really care about people around him. Self-centered is not an option. Someone who opens car doors, and believes in "ladies first." Someone who will sit around on a Saturday and watch college football with me all day, but be willing to go out and do something silly on a moments notice... Maybe take a weekend trip to where ever sounds brilliant. Hop on a Harley, take the Mustang.... Whatever is clever. Someone who actually loves me for who I am as a person, and gets past the fact that I have a pretty face (yes, I am aware I do not look like a foot). I would like to be with someone who shares the same thought that we have one body and we need to take care of it. I am not a big drinker, and really don't care if someone drinks, as long as it is in moderation, and is not the only way they "can have a good time." Someone who cares about his appearance, works out, plays sports, and eats right (splurging is a MUST every now and then). I also would like to be with someone who understands the importance of communication and silence. Trust, honesty, and being upfront are beyond important. I am not into drama, and I quite frankly cannot stand it. I do not yell, I discuss. I do not expect someone to just "know" what is bothering me; I tell them. I would expect the same from a partner. Someone who is kind, considerate, believes in the little things, is well educated, loves his family and friends, and takes care of himself. That is pretty much it. Tends to be I am attracted to the brunettes who are tall (isn't hard for this 5'1" chickadee to find guys who are tall), and have good smiles and good arms (better for hugging).

. I am secure & happy with myself, but...Life is meant for 2!! A little bit about myself: I enjoy travel, camping by a lake, Comedy Clubs & Dinner Theater, music, & celebrating special occasions. I am self-sufficient, independent, honest, I have a great sense of humor, & family & friends are very important to me. A man who ONLY has eyes for me & can make me laugh are important qualities! No Pressure! Let's just relax...become friends & get to know each other... and see what happens.

. I'm a simple girl who enjoys the simple things in life. I am a lover of music, art, business and life overall. Staying positive is important to me (Although, I'm willing to admit, I fall off the happy wagon from time to time). Still, I'm willing to share a smile just about anytime with just about anyone. I am easily awe-stricken, which can be humorous for most sometimes. Watching the sun rise on my drive into work takes my breath away. I love nature and a good storm. I am goal oriented and have a good job that I work hard at, but am okay with change and getting away from it all..for an extended period of time ;-). Family and friends are important to me and I love spending my down time with them. Whether it be going to a movie, game night or an on-the-fly vacation. I really just enjoy spending time with the special people in my life. I'm not the best cook in the world (let's just get that out in the open now ;o)...). I cook and think I tolerate my cooking really well... but my brother is an executive chef so I grew up around great food and have an appreciation for it. I don't eat fast food and I love fresh, good food! I enjoy going to Farmers Markets and just being outdoors in general... well, most of the time. I try to stay active. Enjoy walking and really like hiking, but do it more for the journey than the cardio. I tend to curse like a sailor in the car while driving, but even when I'm fired up, I'm truly a lover, not a license plate will prove it.
I am a singer and I take guitar lessons...where I come up with song ideas and have my guitar instructor play them like the professional he is as I sing the melody. I am currently working on a solo project after being in a few bands. Music is one of my all-time loves and I would love to share that with someone someday.
Honesty is extremely important to me. I know everyone probably always says that and can't handle the truth, but I believe it truly is important. I'm looking for someone to share a respectful relationship with...hopefully lifelong. Someone who can teach me a few things, but isn't afraid of learning either. I'm lookin' for a man who isn't afraid to snuggle up under the covers and enjoys getting away on the weekends. Let's just drive and get lost and sleep under the stars!
So if you feel like you might be interested, don't hesitate to email :o)