Date women from United States / Arizona / Casa Grande, 61 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am a kind, considerate and a loveable personI also a good listener very compassionate and romantic when I know someone. I'm also a little reserved.....would like this person to enjoy doing lots of fun things but also just relax at home with a good movie. A newly transplant from Washington state. I am enjoying being mostly retired playing golf (well sort of), pickleball and card games with friends. I enjoy picnics, movies and the arts.
I am an active lady who is looking to share happiness with someone who is attractive and can enjoy life.I am widowed and think it is time to find someone to become a friend and more in time, someone to say how was your day when I get home, to watch a good movie or go out on the spur of a moment, to cuddle on the couch.
I enjoy attending social functions, travel and meeting like minded people.
I would enjoy talking to you, so if you think we have some things in common please email me.

Meet someone special from United States. I was recently widowed after 35 years of being married to the same man. We did everything together. Like many, we had our ups and downs, but had a good faithful life together. I am looking for a man that knows how to treat a woman and can give me the companionship that i so deeply miss. I do not do well in large groups of people. Better with one on one. I like to keep busy with going places or doing things. I am a very quiet, shy type person until I get to know you. I am a person that loves to do for and help others.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am an outgoing, independent woman who is near retirement after a 20 year career as a high school English teacher. Watch out, I might proofread your profile for errors. :) The greatest joy in my life is visiting my newborn granddaughter, but I also enjoy going to the movies, out to dinner and to museums and shows. The casino is a fun way to spend the evening, but not always profitable. C'est la vie, I say! Road trips and sightseeing are great with the right companion. If you get my sarcastic sense of humor and can make me laugh too, you and I could really go places.

Meet a woman from Casa Grande, United States. I am a happy, optimistic woman with my future full of promise. The only thing missing is my partner to experience it with.
I need a man who is confident, successful, gentle and kind.
Since I am a romantic at heart I need my man to be romantic as well. Able to plan that great escape to paradise, even if it is just the backyard.
I love movies, music and mountains, beaches, books and bazaars.
You should be able to play a good board game and win or lose have a great attitude.