Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 50 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am a warm, caring, loving lady who would like to meet someone who knows how to treat a lady. I love the touch of a man who can take charge and know how to please me and not just in the bedroom but everywhere or anytime. That is what I will do in return. We need good communication and a open heart.

Meet someone special from United States. I am currently in a early seperation and looking to meet new people and later on hang out as friends and can possibly turn into more.. I have a 3 year old son so He must like kids and Even have 1 or 2 of his own. I am a very outgoing person that likes to laugh and have fun.. I am a social drinker and get very giggly when I drink (;
I am currently a stay-at-home-mom for the time being.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am pretty centered and down to earth. I do invite spontaneity - like the rush that comes from it. I appreciate simplicity though I do enjoy the finer things too. I am versatile, very opened minded; my life has allowed me to experience many different situations and people. I am the natural type, health conscious, respect the environment, friendly, curious, always needing to explore and learn. I enjoy watching and playing sports. Listen to a variety of music from classical to rock. Like going to the theater, museums, music events, laughing, relaxing, and hanging out. I enjoy staying in with a good movie, mystery and dramas, or comedies, going out is nice too, getting dressed up, or just being casual. What brightens my day is sunshine and nature, family and friends, kindness, helping others; I find joy even in the smallest things. I like sunrises the feel of a new day and sunsets the comforting quiet of the closing day. I appreciate quiet time, just lounging around but not for too long, everything in moderation...
I am attracted to a man, who is genuine - handles him self well, is considerate and polite, compassionate, hardworking, intellectual, trusting and reliable. Knows how to relax, be social, and enjoys having fun. Likes to be active, explore new things, appreciates good food, and stays healthy. I like the adventurous type - not too conservative, likes to have a good time. I am a warm affectionate person love being close with the right man. What appeals to me is a likable, passionate, romantic man, likes to show affection and communicates what he feels. Life has its ups and downs (it’s a given); having that certain someone by your side that person you know you can count on, is what makes life’s celebrations and challenges all the more rewarding and easier to weather. “The heart that loves is always young” Greek Proverb.
My desire is to meet someone who can relate to me have many things in common and at the same time bring his own individuality and interest. Someone who appreciates my differences finds me interesting and likewise me about him. Mutual attraction inside and out makes love all the better don’t you think… : )

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. About me, my faith means a lot to me, I am a born again Christian that is looking to grow in my spiritual journey.
Life is full of ups and downs, I look at the glass half full instead of half empty.
My faith, family and friends mean the world to me.
I enjoy a variety of things, which I will list.
Jogging, walking, music, going to dinner, out listening to music, dancing, singing karaoke, going to church, I also have a love of travel as well as animals.
I am an assistant teacher at a Christian learning center, I love children, and am checking out different volunteer opportunities where I can make a difference in their lives.
I think my friends would describe me as kind, loyal, giving, compassionate, someone that treats others as they would like to be treated.
I also enjoy a good glass or two of wine.
Also I enjoy watching football, like the Cardinals, but love the Vikings...
I do want a man I can connect with on faith, and also a non smoker, someone who considers himself a good guy.
Someone that loves to travel as well, and someone that shares other interests of mine as well.
I don't need a man in my life to be happy, I already am, I have been blessed with great family and good friends, but I think life could even be better finding that special someone, someone that you want to come home to at the end of the day, someone that can make you smile when you are sad, and someone that will share your ups and downs, and go through life together, whatever it may hold.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Compassionate and passionate joyous woman who embrases life especially the challenges because they teach us so much. Artistic and open minded, respectful and sophisticated, but I also embrace and love the outdoors; running half marathons, hiking and occasional camping. My greatest Masterpiece in life is my child. I've been told I'm very attractive and look much younger than my age. I am a great listener and do not judge others. I smile quite a bit and can find humor in just about anything. I enjoy Dining out or take out and curled up watching a movie; my quilty pleasure is I loved the Hangover Movies as much as the intouchables!

The next Love in my life would be a Man that works hard at having true integrity, honor and dignity, I would never ask for what I am not willing to try my hardest at giving.

Looking for friendship that "perhaps" can lead to everlasting, committed, soul connected Love. But in the mean time fun would be good too :)
I do not take myself or life too seriously, but I am a goal oriented and motivated person who wants to comsume all that life has to offer and live it authentically and purposeful. Oh, and laugh a lot!

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I have been lucky in my life to have been alot of different places & done alot of different things!! I dealt blackjack in Tahoe, drove SuperShuttle in SF & was an interpreter for the deaf in NY, Idaho, Arkansas and all over California! I'm hoping to meet someone who loves to laugh, loves to explore, loves animals and loves life!! Someone to plan a future with and start working on building our dreams!I'm looking for someone that I'm compatible with. There must be humor, good conversation & definitely a spark! I don't want someone I can just live with...but someone I just can't live without!!

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. I would describe myself as a very happy and outgoing person.I'm at a great place in my life with fulfilling work, great friends and a happy ,well adjusted family. I love to laugh and appreciate a quick wit, but also aware that honesty and integrity are the most important components in a relationship. I was married for 18 years and have been divorced for about 12. Needless to say, I am familiar with the singles/dating scene. I have two boys, who I am very proud of. The eldest (23) works in San Fran and rows competitively and recently won an international regatta in London.It is a unique sport that not too many people are familiar with. The other, junior in High School, is also a rower. I have him every other week.
I'm looking for someone special to spend time with. This person must have manners, be educated, stable and intuitive. I prefer someone who is "tuned in" and mature in their experiences, yet quick witted and does not take themselves too seriously. Being humble yet confident is very attractive to me.
I have a very flexible work schedule and I make my own hours, so my schedule is my own.
I have spent time traveling abroad (Spain, Africa, London, Amsterdam, Paris, etc) and my favorite vacations are those that include being by the water. I grew up in MN on a lake, and spent many hours sailing, boating and water skiing.
I also love to snow ski.
I eat out often (although I love to cook at home) and enjoy trying new places. Also enjoy a nice glass of red wine! I'd like to find that person who I want to shut the restaurant down with, when the time flies when you are together because you are enjoying each other so much. I also realize that almost everyone has baggage and life is not perfect. These profiles can all seem great, but the real test, when you get past the deal breakers, is in meeting.
I am financially secure and prefer to date those that are, as well. I am looking for someone who wants to enjoy past times together, do some traveling and try new experiences. I have also realized as I get older that my alone and free time is precious to me. I enjoy my own company! It is important to me to give the person I'm dating personal time and space. No smothering please!
If this scenario appeals to you, would love to hear from you.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm a pretty easy going gal, like to have fun and spend time with friends. I'd like to meet a guy that would want to share life and all its ups and downs and talk to me openly and honestly. A mutual love of animals is important to me. If he has a motorcycle, that would be a plus! We could share the amazing road!

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. SPOILER ALERT: ALL statements and photos in my bio are true to life; I expect yours to be as well because....
The man I fall in love with will be secure in himself and so, with me. He's playing for keeps too, and he will settle for nothing less than the real thing. He wants that amazing relationship built slowly on honesty and respect, one great time after another. Together, we will make the good times sweeter for each other, and the bad times not quite so bad.
I know that you are out there somewhere...kind, with a quick, mature intelligence, easy smile, sensual nature, and a sharp sense of humor. And when we talk or meet for the first time, it seems so natural. I am seeking balance, a nice give and take where we appreciate each others' unique pluses as well as our extremely charming quirks.
My background? I am a strategic communications consultant by trade, most recently in the energy field working with First Solar for the last four years. Since that ended in May, I am currently looking forward to my next amazing opportunity. I have also written short stories and poetry out of a sheer love for words and how they affect us.
I love music as well. On satellite, I tend to favor First Wave, what they are now calling classic alternative, lol. I also enjoy newer bands like Muse and smooth jazz a la Sade. Love live performances, from rock to opera to ballet.
Originally from beautiful Long Beach, CA, I am in my fourth year here in the Valley of the Sun. Came out here for work, loved the area and landscape, and decided to go all the way and buy a home. I live in the Desert Ridge area in north Phoenix with lovely Scottsdale right next door.
Concerning health habits, I guess Sally Field was right after all; we've only got this one body, so until I can go bionic, I prefer to just eat according to our primal blueprint; helps keep my weight down and my energy up! I love to go for long walks when the weather is balmy and breezy. When it's hot like now, I hit the road pretty early like we all do. I also do strength training every other day so I hopefully won't ever have to utter the dreaded words "I've fallen and I can't get up!" My best match would be a man who tries to be good to himself, inside and out.
At this point in my life, with my daughter happily married and on her own, I have time to devote to nurturing a new romantic relationship. My best match would have the time as well.
If any of this resonates with you, I hope to hear from you very soon. Warmly, PJ
(NOTE: If you are out of state, please don't wink at me or IM me....we both know it's kind of silly and a waste of everyone's time, right? Right. Thanks!)

. My life is good. I enjoy spending time with a big family and some amazing friends. I love my career in healthcare, taking care of my home, working in the garden, cooking and entertaining. I am blessed with a big family and have lived in a variety of places. It is a joy to meet new people and I like a good conversation. A relationship with God is important to me. I am traditional and respect a man who is a strong leader.
I am looking for a man who enjoys his life and is open to having a woman walk along side him. I like a man who is humble but has the confidence to lead his family. I am not in a rush to find love but eager to invest in getting to know someone. I am looking for a man who has friends and relationship with his extended family. I am not nieve or gullable and if you are looking for me to fill a void in your life I probably woon't be able to do that . . . If you are looking for a someone who will not judge you or try to change you that is me. I can work a room in a social setting and I will always build you up especially in the presence of others. I promise to tell the truth and give you time to decide whether or not you want to ask me out. i look forward to the day when I can sleep sound in the arms of a man however it will take a bit of an adventure before I am at that place.
Send an email and I will respond.

. I am looking for someone who has a sense of humor. I do! Likes food. I do! Likes to be adventurous. I am. Gosh this is hard. I haven't ever done this before. Probably should share pics and then we can talk. I'm looking for someone who will treat me like they would like to be treated. Someone who takes care of their body. Someone that shares a lot in common with me. Someone who likes to have a good time going out on the town. And can chill at home and have just as much fun. I like fast sports cars. I just got rid of my vet. Working out is important to me I am a former bodybuilder.I am a certified fitness trainer. I like to play most sports. Also like to go to games, hockey, football, basketball and baseball. Peope say I have really nice eyes. That's what attracted them to me first.. I am a fun loving person. I love life. I love my children. My children are my first priority. People say I look a lot younger than I am. I am a strong women. Looking for a man who is strong tall, sweet, romantic, energetic, smart, driven, athletic muscles are a plus. :0) Did I leave anything out? I guess I'm looking for my perfect man. I will add more later.

. I love to have fun and am very social. I'm responsible, have a full time job and pay my bills, but I don't ever want to completely grow up. Ready to start living my life and having adventures with someone special. The beach is where my heart is and can't spend enough time there. I'm willing to try snow skiing and the whole cold weather thing. I love to entertain friends and family. Two of my three children are adults, out of college and on their own. My youngest is 17 and will be a senior this year, she spends 50% of her time with her father. Im happy at home watching a movie in my t-shirt and jeans with my sweetie and love to dress up and go out. Will wine and dine and be the mature person I should be when needed, but love to relax have fun and be laid back when the time is right. I'm loyal to a fault and love to take care of my loved ones, I'm trying to be a little less independent and be taken care occasionally. There is a huge bucket list of things I want to try and experience including travel, scuba, Sturgis, riding a mechanical bull , what I'm saying is I'm up for almost any adventure. Love to watch NBA and and college basketball and the same for NFL and college football. I like baseball, but can't watch on TV only live. I've been told I'm not the norm as far as women go, not sure how to take that. I do have a sense of humor and can be pretty sarcastic. Last but not least I'm tall 5' 9"(plus) and love to wear heels, so if height is a problem I'm not the one for you. If there is anything else you'd like to know about me just ask.