Date women from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 52 year old

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Hi~ No need to read unless you're local, with an extraordinary mind, sense of humor, lack reading material or like tragic comedies. Please don't waste our time IF YOU: Have never been married or sired offspring; said "conservative" or "LOL" in your profile; didn't proof it, used words you don't know how to spell; don't recycle/reuse everything possible; are a vegetarian; think dancing is essential. PLEASE read on IF YOU: Can surmise when I'm being facetious and return a witty remark; like Coldplay, Incubus, Mozart, Bach; don't mind an occasional board game; laugh at Stephen Colbert; attended Burning Man; know the question(="42"); have a big one (TV); view deviantART "artistic nude", don't think it's porn; can help me learn more about wine/sushi; will patiently teach golf, if you play; know the difference between "argument" "lively debate", accept it as stimulating conversation/passionate exchange of ideas. Knowing there's never a "winner", you let me THINK I "won" occasionally; I will do the same for you.
Many profiles are eerily, questionably similar. Do we all really need to repeat that we're honest, sincere, smart, funny, positive, compassionate, romantic? Who'd say they're a lying, cheating dumb-ass, with no sense of humor, depressed, mean and rude? Tell me something interesting/different about yourself, even if it's not positive, so I know you're real.
You want a woman who's not afraid to speak her mind? Ha! I'd like to see you prevent that! Believe me, I can provide endless narrative prose detailing my wonderful characteristics to explain how fabulous I am. All true, I'm pretty damn cool, albeit a bit sarcastic, unconventional, complex, bold. I have integrity, strong values; I'm wild, yet down to earth, an enlightened, unique, surprising enigma; won't fit in a box with a lid/label. I'm the real thing, maybe a little- or a lot more real than you're used to. I'd be the best friend/lover that I can be. I'm generous, empathic, forgiving, take exceptional care of the people I love. Underneath my tough skin, I'm tender and gentle and I do like that soft, slow, mushy, romantic stuff too. Yum !!
Not everyone appreciates my humor, but it's a way I face the world's ridiculous absurdities/injustice. I may sound pessimistic, but I'm a realist. I don't bury my head in the sand or ignore the atrocities around me. To pretend we live in a fantasyland won't prepare my daughter for real life. I may speak in innuendos conundrums, but I know life's not always a game, what to take seriously and when. There needs to be balance. The trickle effect is always present. You can never know what the full impact or final result of any event will be. "It" never ends, perpetually in motion in one form or another.
I love fun/excitement, but it truly doesn't take that much to make me happy. Quiet times can be just as fulfilling. I'd like a smart, funny, honest man and a little (ok, maybe a LOT) of good lovin' ! I'm not high maintenance or a "girly girl" in the normal sense, but I do display my femininity. I love "goop", have many bottles/jars/tubes of lotions/creams/oils; I can get emotional/cry in an expert manner; I own XX? pairs of shoes.
No drama or games? Hey, if you found a way to alleviate/escape drama, I beg you, please write a book, share it ! Does "no games" apply to dress up/playing with my unusual toys? Bummer.
They say men are visual creatures; maybe that's why most of you mention mandatory "chemistry/attraction". We all know what you mean. I'l break out my Bunsen burner, beakers, test tubes, magnets. You can't all have skinny, beautiful woman with long legs, big breasts! If extras are available, maybe I should consider switching sides? If you need to "visualize" so bad, there are websites-just don't get upset if I look over your shoulder, OK?
I'm committed to raising my daughter for 6 more years, but as she gets older, she needs me less. I know something important is missing from my life

Meet a woman from Phoenix, United States. I have a quirky sense of humor and enjoy making people laugh. I love positive people. I'm grateful for my family and my friends. I appreciate the beauty of nature. I'm looking for a man who "gets me" like my friends and family do. I love music and animals. I love to travel, yet am somewhat of a home body. My guy must not be a picky eater, but willing to try new dishes. A golfer would be a big plus, as well as having a bicycle. And yes, I'm holding out for the guy who will be my friend and my lover; who will treat me with respect; who will encourage me to always strive to be a better person, yet accept me for who I am. Physical attraction is important, but personality is too.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Happy woman with lots on my bucket list - starting over and loving it. I woke up and realized that playing it safe and doing the expected was boring and not my destiny. Not sure where I will end up in my journey through life, but centered enough to manage my affairs meticulously. I have no guilt or regrets or baggage just history to add to my character. I am spontaneous, open minded and fun loving with energy to burn.
I LOVE to travel. Budapest, Prague, Spain, Italy, Ireland are recent destinations and I am thinking to mix it up with a few islands and tropical destinations. I hope to find someone to enjoy good coffee or wines watching lightning storms or sunsets. I am the kind of girl who enjoys driving with the windows down or passenger on a motorcycle (my hairstyle is less important than enjoying the experience). I love to jet ski and be outdoors yet love to visit large urban cities and enjoy an old Irish Pub or stroll through the MoMA in NYC. Speed and acceleration are themes too. I LOVE rollercoasters (still). Last year I did the freefall 108 feet from the Stratosphere and a tandem skydive.One day I want to ride passenger in a bi-plane and/or MIG. (My secret regret was I never did learn to fly). Current mindset is to experience life with the right person building memories and collecting experiences.
I have been told I am non-judgemental but don't mistake that for not having standards in the character of my company. I love all kinds of movies and yes I do like DC and Marvel super hero movies. I love projects and practical creativity restoring an old piece of furniture or painting the house. Gardening gives me peace and I do love to find recipes to make home made delights from my small garden. I love to cook. My heritage is Hungarian and I do make the traditional foods from my childhood.
For openers, let's have complete honesty and fun together and the rest will follow.

Meet someone special from United States. My friends might describe me as kind and compassionate, an optimist and completely loyal; the one they rely on to plan our get-togethers and travel itineraries. I am pretty down to earth, easy to get along with and open minded. I do however, stand up for what I believe in and try to stay true to my word. Family is important to me and I have a strong relationship with my two children who attend college in Colorado. When you first meet me you might think I am a bit shy but, it doesnРІР‚в„ўt take long for me get comfortable.
I love to travel, socialize with friends and am open to trying new things, even though I sometimes need a little gentle encouragement to step out of my comfort zone. I like to get together with friends for a meal and glass of wine as much as I like going to go to the theater or a concert. I am just as happy exploring a big city as I am hiking in the mountains or relaxing on a sandy beach. I believe at the end of the day people, relationships and experiences are what are most important.
I am interested in meeting someone with whom I have great chemistry, who has an adventurous spirit and a great sense of humor; someone who will make me laugh. Someone who is young at heart and wants to live life; who is positive, passionate and, good natured. He should be considerate, compassionate and thoughtful with a big heart and a generous spirit. Loving dogs, and in general all animals is essential.
If you connect with my profile –let’s talk.

Date a woman from United States. Others would describe me as kind, compassionate, attractive, independent, family-oriented, and easy going. I have many interests and am always open for suggestions. I love to travel, read, learn about different cultures, stay physically fit, cook, attend sporting, arts, and cultural events, and volunteer in the community. I've been a single parent for many years and IРІР‚в„ўm very proud of the effort I have made in raising two really great kids. As they get older and more independent I find that I now have more time to myself. It would be nice to find someone to share in that free time.
I'm looking for my best friend and equal companion; a man who desires a sincere relationship. My ideal partner would be intelligent, independent, handsome, kind, compassionate, trusting, easy going, and a good communicator. He's energetic and open to trying new things but also doesn't mind just hanging out sometimes and simply enjoying each otherРІР‚в„ўs company. We need to be able to talk about anything and speak what we feel. We enjoy spending time together and appreciate our differences. Our strengths would compliment one another while at the same time allow each other to continue growing as human beings. If you think we might be a match, please drop me a note!

Meet a soulmate from United States. Looking for a kind gentleman who likes to have fun and enjoy each others company!! Someone who likes to be around friends and family. Or just sit quietly at home with a nice glass of wine and enjoy being together!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. Hi there, I'm doing the "look for free" thing but I guess I have to put 200 characters in here now. I'll be thinking about what to write and will update it later. Don't assume I'll say the same thing as just about every other profile, because you'll be wrong. Anticipate unique, refreshing and out of the ordinary. Remember, I can't see emails yet, so please wink instead and I'll vew you and follow up when I can with more info. Thanks.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. My life is a balancing act between work, school, exercise, friends and my part-time job of dating via! (lol) This is a job I am ready to give up, btw. I love animals, my friends, music, being outside, running, going for walks, hiking, golf (I am rusty!), movies, and just hanging out with friends and talking and laughing. I want to learn and grow and give back to others. I believe in expressing kindness and appreciation towards everyone and begin each day with a positive attitude and good intentions.
I'm a happy person, IРІР‚в„ўm in good shape and I have all my original parts. I am always told that I look younger than my age and that my pictures don't do me justice. I am very open, honest, caring, generous, and loving. I would really enjoy getting away on the weekend more often, especially in the summer, but this is not quite as much fun going with my girlfriends or my sister.
I seek a committed, monogamous relationship with depth and layers - sharing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual intimacy. I insist on feeling that elusive and undeniable magnetic chemistry that we are all hoping to find. Here is the tricky part – this only works when BOTH of us are feeling it!
You are available and ready to trade in a little piece of your independence for a best friend and lover. You don’t compare having a girlfriend with having a boat - you know… a lot of maintenance for a weekend of fun! (lol) You are genuine, funny, humble, sexy, teachable and smart enough not to let it go when you have found it. All your ex’s live in Texas (well… ok… not necessarily, but you get my drift). You are a happy person and your life is pretty full, but you want to be crazy about someone who is crazy about you! Life is short – let’s enjoy it.
If you are a gentleman with old fashioned values and morals, you are introspective, yet playful and adventurous; you are conscious and living in the moment, and you are independent, social, and have your own friends too, then we may be a match! If you are committed and monogamous once entering into a relationship, you are in great shape so we can keep up with each other, you are positive, romantic and warmhearted, you love animals and love to talk and laugh, you like holding hands, going out, staying in, kissing, public displays of affection, and you are passionate about your life and your woman, we should definitely talk!
There is no way to know if that spark is there until we meet! If you want me to respond, you will need to have at least a couple recent pictures up :-) Seriously. If I can post my pictures, so can you!

Thanks for stopping by! I know you are out there and I hope you will come find me! I wish you all the best on this journey. If our paths are meant to cross, I believe they surely will :-)

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Hi
I am a very energetic 51 year old. I am educated, outgoing, and have a very rewarding and goal seeking career.
I Love my nine year old daughter!!!!!!!!! She was adopted at 23 months and is a "Miracle!"
I am 5'8" in very good shape but not perfect...but Botox and an occasional filler keeps me looking...
I have a sense of humor, love being with family and friends,and like doing a variety of activities.
Everyone has stuff.....I would like to meet someone tall,open minded that I have a 9 year old, energetic, preferably Jewish...but....
I have 2 Mottoes-Always Reach For Your Stars & Teamwork Will Build Success-----

. Looking for someone sincere and secure both emotionally and financially to share the best times of my life with.
I was happily married for fifteen years to a respectful, kind, funny, caring, and loving man who lost his battle against cancer 6 years ago. I was blessed to be chosen as his companion on his final journey. The experience taught me about what really matters in life - God, family, compassion, and the kindness of others. It also helped me to discover my inner strength and spirituality.
I am a positive, intelligent, funny, caring, kind and loving person with an easy smile. I have learned not to fight or argue about petty things and I am not a jealous person or a Drama Queen (although I would not be opposed to being someone's princess). I am healthy, both physically and emotionally, and comfortable and secure with who I am and what I have accomplished in my life.
I won't play anything other than board games, card games or video games with you (Wii) - mind games are NOT my "thing".
My girls, my grand baby, riding bicycles on the beachfront with someone special, exploring new places, D-backs games, and enjoying the simple pleasures life has to offer ARE my "thing".
I'm looking for someone who is sweet, funny, spontaneous, respectful, loving, and has a good overall attitude about relationships and life in general. I would like to meet a man who has a strong moral character and is comfortable with himself and with what he has accomplished in his life.
If this sounds like you, send me an e-mail...let's see if we are a "Match"!

. I would love to meet someone that likes my humor by the way I do have a happy humor I'm interested for someone that can be honest faithful and sincere I am legally blind I thought I need to make myself clear about that is there anybody still interested in meeting me?

. Happiness in life has become my way of being ! Life for me is a wonderful adventure and I continue to learn, love, laugh, and play. I am looking for that special person who is ready to be stimulated and share, explore and play... discover the depths of connection on all levels; physcial,emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. I see the cup as half full, even in those experiences one might label as painful or difficult, I have come to recognize that they were some of my greatest times of growth and an opportunity for change.
I am open hearted by nature and open miinded in life. I love to expand my awareness and understanding, especially about other peoples and cultures and so travel to new countries around the world has been and remains a passion. I am adventurous and love to try new things; hand gliding and sky diving are on my bucket list....but will pass on the bungee jumping!
Physical activity has been a part of my whole life and it is how I play, and relax....running is my favorite.... meditation in motion. I did my first half iron man just two years ago after a very long pause since my life as a young competitive swimmer. I don't swim much now except in the oceans of the world, which is not often enough for one who grew up next to the ocean.
My spiritual life and seeking began as a teenager, and it is an important part of who I am ......
I am very affectionate, and love to just stay home in comfortable clothes, cuddle (that is why I am here..cause my doggie just isn't cutting it!) , relax, read something inspirational, watch a movie and drink some wine or better yet, champagne! I have learned that slowing things down in this way is nurturing, and revitalizing to my spirit...and time in nature is especially rewarding and appreciated when possible. As one in a giving profession, I have learned the importance of taking time and taking care of self.
I am sincere, honest, open, caring, and am not into game playing or head games. Monogamy is my natural way of being so not looking for someone who is unable to commit, connect, and is looking to play the field, or trying recapture their youth. Turning 50 was awesome for me...half a century...amazing, and life just feels like it is getting better and better.
Ok so get the picture I hope. If you made it this far, congrats! way to hang in there... I appreciate you taking the time to read this and wish that all your dreams may become a reality and that you find that special someone that you have been looking for!