Date women from United States / Arkansas / Harrisburg, 48 year old

Date someone special from Harrisburg, United States. So, about me.... Have you ever been in a relationship where you still felt alone? I have, and I didn't like it. I am looking for someone that wants to be with me. Instead of, needing to be with me. If you think you can get by with just your good looks, take a hike! Being used is not my forte. I don't mean to come across as cold and callous because I'm really not that way. I'm just simply being direct about what I don't want.
I am originally from Salinas, CA. When I was 16, my Mother and Step-Father moved to Arkansas. I moved back to Salinas a year ago to help take care of my Father. He is now stable and I have recently moved back HOME to Arkansas to live my life hopefully with a man that has established a career he loves and doesn't have a bothersome witch of an ex and/or disrespectful children aka BRATS! Am I asking for too much? I don't think so. Otherwise, I guess I will have to live the rest of my life running solo.
Oh! If you are secretly pining over some lost love or hang out in the bathroom with your phone or you need a POD for your baggage, please do yourself and me a favor and skip over this profile.