Date a soulmate from California, United States. You can say I am at a point in my life where I am having to get to know myself all over again. Its a long process as I've been discovering for over a two years now. (Separated since 9/09 and remains for purpose of medical benefits.) There have been a lot of changes that took place in my life about 2 years ago. This new chapter in my life is scary, hopeful, and rather transforming if you will. I am optimistic and open minded as to what lurks around the corner, down the street or a few blocks away into my future. I don't have it all planned out as I once lived...I take each day as it comes, put on my smile, and keep moving forward with my chin up and with a grateful spirit for all that is good around me. I believe that life is in perfect order and I am where I belong. I look forward to whats ahead! I am not sure if I am ready to dive into a new serious relationship, however, I do know I would like to meet new people. I am open and prefer a committed relationship but I do not NEED one. I am very happy with how my life is fulfilling my hearts desires by carrying out the steps in order to create it for myself. I choose to be happy everyday. I understand that it is my actions and my own ability to make healthy choices and keep a positive perspective while endure temporary sacrifices sometimes for long term joy. It is worth it to me to be happy! It's a choice. Having said that, the most important part of my days happiness is how I carry out my role as a mother. My kids are a reflection of who I am. If I am okay, they are too. My influence in every way makes a difference in their lives in both the good, and not so good. How I interact with them daily makes a difference in who they become. I strive to be healthy physically, mentally, emotionally spiritually in everything I do. It takes work. It also brings me happiness. I own my own company which requires a lot of time and effort. The good news, it also gives back the same reward of free time and playing harder! I am very much a kid at heart. Complete goofball, prankster, Lucille Ball character at large! I like me! I am fun, easily entertained, and very humanitarian being of service whenever I can! I would like someone to add to my life by sharing in the moments that carry in our hearts memory forever! To enjoy the good things in life together and wanting to love greater because we can. Mostly, bcuz love shared is our own true blessing. Hence, "to Love, is to be Loved!"