Date women from United States / Arkansas / Botkinburg, 48 year old

Date someone special from Botkinburg, United States. The first thing you'll notice is how easy I am to talk to about anything. I put you at ease and the conversation moves easily from topic to topic. I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. I laugh a lot, mostly at myself. I am affectionate, but not a groper or a grabber or a clinger. I work hard, so I am also used to making my own way, taking care of business. I am the type of person that can look you square in the eye when we talk and have nothing to hide. I am strong, independent and smarter than your average bear. I am also occasionally forgetful and totally "blonde" at times, which is really annoying, but just part of who I am. I would like to go out and try new things or go to a concert or movie occasionally, but don't because I have no one to go out and have fun with. No one has caught my eye in a long time. Could you be that special someone?
I love living in Clinton surrounded by my family after 22 years of being world traveler in the military, but it can be very lonely always being without that special someone. My son still lives with me full time, but he is a teen and will be leaving the nest in a few months and it is hard to think about coming home to an empty house. When this happens, I would much rather be out on the road with my partner sampling some more of what life has to offer.
C'mon guys, if you really are tired of being alone, just take a chance. No one ever won the race by sitting on the sidelines by themselves watching life go by with binoculars (or a laptop)!!!!
If you really want to get a good idea of the type of person I am, my favorite book is The Tao of Willie Nelson. If you read the book and you understand or agree with most of it, then you are the guy for me. Every woman has a preference in types of men that they seem to be attracted to more than others, so here goes my wishlist.
My ideal man is taller than me, which at 5'3" doesn't take much, but I prefer 5'10" or better and has a stocky or muscular build, some padding is okay. Strong and confident personality without being arrogant and pushy. The quiet authority leader type. You know, John Wayne type cowboys and nice guys with confidence come to mind. Looking for a man that is low key and comfortable, open minded socially, spiritually, and adventurous but loyal and dependable. Basically looking for someone with good character, intelligence, friendly personality, and a somewhat open mind.