Date women from United States / Arizona / Sierra Vista, 61 year old

Date someone special from Sierra Vista, United States. I am an independent well educated woman looking for the same in a man. I do not want to have to plan anyones life nor do I want them to plan mine. I enjoy doing things because I want to, not because I have to, I would hope he would feel the same. I simpley want to drink life as God intended, not create a glass world entirely man made.

Meet a soulmate from Sierra Vista, United States. I'm attractive and self confident. I'm a bit adventurous and a bit of a domestic diva. I'm creative, artistic and I enjoy learning new things. I'm compassionate, sensuous and a hopeless romantic. I love being a woman and love being treated like a lady. I have a great sense of humor. My match should be intelligent, articulate and have a great sense of humor. He should be both emotionally and financially secure. Someone who is not afraid to show his tender side. Someone to "grow old along with me.....the best is yet to be".

Date a woman from Sierra Vista, United States. Happy, easy going and financially stable. I have a great sense of humor that is sometimes taken as being sarcastic. Can't believe people would think that of me!!! For I am compassionate, sincere, honest, love passion and a great friend. I enjoy sports and know the rules with baseball being my favorite. I like who I am. I have learned to accept myself, both the good and the bad. I love life. If you think you can add to my journey, I would love to hear from you.
My ideal match will be honest, sincere, emotionally and financially stable and have a zest for life. He will want to explore new things and be spontaneous. Be able to keep up with my sense of humor and keep me laughing and smiling. It would be great to have him share my interests, but I would like to expand my interests and hope he can be a guide. He will be full of passion and able to express himself. I would like him to be able to listen to me and my opinions openly as I will to his. Be accepting of me, as I am, without expectations and judgments. I will do the same for him. If you come close to the above, no one is perfect, please let me hear from you.
Please have a picture posted, that way I know you have nothing to hide! I will gladly respond to winks, but you will get my attention much quicker with an email. At this point in my life, there is no reason to play the cat-n-mouse game......just be direct!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am recently widowed and really don't know how to describe myself. It is something I really haven't paid any attention to for a very long time. I am heavy set, but am in the process of losing weight and really don't care much what someone else's body type might be. I want to meet someone who likes to laugh and find the good in what is around them. I love to create things and want a friend who loves to do the same. I like silly stuff, and luxury and things that feel good. I cannot stand people who hurt others, verbally or physically.
I believe peace is a state of mind, and I strive for it every day in my life. I do not enjoy arguing; loud disagreements leave me co very uncomfortable-I am inclined to walk away and not return. I expect the people around me to be open-minded enough to at least be able to think about issues. I don't expect them to agree with me all the time...that would be terribly boring, but I really am uncomfortable around people who brag about not keeping up on current affairs, or think not voting is a good thing.
I guess mostly what I am looking for is someone who respects the people around them, regardless of where on the "social scale" they may be. I think it is important to be comfortable with one's self and even more important to treat those around you with compassion and respect.