Date women from United States / Arizona / Chandler, 61 year old

Date someone special from Chandler, United States. Hi!
I moved to Arizona from the East Coast 16 years ago. I am a proud mother of 3 beautiful women and I have an amazing 9 year old grandson. I enjoy working at my rewarding job, dancing, listening to music, eating a nice dinnerr, or just watching baseball at a stadium or a dive sports bar. I also enjoy spending time with family. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.

Meet a soulmate from Chandler, United States. !00% American Girl who spends her days supporting those who are, “Pushing Tin”(1999). Truth be told I would rather be boarding those planes for destinations unknown. I’m pragmatic but spontaneous, Nurturing but completive. Peaceful but energetic. I love staying up late -- whether it’s to talk, be intimate or just read a good book – but I almost always sleep in on weekends. I definitely have an adventurous steak – whether it’s trying out an exotic recipe in the kitchen, walking with my dogs or traveling the world thanks to my good friend at Orbitz and Priceline. My dream is to do all the things I haven’t done and few of those that I have.
About the One I’m Looking For: I’d rather be with a man who has big dreams and no money than a man with no dreams and big money. I would like him to be someone who’s going to push me to my limits and then pull back with a warm hug at the last minute. Truth is, I’m a nice women (most of the time) who’s looking for some fun and companionship (not necessarily in that order). I love funny men who can hold me spellbound with a story or make me laugh until I cry. I also love creativity and passion. Maybe it’s your love of �80s movies, your baseball card collection or the fact that you moved across country with only a duffle bag – it doesn’t matter. The right man not only fascinates me but also brings out the best in me. If you are comfortable in your own skin, have a strong sense of self and aren’t afraid to expose your flaws, I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.

Date a woman from Chandler, United States. I am looking for a nice guy who wants to have fun. I love to laugh, relax and have fun. July 17th is my last day on this site, so make up your mind fast. :)
There are a lot of things to do in Arizona even in the summertime.
I am a natural blonde. I work about 5 days a week and am self-employed. I can make my own schedule, so am available to do and see. I work out about 2 days a week and enjoy hiking and exploring Arizona and all the beautful sites here.
My girlfriend is also on this site and having fun with it, so I thought I would try.
Looking for a nice man to spend time with and hold hands with. Nothing fancy, but someone who wants a relationship and is looking for a affectionate woman. Looking for someone who likes affection, not just hook up.
Thanks for reading my profile.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Bright, intelligent woman with great sense of humour and a kind, caring, sensitive nature. I've been told that I'm genuine, passionate and compassionate. I'm probably the epitome of my Cancer the Crab-Moon Child horoscope description. I know I'm not into "playing games". I enjoy reading, writing, learning, trying new things, advancing my knowledge and experience. In a renewed and continuing effort to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle including "destressing", I have recently started to practice yoga and am checking out a Mediterranean diet-way of eating, perhaps eventually leading to a whole food plant based diet. I really miss gardening (flowers and especially vegetables. Nothing better than a vine ripened tomato!) I love my two American Cocker spaniels and enjoy spending time with them; the same goes for my family. Relocation to Arizona five years ago necessitated a career change, among other things. I'd like to get involved in my community, making a contribution of my time to local events and-or charities, shopping local businesses, getting to know my neighbors and making new friends. I enjoy most all types of music and a good rhythm will find me dancing around the house; but I can be perfectly happy with the quiet of a Sunday morning. I enjoy movies (big screen or not), watching sports (pro or not), fresh air, exercise and fun. Life is busy and full, so I'm not in a rush; but it would be nice to find someone outside of work and family with whom to spend time, share thoughts and ideas, enjoy mutual interests and activities. If it leads to more than friendship, only time will tell....unless it's one of those events when you feel as if you were struck by lightening; then it's kismet, serendipity, fate, if you will. That can be awesome also.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am grateful to God for every day of my life. If I had to live my life all over again I would not make any changes. I am looking for someone who has the same attitude. I truly believe that the past is locked, the future is far away and that the only moment we have is the present, which is a gift. I am old fashioned and would prefer to develop a friendship before committing to anything further in a relationship.

Meet a woman from Arizona, United States. My friends say, I am outgoing, funny; energetic and easy to get to know; RN for several years, have always loved and appreciated my career. Born and raised in Maine, moved to AZ about 19 years ago, where I have three beautiful- adult children and five of "the best grandchildren" in the world! Family time is so important to me but I have been on my own for the past 1 1/2 years and now, it is time for me to find that special someone to share my new life and a future with. I love doing anything outside; hiking; walking, enjoying nature etc. In fact I just joined a couple hiking groups, to do am and evening hikes .. Yippee!! For my new life... I want to experience new - adventures and "dance with a special someone in so many different ways... Looking for a long term relationship with someone that is caring, has a sense of humor, open to trying new things, and is honest, sincere, loyal and ready for a monogamous relationship. I am a very passionate, affectionate woman seeking someone who wants those qualities and is not afraid to give a kiss and/or hold hands in public etc ... No games or one night stands please, as I am looking for the real thing. :) Please only contact me, if you have a picture on this site, live locally and feel you want the the qualities I have and/or want. Look forward to meeting my special someone and if it is not you, then good luck to you, in finding that special someone for you!
Sincerely... nicelovingmyl

Date someone special from United States. I would like to share with you my dating rules if I may: 1. Don't expect more than a few kisses on the first date. I may be desperate, but not a derelict. If you want to score go bowling....2 If I have a headache, I'm tired, if you have headache, "Who's the other woman?" 3. Don't flirt with other women when we are on a date together. If you do, you'll be looking for the lost in found for your valet ticket, another date and your teeth! 4. Admit your wrong once in a while.I need a refreshing relationship. 5. Pamper me, flatter rme and agree with me. Again I need a refreshing relationship. 6. PLEASE ask for directions! Christopher Columbusa was on his way to the East Indies, and he discovered America!!! O.K thats enough for my silliness now alittle about who I am.. I'm a real positive person, I always try to see the bright side of things. If your not so positive, I'll help you out with that. I love to practice yoga, I've been doing yoga for over 12 years now. I love my family, friends, animals, and have a great job. I love to laugh and find humor in almost anything, including myself! I volunteer at a homeless shelter in downtown phx.. I'm looking for someone who has compassion for others, good sense of humor, generous and giving to others ( that includes me)!!! Someone who has a good stable job, but will also make time to have a happy social life as well..... Oh by the way, my dating rules are just a joke!! I have not had bad experiences with men! Well maybe a few!

Meet a soulmate from United States. It is time to update this profile -- I put up the original some time ago, and feel it needs to be redone.
I am a widow (for over 2 years now) and after finding I can make it 'on my own' I am ready to move on to the next stage of my life - hopefully with someone special. My greatest joys are my faith and my family -- what I would have done without my kids these last years I don't know. They are so special. I also am a committed Christian, and put my life in the hands of my Savior. Now that the pain and loss has subsided, I am ready to find that next special person. I am not a complicated or dramatic type -- very easy going, honest, and caring. I am looking for someone with the same qualities, as well as someone who shares my faith. Once in a relationship, I believe in total commitment - no games.
I have 2 kids - my daughter is married, with a family of her own, and my son is just getting married this spring (2012). I am close to them and hope that whoever God puts in my life enjoys some time with them, too! They will welcome you, as I would like to get to know your family when the time is right.
I love to share dinners out, spend time with someone, share dreams with someone, laugh with someone, and just share life. There are so many things to do and experience -- with the right person, they can all be special. As I move on with my life, I hope to find that special person to share all the joys this life has.
I love to take trips -- short ones are some of the best! I also think home is a great place to be -- to watch movies, share great conversations, food, and quiet reading time. I am not one who has to be going and doing all the time - very happy just 'being'.
I like holding hands, special smiles, and I want to be important to someone I feel a connection with, as they will be important to me. I am balanced, even tempered, feel MUCH younger than I am, in good health and health conscious, and think young. I am positive and enjoy people.
I am looking forward to someone who shares my faith, who is kind, compassionate, a good communicator, a great friend, loyal, a good listener, knows how to be fun, no anger issues, and with lots of common sense. While I don't care much for these sites, it seems a good way to meet new people, and perhaps the next - and last - love of my life.

Date a woman from United States. A smile is always important. two reasons It makes other smile and those who do not smile are wondering what you are smiling at.
I work with children and somethings the things out of their mouths are funny and sometime unbliveable.
I have raised three children who all productive lives. The girls are both teachers. My son works in computers
Most my friends call me a strong productive good woman

. I am very transparent, intelegent and hard worker, I am proud of my education and everything I have beeen able to do becasuse of it,
social life active, I would like somebody who share similar insterests

. I am an independent professional woman who is self-assured, warm, honest, energetic and forward thinking. I have a sense of humor and consider myself adventurous and affectionate. While I'm laid back, even keeled and most comfortable in jeans, I enjoy dressing for that special evening out. I've climbed a few Mayan ruins, am scuba certified, and a good cook. Because I am open to new ideas, I am interested in sharing your interests.
IРІР‚в„ўm finding that itРІР‚в„ўs all about chemistry. The man for me is secure within himself and feels free to engage in new adventures. I will open my heart to the right man and he should be willing to do the same. He should like people and be a fun loving guy who appreciates conversation, good food, good books, hiking, wine tasting and traveling both to the mountains and tropical locations.
If you're a warm and sincere guy looking for a best friend and partner, I'm only an email away!

. Hi,
I am an active lady with 5 grown children, 9 grandchildren. Playing tennis and having a relationship with the right man are my main passions in life.
Yes, I'm rather old fashioned in my family values. I like to be treated like a lady. My social life consists of going to the movies, theater, playing tennis with friends, playing golf upon occasion, going out to dinner, and joining in family events. Not one to hang out at clubs. I'm up for new adventures in my life.
I do not gamble (but have been to the casino), rarely drink alcoholic beverages and never smoke.
Don't know exactly what I'm looking for. There will have to be chemistry and go from there.