Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 47 year old

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am a warm loving woman who wants 2 be held, not all the times but if I'm in need please be there 4 me. If the communication is lacking, things won't be cracking. Just know that if U don't fear God then please don't waste my time. I've had those who claim 2 love the Lord just 2 please me, it don't work. Now 4 the fun stuff, let's go 2 a basketball game or maybe a football game. If U just want 2 stay in a catch a movie I'm down with that as well. I am reallu open about things 2 do, but I will not compromise my beliefs just 2 be with a man. I am looking 4 someone with intergrity, values & goals, I 2 have these same qualities. I am at the age that I am ready 2 settle down if the right person presents himself worthy. I will do my best 2 make U happy. I believe that everyday will not always go as planned, however if we work 2gether along with God being head of our lives things can & will work 4 the good.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I believe you may never get what you want unless you ask for it. So, I can ask, can't i? I would like a true equal in a desire to live, learn and love. I need disclosure, honesty in a man, the kind of honesty you can be accountable for. I would like a generous, playful, sexy, humorous and spirited person. I would like this man to be confident and assertive, and secure and happy with their life. I really need a man who is physically fit, and likes to stay in shape. I need to be with someone who is financially successful or secure.
I appreciate a kind of pragmatic realism, scented with fantasy and romance. I am not judgmental, but definitely make choices about who I want to spend time with. I enjoy small things - listening to good music with dimmed lights, getting flowers and sexy cell texts.
I am not looking for marriage, but bonding, intimacy, a partner, and trust. I do have children and they are part of me/my life. I would want to be with someone who can be a role model and companion when we are with the children at times - which won't happen until we both believe it is time to do so. I can take of my children's needs on my own.
Hope I've given you a good idea about who I am and although I know that I've said a lot, I had to ask.

Date a woman from Phoenix, United States. Where do I begin. I am fabulous, wonderful, smart witty, gorgeous, sensual, giving, caring. I can throw on a pair of calvins or wear a banana republic dress to go out. Your call. I have alot to offer to the right guy...I am passionate about my career and give
110 %. What is your story?

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a work in progress just as this intro page will be. I was not satisfied with my first draft so here goes number two.
I have been contently divorced since 2008 and have decided now that I am ready share my life with someone once again. I am terribly out of practice on how to date. Prior to an uncomfortable date arranged on another web site three weeks ago, I hadn't been on a date in 23 years. I have no intention of becoming a serial date now, so my hopes for success are high.
I have been in Arizona now since 2009, originally from Illinois. I certainly do not miss the snow of winters in the Midwest. As my title says, I am cautious with my heart, but not selfish with it. I am quiet upon a first meeting, but after awhile, I am definitely not shy. I have to go through this process at my own pace. I believe that a relationship needs to start with a foundation of trust and friendship. I am comfortable with the opportunity to email on the site, at least in the beginning. Believe it or not, you can get to know someone quite well by this method. I have made some great platonic friends online and never met them.
I am looking for a man to love me, respect me, protect me and most if all make me laugh. I want strong arms that can wrap around me and a firm hand to hold. While I am quite independent, I can still appreciate a man who will hold open a door. I want a man who is comfortable in his own skin and confident with where he is going in life. I want someone to play with, laugh with, fight with and care about. I am NOT interested in playing games. If you are, just move along. Also keep going if you live with your parents, have anger management issues or are a fan of the New England Patriots.
I want you to be able to tell me something more about yourself than you are nice. Everyone here claims to be nice. How are you different? Again let me stress that I am going to go through this process at a pace that I feel comfortable with. Will some think that I am being overly cautious? Probably. Might I miss some opportunities? Possibly. But the right man will be willing to go along with me. However, I will definitely consider breaking my own rules if you give me good reason to.
If I am not the one for you, I wish you well in your quest. Hopefully none of us will be lonely for long...
So I am going into week two now and have already noticed a trend developing. Someone makes contact sends a couple emails and then nothing. They still look at the profile, but there is no communication. I find this strange. Either there is something that you find interesting there or there isn't. Make up your mind. To me, that's game playing and in that case, go play elsewhere. If you want to talk, say something. If you don't, say no thank you. It's not that hard. And it would be appreciated. We're all supposed to be adults here...

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I wish you all much luck and success, .
Life is a good time, it's best to see it, do it, enjoy it and know that stuff happens. When you have your friends and your family close by, there is nothing to hold you back except you!
I appreciate life especially for the great days, but even for the days that make you work a little more for the bright spot. I would like to meet someone who loves family, is outgoing, has a sense of humor (God knows we need one ), enjoys playing inside and outside. Someone who values the importance of honesty, integrity and communication.
God already knows where we are going, but I would love to meet someone that wants to travel a path and see where it leads to along the way.
I do consider myself easy going, drama free, fun, love to laugh and sometimes I happen to make others laugh too. I am honest, sometimes to direct, but always well intended.
I don't care what somebody does for a living as long as your employed. I'm a lady and of course I would love to be spoiled; but I am self sufficient too.
I realize I don't have alot to say here, but I don't think you can get to know someone by reading their profile anyway.
Thank you for taking the time and give me a shout if I sound like the kind of trouble you want to get into. lol

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I'm a great mom and a good listener and i'm grateful that i have 3 beautiful and healthy children . I'm looking for someone who will be my friend and get to now me for me. My social life at the moment is slow but i'm willing to pick it up. The things that make me laugh is a good comedy movie or a good joke

Date someone special from United States. Thanks for taking a look at my profile. :)
I decided to try Match because life can be busy, and meeting someone in a club is not my style. My friends would say that I'm down to earth and a great listener - I can agree with that, but I'm also straight forward. I care about my family and friends, and they keep me grounded. My friends and family know I'm there for them and vice versa. I like my share of road trips and travel. Travelling to a beach is like a slice of heaven. I've been to just about every beach in Florida, Coronado in San Diego, Puerto Rico, Virginia Beach and of course, Kauai. I'm just glad there are many more beaches to find. I think it's important to get away to recharge, even if it's just a drive in your car or a day trip to Sedona. Even a staycation in your own backyard is fun!
I'm a regular girl who likes her shopping every once in a while, but I am by no means fake or shallow. I work hard so why not?! Like anything else, it's all in moderation. I love hanging around in jeans; it's just part of my laid back style. However, I can easily dress it up for the right occasion. What am I looking for? This may sound a little simplistic, but I'm looking for a man who is happy with himself, what he does and has a goal or two. To me, it's not what you make, it's are you happy? If you can laugh at yourself and not take everything so seriously, that is a plus. A sense of humor in a man is always a winner in my book.
Some of my interests are of course, exploring new beaches or old towns, roller coasters, really ANY adventure outside including biking and hiking. I workout 4 times a week outside; I'm not workout crazy ~ 4 days is enough to maintain a healthy lifestyle and besides, I like splurging here and there! That being said, I consider myself a foodie. This means, I love going to Food and Wine shows, watching cooking competitions, learning about spices, exploring farmers markets, little hole in the wall restaurants, reading up on the top chefs etc. Relaxing things to do for me are movies, reading a good book, cooking when I can find the time, the occasional live sporting event (go Coyotes!), and catching some sun at a pool or beach.
Music interests vary ~ love 80s bands, The Police and Genesis to name a few; also like rock, jazz, pop and classical, just not much of a country or rap. Taking in a live concert is always fun. Not really into club scene ~ been there, done that! However, doing the occasional “happy hour” with friends is great! I believe you get what you give in this life ~ its called Karma!
Thanks again for viewing my profile ~ wishing everyone luck in finding that special person.
Good Luck!

Meet a soulmate from United States. Please do not write or talk to me if you are not who you say you are. I am an honest woman looking for an honest man to share my life with. That is all. Do not waste my time and I will not waste yours. If you're going to talk forever on the phone, try to get me to come to your house or apartment, ask me for more pictures, or ask me too many questions that make no sense then do me a favor and move on to the next profile. I did not pay for a membership on here to be annoyed by a bunch of insecure men who have no idea what they want in life. God bless and thanks for your time.

Date a woman from United States. I am a hard working and fun loving individual who tries to see the best in every situation. I believe there is good in everyone and I strive to follow the golden rule. I love helping my family and giving back to the community.
I am a hopeless romantic. I believe that small things such as a simple touch, a romantic glance or a sensuous smile can speak a 1000 words. I value integrity, honesty and trust. I don't think any relationship can survive without these qualities. I suppose my hope by being on Match is to possibly find my best friend, companion, soul mate and partner. I would like to develop a relationship based upon the desire of two people wanting to be with each other. I am happy and comfortable with who I am and hope to meet someone who is happy and comfortable with himself.
I am pretty easy going. I can do a mud run in the morning and then put on a dress and high heels for a night out on the town.
I enjoy going to movies, sporting events, going to dinner, trying a local hole in the wall bar that usually has awesome food and great atmosphere. I am very comfortable staying at home and cuddling on the couch with a good movie, hand holding and laughter. Home is where the heart is.
I have been in the same career since my undergrad days and have been very successful. I completed my MBA in 2009. I love what I do and I work hard to excel in my career and set a good example for my daughter and others. . My career challenges me to work hard to make a difference. However, my career does not define me. I define myself.
I strive to be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit. I enjoy going to the gym, I run and love any outdoor activity - whether I am good at it or not. I will try anything at least once and will usually give it a second chance just to be sure. I have competed in several local races. I love the adrenaline at the start line and the feeling of a job well done when crossing the finish line.
I enjoy the beach, mountains and anywhere that has a roller coaster. Nothing better than a good scream and holding your hands in the air as you climb to the top of the roller coaster and then the thrill of the drop coupled with speed - awesome feeling.
I love to laugh. A great sense of humor, be it dry, witty etc, is crucial in life. Laughter can make a tough situation a bit easier and can make a great situation awesome.
Thanks for reading and I wish everyone success in finding what they are looking for.

. I just moved to Phoenix a couple months ago with my boys to start a new job, which I love. I decided to give this a try and hope to meet someone who shares my love for life. I enjoy all kinds of activities such as,hiking ,cycling, going for walks,watching different sporting events, movies or just relaxing at home.

. Looking for down to earth funny guy to have fun with I am a down to earth girl who loves a sense of humorMy closest friends would describe me as honest and kind with a little spunk. I am grateful for my family they are the most important thing in the world to me.

. I am a very happy woman who loves life, and is looking for that imperfect man that makes my heart flutter! I can be simple and also complex at times, but usually easy going and open minded. I dont need to have my hair on fire or fly by the seat of my pants to enjoy life! I love to laugh and look for the lighter and brighter side, in all people and situations. Im looking for a man that laughs, loves, and lives like it were his last day on earth! Someone who knows that happiness comes from within, and never looks to another to fill him up. One who is realistic and while knowing that no woman is perfect, he appreciates her strengths and weaknesses. Lastly.... must be willing to take a leap of faith, when that special woman appears, and relationship must be one of his top priorities.