Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 61 year old - page 4

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I'm a one-man woman, romantic without being clingy, direct without being blunt, health-conscious without being a fanatic, enjoy nice things without being materialistic, passionate as well as affectionate, sensual, kind, genuine, sincere, value people and relationships above material things, and have a dry sense of humor. I enjoy anything to do with stage or music. I love going to movies, theater and concerts. I enjoy eating out and experiencing new places. Sorry guys, but my idea of camping out is in a 5-star hotel! ;-) UPDATE: Actually, I just went on a camping trip in northern Arizona in a tent, and it got down to 35 degrees that night...and I had a blast! But I'm sure I'd still prefer the
I'm a self-employed professional. I own my own business, partnering with a network marketing company that offers health, wellness and beauty products. I am an Executive Regional VP.
I'm looking for a best friend and companion to grow old with and still hold hands. He is honest, loyal, kind, affectionate (even in public), a romantic, loves God, and has found his purpose in life. He will make me laugh, knows how to play, and be a great kisser! MUST be a nonsmoker. A picture speaks a thousand words. Please don't respond if you don't post a current one. Phoenix metropolitan area only! I'm looking for the love of my life. Is that you?

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. I have worked hard my whole life. Its time to en joy the rest of my life with a few good friends. I like camping and fishing, dancing once in awhile. grabbing a cold beer on a hot day by the pool. I like doing stuff with my children (youngest33 n oldest 44) but only once in awhile. Love motorcycles n riding.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. If you have ever walked down the street and saw someone and thought...she looks so was probably my twin sister! LOL
Yes...true...I am an identical twin.
Just thought I would start off with something different about myself.
Oh...did I mention...I love my life and wouldn't change anything that has happened in it.
Life's trials and tribulations have made me what I am today...and that isn't all bad.
Life's baggage isn't worth carrying around...the time we have on this earth is short and too precious to dwell on the past.
I am looking forward to many adventures yet to come in my life, and hoping to meet someone to share the experience.
My dream is to go around the country to photograph whatever my heart's desire, such as small town USA..old barns, festivals, the fabulous people that make up this nation, and then to create an album of memories for generations that will come after my generation is forever gone. where my heart and soul is and I will be moving back someday, so if you can't even imagine living in the beautiful Austin, Texas area or somewhere close to it, you probably won't be interested in me.
God is the center of my life and I hope to find someone who has the same center.
Hello..if I get the pleasure of meeting you.
It's okay...if you pass my quirky profile by..we weren't meant to be.'ve really missed out on a terrific person.


Date a woman from United States. I am an outgoing happy person. I'm quick with a smile and a friendly hello. I love to laugh, it is the best and most inexpensive medicine to take everyday. I stay away from cranky self absorbed people.
I enjoy being treated like a lady. I like to listen to a mans point of view and want the same in return. I'm easy to get along with and I'm not materialist.Looking for an equal partnership. I take care of myself by eating well and exercising...I also have great hair ;-). I'm artistic, handy around the house and a good cook. I enjoy home decorating and have been told I did a good job on mine. I like entertaining small or large groups...... Love to just have fun! I believe anything can be fun with the right person, except maybe having to watch WWF or a reality show...... ;-) I'm happy at a Cardinals game (even though I'm from Pittsburgh) or a museum. Like to be on the water rather than in the water. There are so many things I like to do, having a special person to share them with is so much more enjoyable.
Good friends are important. I am very reliable, if I say I'm going to do something or be there then I will. Spent 10 years volunteering as a Hearing Officer for the Paradise Valley School District. I now am volunteering at "Horses Help" a Therapeutic Riding Stable, where I groom and walk the horse used for therapy. I find I get as much out of it as the horses.
What I'm looking for: Someone who also has a good sense of humor and can banter with me. Someone who takes care of himself and isn't 50 lbs. overweight. I don't care if you are bald or have hair but please, no long gray pony tails ;-). Responsible and honest are a must. If you are retired be happily retired. If you still work, enjoy your job. Having a twinkle in your eye is a plus. I really don't care to see a picture of your car, boat or Harley, YOU are much more IMPORTANT. I believe that at this time in our lives it would be great to have someone to share with and care about on a daily basis. How is my dating resume so far??
Just have to add this.... it's being said with a smile. We all enjoy walking on the beach and watching the sun set, sitting in a hot tub sipping wine. More importantly is how you handle those pesky ADL's (activities of daily living). Are you calm in a crisis...dependable when needed....kind to others etc. By the way, I was voted the prettiest girl at my 40th High School reunion, I think it had to do with the lack of glasses or maybe dementia setting in ;-) It was a nice compliment though since it is hard to believe that much time has passed........

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for good friends and maybe that someone special to share my life with. I listen to Blue Collar Comedy when in my car and wonder what people think when they see me laughing by myself. I have a wonderful son and daughter-in-law that lives in Minnesota. The rest of my family are all in either Wisconsin or Minnesota also. I enjoy doing almost anything as long as I am in the company of someone I enjoy being with. I have done so many things and seen so many wonderful places by myself but wish I had someone to share these memories with. Right now my social life consist of a variety of friends that are scattered all over the country. I am looking for someone that enjoys doing a wide variety of activities. I enjoy being outdoors that most, like camping, hiking, fishing, backpacking, etc. I am grateful that I am fairly healthy and can do whatever I want to.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I would like someome to treat me right We could be good to each other. Have fun togeather and love the out doors. Im a famley person love to have dinners with friends and family. My friends now I will try to do anything I can for anyone

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. I am conservative women ...100% latina. I was born in Colombia but I have bee living here in USA for 8 years. I love my family and I really enjoy every time of life ....I love to go shopping walking...etc

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I'm no plain Jane...I have a wicked sense of humor, love to laugh, share, play. Want someone who is confident and secure? That would be me!! I have no problem spending the day watching football (avid fan). Or just lounging around, or shopping if you like. Am open to most anything. Like playing darts, billiards? I'm your girl..I love a good challenge..I am devoted to my cat and 2 dogs. Do you like romantic surprises? I have been known to come up with some doozies..curious? I love my job as a psych nurse but also love life. I take time for soothe the soul, and heal the mind and body. I have been known on the spur of the moment, to pack a few things and head off to parts unkown for several days...go where the wind takes me. Planning is good but so is spontaniety. Laughter is the best medicine. I laugh at myself all the time. I love to tease and just have fun. I am also serious when I need to be. So, I guess you might say, I am well rounded. Family is important to me. I have a wonderful relationship with my sister who is here in Phoenix. Rest of the family is back east. I live a simple, uncomplicated life..thats fun, and exciting.
If you are still reading, then I suppose you like what you've read so far. This can't be that difficult. Just e-mail me and lets talk. Take a chance, you might be surprised..

. Hi, I am an unsubscribed member which means I can neither send nor receive e-mails or messages. I am a hotel night auditor and a problem solver with a hint of mind reader. I am a perfectionist in many areas of my life but try not to impose my ideals on others. I generally like working but also enjoy reading, writing, horse back riding, long walks on the beach and strolls in the mountains. I am looking for some one who will give me romance and the unexpected. I like the "cowboy" type with a little polish. I am loyal to a fault and will defend my friends, family, and some co-workers when push comes to shove. But don't push to hard as I can be a real nasty person.

. I'm a 60yr young woman who loves the classics- opera symphonies, ballet, and some rock and easy listening jazz.
I work for a major airline and have done so for 26 yrs, having traveled an average amount of my time off. Besides this job, I have been in the medical field after getting a degree in Microbiology and worked as a medical lab supervisor while in that career.
I have also helped organize a Union Representation for my work group for the airlines which now gives current employees a lot more job security.
I am now thinking about retirement in 6 or 7 yrs and want to start a performing arts training facility, my life long dream. I play piano, organ and guitar and gave my own piano concert as a snior in high school. I also have some artist talent in drawing and painting.
While visiting a friend recently in North Carolina, I volunteered with the Red Cross with her at two fire scenes before Thanksgiving. It inspired me to pursue this in Phoenix. Ialso will be starting a travel club for airlines employees associated with WACA- the World Airlines Club Association. That organization has world respect since its inception about 55 yrs ago. I have been on some WACA sponsered trips and have met wonderful people through this group. Our trips are always well represented by many countries and highly respected and treated well by the governments in the host city.
I enjoy going to movies-comedy. romance, and adventure.
The joy of freedom as an American has always been a great privilege and I believe we are the greatest country still in the world.
I hope someone who is caring and concerned for others is attracted to my own mini biography.
Never having married, I still do hope to meet someone to share a meaningful life with as we grow into a couple who can make a difference together in the world, however small or big that may be.
I enjoy beauty of all kinds; that is, a flower garden or a majestic ocean scene, as well as holding a brand new baby.
My family always took a week off every summer to spend times at a cabin on a lake in New England to enjoy nature hiking, swimming, fishing picking blueberries and just being together. Iwould like to continue this kind of tradition since those are some of my fondest memories.
I still am in touch with my 2 brothers, one older and one younger, both still in Massachusetts.
That is something I cherish, because family is what counts; they have good families, and I visit them often. i am a Christian.

. I am very honest and open and am a pretty good listener. I love to chat and laugh. Sense of humor is a must! I am pretty level headed and rarely get angry. I try very hard to find the positive in most situations. I love people and family but also enjoy my own company. I have been told that I have lots of patience...I've even taught my cats to sit, shake, lie down! I love to learn and discover new things/skills. A walk on the beach, a hike in the desert, a stroll through the forest, kayaking at the lake....all my idea of nirvana! I am looking for someone who enjoys a quiet evening at home as much as a night out.