Date women from United States / Arkansas / Bella Vista, 48 year old

Date someone special from Bella Vista, United States. Did you hear the one about the lady who joined an online dating service looking for the love of her life?.........She found him! Well, almost. I know I am that lady and I know you are out there somewhere, just waiting for our hearts to meet. I can't wait to sit across from you and see the sparkle in your eyes when you speak of family. I dream of the times we share on the lumpy sofa just being silly and having tickle fights. I'm all a flutter when you kiss me in the moonlight and slow dance with me under the stars. I'm melting inside when you call your mom and tell her you've met "the one". Your honesty, faithfullness, kindness, intellect, vulnerability, desire, passion, and humor will only make me sigh with happiness. I'm the dreamer and the one who gets carried away. You're the practical one who reels me back in but lets me know it's okay to have ideas bigger than life. I'm the snuggly one who wants to stay in bed on Sundays and just.....snuggle. You're the go getter who lets me snuggle for a while and then plans a day of fun at the park with the kids and the dog. I'm the football fanatic. You're the one who likes to tackle me at half time. I'm the one who loves open displays of affection. You're the one who does, too! I'm the one looking for love on the internet. You're the one who's ended the search.

Meet a soulmate from Bella Vista, United States. I'm 48, single, have recently moved from North Jersey to Northwest Arkansas and have also just found a great job working for Revlon.
My interests vary from going to movies, romantic dinners, and quite conversation to paddle boat rides, casino playing,
i would really like to find someone who is looking for the same things in life i am and would like to share their life with a special someone.
I am hoping to meet a gentleman who has similar interests like myself and would like at some point like to be in a committed reationship.

Date a woman from Bella Vista, United States. I'm a positive person, sure of myself and I've accomplished a great deal in my life. The one thing I am missing is a fabulous man to share the good times! I believe I can learn something new everyday. I believe that personal growth is vital to being all that I can be. I'm emotionally open and believe that it is vital to any relationship. I have integrity and expect the same from others. I'm responsible, but I don't take myself too seriously. If you can't tell, I have plenty of self-exteem and believe that self-respect is so important in a relationship. I hope to meet a man that is interested in exploring these character traits in himself as well.
I love a good sense of humor and a sense of adventure. There is nothing better that a spontaneous road trip with lots of laughs and wrong turns. There is always something interesting down every road. I don't mind staying in for a romantic evening, but I love to get up and go, too. If you're living life to it's fullest and want a friend (or more) to share the journey, drop me a line. I'd love to have a drink or a coffee and see where things go!

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Decided to give Match a try since I am new to the area and own my own business and work from home, the combination of the two make it challenging to meet someone to say the least.
I am a secure and happy with my life ......but life is meant for two.
I enjoy travel, hiking, home decorating, exploring new places, baking, fine food, gardening, comedy clubs, antiques, unplanned adventures and so much more. I spend lots of time traveling to beautiful places to hike, see waterfalls and go caving....ETC.
I don't mind doing things or going places alone but it would be nice to share and make memories with someone as well.
I am very self sufficient, independent, have my own opinions, and honest. I have a good sense of humor and enjoy others that do as well.
My family and friends are very important to me and I love spending time with them and making sure they know how much they mean to me.
A man who has eyes for me only, that I can relax and be myself around, who wants only the best for me, who really listens when I talk of things wheather they think its important or not :), someone who I can respect and respects me as well are important qualities!
I am considered a very genuine and generous person in all aspects of my life....especially in friendship, family and love.
No pressure! Lets just relax...become friends and get to know each other and see what happens from there.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. Only 2 days left! Guess it was not meant to be on here! I have joined the gym and have determined that I must improve my life and on Jan. 31 will be my last day for a cigarette. I will be smoke free and gonna love the new me! Maybe one day I will be back but I have a feeling that I will not need to, because the day I quit looking, my soulmate will find us! Yes us! I really take awful pictures, but know that I am beautiful, because I hear it from lots of people, so why am I single still? Well been told that I am too picky, but you are never too picky, when it comes to that feeling you get in your gut and heart, you know those butterflies? Im not picky, I am just honest with myself and others. I am a fun, kind spirited,honest, beautiful person on the inside and out. I have a serious side and a fun humor side to myself. I like to spend time with my family and friends, and have 3 children, of which 2 still live with me. My oldest daughter is 28 and a new mother herself. My son is 14 and my youngest daughter is 12.. I love my children very much and love spending quality time with them. I recently became a grandmother, and it is the most wonderful feeling! I have had a rough couple of years dealing with career and deaths in our family, but will not let that get me down. Would like to me someone who is willing to just become my best friend, because I beleive that is the most important thing in a successful relationship.
I am looking for a honest, kind hearted, fun-loving, romantic guy that likes to talk and share conversations together. I am not a judgemental person. I am just looking for someone to share good times together.
I like being outdoors when the weather allows. I love working outside in the yard, taking walks, especially at night. Having outdoor bbqs with family and friends. I dont own a motorcycle, but I love to go for rides in the country, go on picnics and just get away. Spending alone time but also spending family time with my children. My children are an important part of my life.
I like most music, except maybe rap. Not much into that even though my oldest daughter is, if I cant understand the words then its not much of music. I grew up with the 70 and 80's music and really like to dance, but listen to all music.
I live a very busy life since I have 2 children that still live with me, So you must like children and realize that they are a big part of my life.Im not looking to get married soon or a new father for my children, since they lost their dad 3 yrs ago. I am looking for a friend at first and someone to have fun with and see where it leads. I know that there is someone out there for me and I know my heart will tell me when I find that special someone. I wish everyone good luck and hope that happiness finds you!