Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 48 year old

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. Hmmmmm...I use the term "LOL" way toooo often...basically because I am very playful and like to laugh. I enjoy making other people smile. I adore people with an open mind and great sense of humor. ;)
My fav physical feature on a man is a great smile and pretty teeth. I am a teeth person. ;P I am who I am...what you see is what you get. LOL Please post a pic on your profile (hopefully a current one). I enjoy seeing other peoples pics. It doesn't matter what you look like you "are who you are." If we ever meet I don't want any surprises, just as I am sure you don't.
I am a romantic at heart! I have a very giving personality and like to help others. I crave and enjoy a mentally stimulating conversation every now and then. (Ya I tend to talk alot...LOL) I am looking for someone to be my BFF. I am not a player. I need someone who doesn't take life toooo seriously and can just kick back, relax and ENJOY life...even on those mundane "normal" days. I have 2 biological boys (men now) and have raised some who call me "mom." I have a very large family.... My family and friends are VERY important to me.
I love to travel, and explore. I like to check out the local yokels diners/cafes. I like taking pics but rarely get them on my walls, concerts, dancing, floating on the river, tubing, comedy clubs, art museums, movies, baseball games, riding on the back of motorcycles or 4 wheelers, flea marketing/antiquing. I have many different interests.....
When it comes to relationships remaining faithful is never an option, but a priority. Loyalty/Trust means the world to me! I think happiness is when you can sit next to someone and do absolutely nothing and feel perfectly content and alive.....

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. I am a very giving and kind hearted person. I appreciate and value true friendships that include honesty ,intergerity and morals. I enjoy shopping going to movies and just staying at home relaxing.I am a compassionate person and care about others feelings and I am an animal lover as well.

Date a woman from Fayetteville, United States. No worries, It will all be fine! I've lived enough life to know that things work out, life goes on and it is our choice whether it is peaceful and happy or not. How do you choose to live? I live wide open and no fears.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I enjoy life... and feel that relationships are what truly make it matter. My friends and family are dear to me, but I still hope to meet that someone special to share my life with. My faith is important to me as well, and defines all aspects of my life. My home has always been Arkansas, and though I love to travel this is my corner of the world. It would be wonderful to meet someone who loves this area and the Hogs as much as I do. My health and fitness are also important to me, and being active is something I look for in a partner. I love being outside whether gardening, running or just hanging out with friends. Sunshine always makes the day better. I enjoy good wine and conversation, but also like to have quiet creative time alone.

What I am looking for is a person with a humble confidence. Someone who's open and comfortable talking to those with little or those with much. Someone who truly takes an interest in others and who's faith is of utmost importance. A person who enjoys the finer things in life,but is not obsessed with it. Someone who respects his health and works to keep his body strong. I am very happy day to day, but would treasure finding the right person to share my life with.
I have been single for about a year now after an almost 18 year marriage. I'm usually very busy with kids and not wanting to rush into anything relationshipwise, but I do hope it happens someday.
I am not posting a picture yet but will be happy to send one by text, if there is a connection through messaging.
If some of my interest are your interest... let me know...

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I consider myself fairly normal, but definitely not boring. I enjoy traveling and am not afraid to pick up and go somewhere on the spur of the moment (ask me about that sometime).

There's not a lot I won't try - I haven't been sky diving yet, but who knows...
I grew up in Virginia and have lived in Nashville, Memphis and Austin before ending up in northwest Arkansas. I've been here for about a decade now and love the area.
I enjoy doing lots of different things: hiking, canoeing, watching a football game (live or at home), live music, reading a good book on my front porch, art, working on my house; there's really not a lot in life that I don't like.
I am an affectionate, independent person who enjoys spending time with someone I care about while still needing space to be myself. I'm financially secure and looking for a partner, not for someone to take care of me. I prefer open communication with people instead of playing guessing games about what people are thinking - I'm not a very good mind reader.
Guys - I have recent pictures of myself with my profile and it's only fair for you to have the same, if you expect a response to a wink or e-mail.

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. Im young, healthy and enjoy working out. I love going places and being around people. Traveling and shopping is fun to me. Music and coffee, yum, yes! Laughing is my idea of a good time. I want someone who takes pride in how they look and feel and puts in the time it takes to get it.

Date someone special from United States. I have a good job with weird hours, but am very thankful to have a job at all. I am a very easy going person with a great sense of humor. I'm looking for a man who is confident, secure, compassionate, with a great sense of humor and a nice smile. I enjoy going out sometimes, but am a homebody at heart. I have a small dog I spoil rotten, if you can't get along with him, that is a deal breaker. My favorite vacation spot is anywhere warm!

Meet a soulmate from United States. All this just to see if there are any single men out there still breathing?? Well, I guess breathing wouldn't quite cover it. Intelligent and easy going personality with a dash of humor would be nice too.

Date a woman from United States. I am recently single after being with someone for 18 yrs. I was born in Southern California but raised in both Southern California and Oklahoma. Moved to Arkansas as an adult. I adore my Family and spending time with them and friends. Family is a priority for me. I love seeing the Joy that a simple thoughtful act can bring to others. I believe its important to treat people with respect. I guess I am considered a little to soft hearted at times but I really believe we should treat people how we our selves would like to be treated. Honesty above all else!

. Okay here it goes. I?m just looking and hoping for that forever love just like the rest of the world.
I?m originally from So. Cal. (not cali). Moved here to give my child a better chance at living a life with good morals. Not that you can?t get that in Ca. but it seemed to be easier here at the time.
Best trait? honesty ? Worst trait?.. honesty (If you don?t want the truth then don?t ask the question). I?m looking for someone that?s not afraid to speak up when something?s wrong. You can?t change the world without at least giving suggestions. I may not believe in everyone?s decisions but can agree to disagree and leave it at that.
Just no games and no dead animals on my door step. But I do like to fish once in a while. All of that will fall under the category of ?Boy Time?. Far away in a cabin where you boys do whatever it is you do.
My cabin will be the one with the curtains and fireplace.
Soooo a good cuddler is a must!!! And I believe "real men" wear jeans! At least on the weekends!
I love a good drive with the music loud (so you can?t hear my singing ? lol).
I also need someone who I can share and learn new experiences with. I love life, traveling and people. I like to learn why people are the way they are and what life experiences motivate their decisions.
He should have a good sense of humor about himself and the rest of the world. No one should be a stranger and he should know the true meaning of love as not always a feeling but a commitment to mankind.
So there you go. Here I am trying something new. Looking for my Prince Charming to come save me. What the heck I?m not getting any younger and really want someone to share my life with. Either way I wish the best of luck to who ever is reading this; and that you might find your true love. It makes life so much easier when you?ve got someone else to make mistakes with. Hee hee
Whew?.. glad that?s over?.