Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 67 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Who am I? I am a woman in search of someone to share the best of what is yet to come. I often show signs of intelligence and am able to make good conversation. . I love to laugh and be silly but do have a serious side when needed. I like to explore new places and meet new people. I believe in being kind to others and helping when needed. I am romantic, adventurous, and said to be somewhat of a Pollyanna because I tend to see the good in all things. I may not agree with you sometimes but IРІР‚в„ўll respect your opinion and support your right to express it. If there is music playing, some part of my body is usually moving and I like to sing but I canРІР‚в„ўt carry a tune in a bucket. Granted, IРІР‚в„ўm not the thin young fashion model I was 40years ago,just a bit more curvy,but inside IРІР‚в„ўm as young as I ever was. I still believe in Fairy Tales and Happy endings but IРІР‚в„ўm realistic enough to know we create our own reality by what we say and do. As for wealth, I am indeed lucky because I have a treasure chest full of friends and family who are indeed the riches of my life, far more valuable than any gold coins. Appearance wise, I sport a halo of silver and itРІР‚в„ўs my choice to not try and hide it. IРІР‚в„ўm tall. I dress for the occasion, which the majority of time is casual.There are many things that pique my interest. A good book, fine wine, picnics, music of all kinds, moonlight swims, quiet times and spur of the moment outings. The list is long but rather than bore you I will just say I am the sum total of 67 years on this Earth and I donРІР‚в„ўt think there was ever a dull moment.!
The kind of man IРІР‚в„ўd like to meet is simple. Nice, kind, loving, a good man with a great sense of humor and happy with who and where he is in life.
Update July 23,2012……My time is just about up on this Social Network. It’s been interesting and enough to give a gal a real complex after over 600 views and only enough actual contacts to be able to count them on one hand. I’ve just come to the conclusion that it must not be the right time or place to meet someone and that when the time is right it will happen when least expected. Meanwhile , I think I’ll just throw caution to the wind and see if anyone swims to nanadrew at the century link period net sometime in the future. Best of luck to all of you and remember, life is too short not to take the risk of reaching out to someone to find happiness.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. Hello,
Welcome to my profile. I am from the midwest with midwest values. I am honest, kind, caring, a hard worker, healthy, spiritual, social, active, and friendly. Creativity, conversations, art shows, most every sports venue, experiencing new people and places, as well as friends and family fill my life. I love to laugh and enjoy life. I am not stuck on one activity or destination. I have cleaned out the bags we collect in life. Life is a choice and I choose to view life with joy and laughter. I want the same positive outlook, zest for life, and joy in living from my man.
The gentleman for me will be healthy in mind, body, and soul. He will work toward keeping himself healthy, but not compulsively so. Honesty and communication are vital. A great deal of humor and laughter are important to me. He will be a good conversationalist which includes mutual give and take. He will be social and enjoy meeting new people as well as experiencing new situations. An enjoyment of sports, dancing, the arts, movies, as well as traveling are his cup of tea. When at home, my man will enjoy a quiet, calm evening talking, reading, watching movies, learning, being together. Our interests are varied, yet we are together by choice. My man is kind, gentle, intelligent, confident, and monogamous. He will enjoy me flirt with him from across the room, knowing I am his woman. This man will have the need to put his arm around me or hold my hand everytime we are within arm's length. He will find me beautiful inside and out. He will find my strengths and confidence exciting. He will be comfortable with who he is and with who I am.
My man will be beautiful to me because of these traits. If you believe that you are my man, I would love to hear from you.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I recently moved to Phoenix. I would like to meet new people, go for walks, dance, conversation over coffee or wine, movies, and other interesting activities.
I am thankful each day for the people that I know, love, meet and get to know. Animals and the wonders of nature make me glad to awake each morning. I treasure my family and friendships.
People describe me as happy, loving, energetic, affectionate, passionate, appreciative, giving, one that is able to receive graciously, spontaneous, flexible, complex but open, honest, and loyal. I like to make a positive impact on the people around me and that I care about.
I would like to meet someone who is somewhat like me but of the opposite gender and someone who likes to communicate with me, someone who is willing to share their day, their dreams, important aspects of their life, one who lets me know they like who I am (and also what they do not like), one who is affectionate, someone who likes some of the things that I like to do, someone who understands that there are times when I need to have time alone or to be with other friends such as “girls’ nights out”, someone who likes to laugh and have fun, one who like cuddling, holding hands touching, patting, one who is playful and a little mischievous. Lets talk and see ......

Meet a soulmate from United States. God is first in my life. My family and friends are very important to me. I do a lot of volunteer work through my church, and local fire department. I love life and people are most important to me. I love to have "FUN", my friends say, I never grew up,
I love a party for 2 or 200. And usually cook for either. I love dogs and children, and not in that order. I'm allergic to cats. So that makes them a "Deal Breaker" for me. My friends and family always tell me, "I always see the cup 1/2 full", rather than 1/2 empty. I always look for the BEST in everyone I meet. And I'm looking forward to meeting you.

Date a woman from United States. Please note that politically I tend to lean left. I might be considered by some to be a "bleeding heart " And, I don't hate our President or anyone else. Hatred and resentment are not emotions I embrace. Have noticed the disappointment and received lectures from some gentlemen who have conservative ideals. So, if Liberal is in issue for you, read no more :) If it is not an issue, please continue to read my profile. Thanks!
My closest friends would describe me as open, friendly, and compassionate. I have a good sense of humor and like to have fun. I value hard work, intelligence and independence. I am a self-assured, self supporting professional. I am passionate about my work and making a difference. I strive to be the best that I can be and to maintain balance in my life.
I am so Blessed to have a social network of long time friends and to have a loving family nearby.
I am looking for someone who enjoys life, family and friends. A person who is social - independent - self assured - supportive - flexible - interested - interesting. Communication and Conversation are each a MUST!
I enjoy travel (see photos in Greece October 2011) and learning about new places. Always open to possibilities.
Not into camping - or roughing it in the outdoors. My idea of camping out is a hotel without room service.
Hoping to meet someone special who would find me special too! R U the 1?

Meet someone special from United States. I have been a wife,mother, and business woman, carrying responsibilities that no longer require my time! I would love to find a companion to share the rest of my life with.
I am Joyful, Thankful, a great cook, hostess, and respond well to kindness.
I know we can get there easily, it's our time to enjoy our great health, sound minds, and celebrate the lives we have had and the future. After all it is healthy to eat, drink, and be merry. So the Dr. told me.
I am a sophisticated elegant lady, with a high and low brow.
I have supported the Sojourner Center here in Phoenix and worked with the homeless at my Church.
The French call it Joie de Vivre, Looking to find you to share it with.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I'm fun and easy going but can be tough when needed. I don't need to have alot of structure or planning when it comes to life. I'm stable and no need for a lot of drama or complications in my life.
My ideal match should just be able to go with the flow of life. He should able to laugh, have fun, be strong and stable with out alot of expectaions on with I should be doing or the how to's of the doings. And be enjoyable and happy to be around.

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. I many times smile just seeing the light in a child's eyes as they learn about something. However, the quickest way to make me smile is when my grandson runs to me, jumps in my arms giving me a hug saying "Grandma, I love you."
The accomplishment I am most proud of is returning to college in pursuit of a Masters. Upon completing my BA with Distinction with a 4.0 GPA was icing on the cake. Now headed for my Masters and it is rough.
A gentleman, poised, kind, charming, and a bit old fashioned when it comes to dating by calling first and still opening doors.
My social life is a bit stalled but when I have the time, I enjoy shopping or going out to eat with friends, daughter or grandson. Traveling is something I enjoy, checking out small local stores or attending .
Animals and their antics will make me laugh. I smile a lot over many things most people take for granted such as my four-year-old grandson's wonder at learning something new like buttoning his shirt, looking at me with a sparkle in his eyes and smile on his face shouting, " I did it Grams. I did it all by myself.".
Not sure at this time what I am looking for in a relationship: friendship first. My grandchildren, children, life, joy, future, my religion are things that I enjoy and am passionate about.
I look forward to meeting that special someone to make life complete. I am happy, positive and enjoy being with people who are the same.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am a very honest person and true to my friends and family. I don't play games and don't like people who do. I have no tolerance for fakes or liars or cheat's. I bring it real and expect the same from friends & family and anyone else. Like laguhter and fun and a hopless romantic. I don't like anyone trying to change me and I don't want to try and change anyone else. What you see is what you get and that goes the other way also. If I like what I see then that is what I get. What I need is a friend & a partner. Someone to walk beside me not ahead or behind, side by side.

. A short description of myself is that I look a lot younger than I am that is not always a good thing because men my age think I.m too young for them and younger men is not my thing The same age or older is fine. I like shorts and blue jeans and only wear dresses for church or special occasions. Give me a long walk in the pines, a hot cup of coffee around a camp fire with wonderful friend and I'm pretty content. I would like someone who loves the outdoors also. I could keep this up but it's better saying it to someone. Call me and I will spill the beans. I some times am too honest for my own good. Oh I have Grand kids and I adore them, I will tell you more when we meet. My closet friends would describe me as a fun person I like to laugh. What makes me smile is my two little dogs, Zeekie(a min pin) and Preious (a mini doscon)I like a lot of huggs and kisses I am a verry effectionate peerson, holding hands in public is beautiful even a kiss or two. I Love flowers and suprises. All I want is to be happy if any one else wants to grouch about politics sports or friends I just dont want to hear it. I am not a greate cook but I can cook a mean steak, I like them medium raire.

. Everyone comments on my smile. I'm very organized and not a spur of the moment person, I like a little notice. I like people to stop by, but it is what it is when you get here!! I'm in good health. I would like to meet someone that is casual and wants a good friend.

. If you enjoy spending time with upbeat people, sharing laughs, interesting conversation, good food & drink then we already have some things in common. I am a happy, involved lady whose life would be enhanced with a nice relationship with a quality gentleman (my friends say I'm too cute & fun to be alone!).
I'm blessed with treasured family members & friends & love being with them as well as having alone time. On a regular basis I play tennis & work out (would not expect you to do either with me), cook, eat, read, travel & am involved in some volunteering positions. I really enjoy certain movies, plays, other performing arts & travel.
The important elements for me in a relationship are comfort level, companionship & chemistry.