Date women from United States / Arizona / Vail, 61 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Adventuresome, intelligent, gregarious, independent, affectionate, fun-loving begin to describe me. I treasure good friends, lively conversation and comfortable companionship.
After spending 17 years in Wash, DC, I have relocated to Southern Arizona and am now enjoying an easy going lifestyle. I lived for some time in a small community in the southeastern part of the state but have moved closer to Tucson and am now living in Vail. I enjoyed living in DC - pros - museums, theatre, dining, nightlife, close to beaches - cons-traffic, summer humidity, traffic, the grey days of winter, traffic. LOL The joys of living in the Southwest - sunshine, almost no traffic, the mountains and casual lifestyle - all to my liking!
Although I have chosen not to retire at this moment, it is definitely on the horizon. My passions include travelling to places I haven't explored or to return to special places previously explored, finding quaint restaurants which have wonderful menus, taking long walks in the morning, spending time with friends while enjoying a wonderful glass of wine and stimulating conversation to name a few.
Especially at this stage in my life, I am interested in enjoying life fully. Although I enjoy my own company, sharing life experiences with a special partner would be immensely satisfying. My ideal partner would be a man who is young at heart and still has a zest for life, exploration, adventure, fun and a good sense of humor - if that describes you, then I'd be delighted to hear from you.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am just a down to earth gal who likes to have fun with my freetime with someone who has the same interests . I am not a player, just want to date the same man and have a meaningful relationship filled with fun experiences and adventures. I love motorcycle riding, camping, boating, horseshoes, bag-0, dancing, singilng, stained glass as a hobby, home improvement, gardening, hiking, family, playing pool, bbqing, the outdoors anywhere, nature and all ilts splendor. I am a bilingual elementary teacher, I love my job and am lucky to have it! My dad and mom are still alive and live in Tucson. My two grown up kids also live in Tucson. My favorite places to go: Mt. Lemon, Patagonia, Lake Pleasant, Apache Lake, White Mountains, Mexico, Calilfornia, Bisbee and Tombstone and places I've never been to. Any trip is an adventure to me. I am a happy person and a very positive person. I am dedicated to my job and my family. I want to find my soul mate for life.

Date a woman from Arizona, United States. Just in case you read my previous profile, I am doing an update as to who I really am.
I have high energy, I am loyal, compassionate, kind, sensitive to others, and their feelings. I do not look my age and it is important for me to look my best . I like to smile, and love being around people who have humor, of course as long as it is not sarcastic humor and it does not offends others. Staying active is important to me, whether it be walking, yard work, painting and decorating. Any form of exercise is good for the body and the brain. My days are more complete when I can share my happiness with others.
My children, grandchildren, family and friends are very important to me, they make me see everyday what the world should and needs to be about, kindness, respect and treating others as you would want to be treated.
My faith is important to me it has helped me through the hills and valleys along with friendships, family, and reading the Purpose Driven life. I am open to the Christian faith. I live my life Paying It Forward for the blessings in my life.
Laughter is the best form of medicine in my medical book, it not only helps to relieve stresses, it can help others who are having a not so good day.
I like sitting around a campfire and camping, a great way to end a day. Cooking on the bbq and sharing good food with family and friends. A few favorite things I enjoy making are Lasagna, salad, corn on the cobb, potato salad, angus burgers, chicken Kabobs scallop potatoes, fruit salads to go along with the carbs at a cookout. I also make a mean Taco salad that is always devoured at parties. Sabino Canyon, Mt. Lemon, and the Desert Museum are tranquill, peacefull, places to enjoy the beauty we have here in Az.
Points of interest I have traveled to have been Hawaii, Carribean, Mexico, Albuqurque Santa Fe, Utah, Colorado, Pine Top, Sedona, Grand Canyon, San Diego, Montreal, Vancouver, Prince Edward Island. A new adventure on the horizon would be Rome and Australia. Lived on the East Coast up until 1998 when I moved to Az. I have learned to love the desert and its beauty.
I like volunteering when I can, I am doing an Upcoming Relay for Life Walk this May.
I am looking for someone who is laid back and enjoys their daily life to the fullest. Life Is To Short To Sweat The Small Stuff.
Enjoy romantic and comedy movies, walks on beaches, holding hands and making sure that the special person I am with will have my full attention, how else could we get to know one another. I also enjoy gardening and phtography. My family puts up with my picture taking they have come to understand that I am trying to make memories for them for years to come.
I am independent, emotionally and financially stable. I am not looking for someone to take care of me, but someone to share and enjoy life with. I am not necessarily a Red Solo cup person but I enjoy having a good time, I do find that song to be fun to listen to.
I have viewed many divorced men but where are all the widowers? Also what is up with the winks and not coming forward and sending an email. I am old fashion and will not be the one who who emails first. Did that email thing first and it did not pan out, the person was a con artist, but I realized it before it was to late ,poof, poof, and he was gone!!!
Everything will be ok in the end. If it isn't ok, it isn't the end, the sun will still shine tomorow especially if you live in Az. Hoping your match search will bring you new beginnings.
I will close in saying God Judges Man By his Faith and The Contents Of His Heart , Hoping that your faith and heart connects you to the person that you are met to be with!!!