Date women from United States / Arkansas / Springdale, 48 year old

Date someone special from Springdale, United States. I am looking for someone who can laugh at himself and enjoy life! Confident in himself while having a great sense of humor. I am old-fashioned when it comes to dating. I truly appreciate it when a guy opens a door for me, is the first to call, and initiates advancing the relationship. I believe dating should be about adding value to each other's lives! Lets talk and see if we have a good connection.

Meet a soulmate from Springdale, United States. I am worth more than a $50 steak. If you are the type to go home everyday, open a beer and prop up your feet, your not my type. I care about the way I look so I put in the time it takes to be healthy and feel pretty. If you do not care about your appearance, your socks do not match your tie, or your gym membership is collecting dust, you are not the man for me. And please do not show up without a sense of humor because I am my own comedy central episode :-D

Date a woman from Springdale, United States. I have great sense of humor, am young at heart, sports minded and enjoy having friends over for dinner and cocktails. I appreciate change because I like adventure and trying new things.
I've always believed if you love the one you spend the most time with (yourself) you will never be lonely. I'm independent and confident, but like most people can be vulnerable. I'm all about dressing up for dinner, but absolutley love a good burger at a local whole in the wall. I try to eat well and exercise, I'm not a fanatic about it but realize how important it is to take care of yourself.
I relocated to Arkansas from Arizona for a job opportunity. I am financially stable and looking for the same. I'd like to find a man that is confident but not cocky, feels comfortable in a 5 star restuarant but would be fine grilling on the patio with friends. Someone with a positive attitude and is open to personal growth and spirituality. I'd also like a man that has his own interests and passions and pursues them and allows me to do the same. And lastly... has NO red ceramic hogs ;)

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. Well, I never thought I'd be doing this but here goes... I'm a single mom with a son (10 years old). I like to enjoy outdoor activities, coffee (or drinks) and good conversation. I have a very busy schedule with working full time and school activities, etc. so I am not looking for a serious relationship, just someone to go out with once in a while and have fun.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I'm an young fuddy duddy, I don't drink, smoke, do drugs. I am basically a homebody. A gathering a friends, a quiet dinner, at home or out, a movie, a play, playing cards, going to thrift stores, antique stores, auctions.....these are my idea of a nice time.