Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 66 year old

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I'm warm and very honest lady and English is my second language. People describe me as a lovely person, friendly and easy to get along. I'm grateful for having 2 wonderful kids, 2 grandkids that I adore. Life is so beautiful but very short, I'm hopping to find my right man to share all of these with him, as well with his family, must be honest, sensible, one woman man, secure of himself, financially secure, able to give and receive love and understanding, to respect me as a person, this goes both ways, a lot of communication between us because this is the secret to keep a very healthy relationship; somebody easy to get along, who loves music, and life and he will be willing to live it with me with a positive attitude.
I look and feel younger than my calendar years, I wear heals when the occasion allows, people tell me I'm very classy, attractive and sensual lady. I am a very positive person too, no matter what the situation is I will look it before I judge it to get into a final conclusion....
I'm passionate about life, when I'm dancing, listening to music, to any thing that I do in my life, cooking, inviting people over, it will be with love and passion.... ha-ha, most of the time... Love gardening, decorating, and all of these makes me feel happier to see this life is beautiful, no matter how difficult it is sometimes. I love drawing in pencil, when sometimes I need a break in what I do. Of course, I'm only human, and I think, life will be perfect if it is shared with the man of my life, which I'm still looking for.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I consider myself an atractive middle age lady, very positive, romantic and very honest too.. I still dream with the love of my silver years.. I'm young in heart and I'm very healthy too. I'm down to earth and English is my second language. You have to be respectful, inteligent secure of yourself, tender and a very honest person, a one woman man... willing to learn from eachother to find out if we are for eachother. Very important, must be quemistry between us. the rest will came with the time.. People say I have a beautiful smile..

Date a woman from Phoenix, United States. I am a honest, loving, caring woman who appreciates a well rounded man who enjoys a good laugh, is honest, looks at the world as beautiful place to share with the one he loves. Someone who enjoys touching and being touched by the lady who cares for him deeply. Living life to the fullest with my best friend.
Made it to Phoenix the end of June. Now getting used to the heat and monsoons!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am looking for a man that wants to enjoy the things I like to do and sharing the things he likes to do together. Also, someone that relishes some time for himself, too. Family is very important to me and makes me happy.So someone who is not threatened by that relationship. I want someone who is not afraid to show his emotions in public and loves to hold hands when walking..etc. My best friends would describe me as loyal, kind, sensitive to others feelings, fashion-forward and computer illiterate. (which I'm working on) I am hoping to attract someone that is romantic, sensitive, non-judgemental (as I try to be) and loving.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Describing myself - that's always hard. I try to live by the Golden Rule which may be old by some standards, but it still works! I laugh easily at many things especially the innocent humor of animals and children. And, smiles go a long way.
I have a deep appreciation and respect for all life and it never ceases to amaze me!
This is a new phase in my life and I'm hoping there's a compatible, honest, down to earth, caring man who I can appreciate and who can appreciate me. There's still a lot of living to do and I want to share it with that special someone.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I love life and laughter. A sense of humor is a must in a relationship with me. I have a dry, quick wit, and the person I am with must also have a great sense of humor. I don't take myself too seriously, and whomever I am with should not take himself too seriously, rather be flexible and spontaneous. I am very out going and a definite "people person." I would rather live a full, enjoyable life and take some risks, even if I fail, (which I have,) then sit back and watch the world go by. I am passionate about everything I do...I love this about myself, as well as, the child-like qualities I possess. I will never be old, no matter what my age.
People always say they feel so "comfortable" being with me. I am also told that my smile lights up a room, which I feel is a great compliment, and I hope to always continue to receive this wonderful compliment.
I am very much in touch with my "spirit within;" which has helped me through all of lives challenges. I am the person you want in the trenches with you, and I am looking forward to meeting someone who appreciates the fact that I do what I say I will do, and who is looking to meet someone who is trustworthy and honest, not a game player. Conversely, I am interested in finding the one who exhibits these traits. Finding their best friend, must be extremely important to this person and being able to trust one another is paramount to a successful relationship.
I love to travel, entertain and cook for groups or smaller dinner parties; enjoy the theatre; concerts; playing cards; taking leisurely walks and playing tennis; talking into the wee hours of the morning and enjoying time with family and friends. If you like being spontaneous, I'm the girl for you, hands down! I am blessed with high energy, an intelligent mind, and I am told that I have an attractive face and figure, but I know that even though the exterior will sooner or later fade, the heart and soul of the person can remain the same, regardless of their age. Is that person you?
These are the "No's " in my life. No Drama Kings, No Narcissists, No will only be wasting your time and mine.

Date someone special from United States. I am a child of the God who created this world. I . have grown to enjoy who I am these last 5 yrs. since my divorce from a 25 yrs marriage. I am young and active for my age of 64, and would like to share doing things with a like minded person. Have a great since of humor. quick wit. know that you can only know so much about a person thru a venue like this. So meeting in person is important
renewed interest in handguns and marksmanship.
beginning to make plans for traveling places have never been and returning to those I enjoyed, like Kuai, Italy the Carribean. Daughter in Chicago, so getting to know that city. spent 4 yrs in the Bay Area so left part of my heart S.F. (not as great as it was 30 yrs ago). Jeans to dressing up, enjoy both. Don't get to do the later enough.

Meet a soulmate from United States. i like men that are kind, sensitive and gentle with people and animals. i like honest men, big thing for me. men who know who they are and what they stand for. likes children. mellow, fun loving, adventuresome men who are alright with crying or helping someone who is crying!!! loves animals!!!

Date a woman from United States. I'm blonde, but not a dumb blonde. I like motorcycles, but I'm not a Harley chick. I'm very athletic and fit. The gym has always been my best friend. I'm a health, fitness and anti-aging consultant...attractive and intelligent and very social. I retired at 50 and love the freedom, but I need someone to play with. I spent the first 50 years in SE Wisconsin, grew up on a farm, rode saddlebred horses, and then moved to Phoenix. I've spent time in Washington DC and attended a presidential inaugural and congressional parties. I've experienced amazing love and survived unbelievable heartbreak and catastrophe, but I left the baggage behind me where it belongs. I love fast cars if I'm driving. I can be rowdy and a real handful, but I won't embarrass you. I eat very healthy, mostly organic and raw at home, but I love a great steak and a loaf of bread with lots of butter in good restaurants with a view.
"Do it...and ask permission later." I try to live in the real world rather than a fantasy. I'm a one-man woman, but you'll have to keep up with me.
You have to be pretty intelligent, outgoing and intellectual and enjoy expressing your viewpoints...which have to be conservative if we're going anywhere. But you also have to tolerate my opinions respectfully...and my friends. Show me your fun times because that's what it's all about. You don't have to work, but you still do something for the enjoyment of being active. You've been a successful businessman or owned your own, but a full-time job now is not fun and doesn't fit my lifestyle. No couch potatoes! You enjoy 2 in the kitchen (and the shower). My idea of the perfect evening is red wine, sex, and then that order...but not on the first date. The most flattering thing a man can do is spend a little time preparing and planning for his time with other words don't show up in the t-shirt you wore all day, figuratively, and don't wait for me to make the plans.
I have high expectations, but you can't get what you aren't willing to give.

. I am a midwestern born gal who grew up in Minnesota but have lived out west for many years. I just sold my last horse to Switzerland and I have two little Shihtzu dogs. I am grateful for my loving extended family/friends, my son and my good health.
I would love to meet a down to earth guy with a great sense of humor who wouldn't mind a cruise or an annual trip away from home.
I am a people person and love the outdoors.

. My social life is pretty much non-existent since I do not drink and party. I enjoy a good party but also enjoy doing it with someone I like being with. I am social, relatively good looking and would like to have the company of a special person doing nothing or everything.

. I am a successful small business owner who is creative, optimistic and has a high energy level. I feel the best years are still ahead. I am fortunate to have two incredible kids with great spouses and four grandchildren that will warmly welcome you.
I have lived abroad and have traveled extensively, but still have a bucket list of places I want to see.
I would love a partner in exercise and healthy eating. I enjoy cooking and am happy with a sous chef or a full kitchen partner---even someone who would just pour the wine and keep the conversation going.
My interests are hiking, biking, gardening, spending time outdoors (love reading on my porch swing!), antiquing, sewing/quilting, and learning new things. I am interested in different cultures and current events. I have NPR on in the car always! As for sports, I am willing to cheer for your teams!
I have a rescue puppy and have had cats until recently. When my kids were little we had lambs, a horse, turtles, birds and a snake. I probalby don't want to have that kind of managerie again.....
Several years ago I purchased a historic home and enjoy renovating it.
My friends say I am a great listener and have a fun sense of humor.
The highlight of my athletic career was a marathon I ran in Rome (yes, the one in Italy) for the American Diabetes Association in 2001. However, that was ten years ago!
I would like to meet someone who is fun, easy going with some shared interests, but who would bring some new ones to the table.