Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 69 year old

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. My family and friends would probably describe me as dependable, good sense of humor, tolerant, and smart. Man I'm looking for needs to be mature, financially independent, responsible, humorous, tolerant, and pretty smart. Smart can be defined in many ways. I want to add value to a man's life as he will to mine. No sense of humor? Try someone else...
Family is my priority. Son, one daughter, four grandchildren live in Fayetteville. One daughter and one grandson live in Cambridge, MA. Grandchildren range in age from 2 to 22! Oldest goes to Williams but will be at Cambridge all next year. Next one attends UA. Third is our special guy! Granddaughter is a junior in high school. Youngest lives too far away, but skype and facetime make it easier to keep communicating.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. i came from a family in Virginia. My DAD was a hard working man. He had high morals. I came
from a good family. I try to live my life as my dad
would have.
I had 2 brothers, so I learned to grow up as a TomBoy. It is hard being the only one left.
I grew up right outside of Washington DC

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. I spend most of my time alone these days, am semi-involved with my church. My kids and grandsons hang out at my house a lot. It'd be a real blessing to have an adult conversation and exchange of thoughts with someone with whom I'm not related.

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. I am 49 yrs young. I work hard and looking for someone who does the same. I also like to play hard. I am down to earth almost always easy going. I love all outdoor activity s. I have been told that I am the nicest person alive. I have 3 grown sons and a 7 month old grandbaby. they are my accomplishments. I am looking for a man that is simple and kind. I have a sick sense of humor, if someone falls I laugh. I am looking for someone to share my life with. My kids and grand baby make me smile daily. I love my horse and dog.

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. I come from a large family of 4 brothers and 5 sisters so family is very important to me I am also bless with 2 daughters and sons-in law and 3 grandchildren. My grandson is in the Air Force serving in England. I enjoy going to see my granddaughters do Irish dance. I was born in NJ moved to Fl in my 20's worked for 23 years for a City in the Building Department issuing Permits and Licenses for Business and retire to AR to live near my grandchildren.
I enjoy working on my home and do most of it myself. I have 2 adopted dogs and 1 adopted cat. I like being in the yard on nice cool sunny days.