Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 40 year old

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. Hard working, dedicated, and sympathetic would describe me in my work. Loyal, loving, supportive, and dedicated to my family and friends. I am grateful for all things in my life, good and bad. The good make me smile and the bad help me learn. I would love to find someone who knows how to laugh and be happy. Who can find beauty in the smallest things. Who knows the true meaning of the word friend and what it takes to be one. I love to be around people who enjoy life.

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. My subscription expires in a couple of weeks. In the mean time I am not so excited about dating right now; I tried it for a couple of months and it just doesn't seem like the right time for me. Best Wishes!
I am so energetic, but love to relax, too. I enjoy doing just about anything outdoors, hiking, swimming, skiing, running, hanging out on the beach with a nice beverage. Love to go to the lake, but I do not go camping, unless there is a hotel nearby I can check into when it's bedtime! I am intentional in the way I conduct my life and believe in balancing hard work with a lot of fun. I enjoy a nice dinner and some patio happy hour time, but I also love chilling out at home. My favorite local places to go are Theo's and Bonefish Grill. My two vices are music and shoes. I need to work out as much as I need oxygen to live. I have an offbeat sense of humor. I love life and all the opportunities to reinvent myself at any time. I'm happy that I've made mistakes because those experiences teach me to grow and learn regularly.
I'm looking for a gentleman who is adventurous and smart. I like manners in a man. If you can make me laugh you will win big points! If you like to cook...even bigger! I need someone who can compartmentalize when it comes to work/life balance, has a strong faith in God, loves his family and steps up to the plate when it comes to philanthropy. I firmly believe to those whom much is given, much is expected, and I live very much by that motto.
I haven't dated much over the past 3 years because I've been focused on building my career and raising my kids. I love those 2 monkeys and am so blessed that they love me, too. Friends and family are everything to me.

Date a woman from Fayetteville, United States. im very energetic love to do things apur of the moment. also enjoy traveling. love to have and make new "firsts" i really enjoy making others peoples lives richer.
Have meaning. Make the most and best out of your situation. dont do well with constant pity parties. One of my Male Mentors told me when i was around 20 years old that Life was not a Dress Rehearsal...... that has made a lasting impact on me and my choices in life. I have threee beautiful children. All very athletic. two boys one girl. God knew i could prob only handle one girl by myself!!!! I wear my emotions on my sleeve. Im pretty black and white so my friends tell me. As in
I dont say somethingunless i mean it. Oh and if im going to do something there is no half way its All or Nothing....

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am looking for someone who loves me for me and nothing more. I have a lot of love to share but need to find the right person. I am currently separated seeking a divorce. I am not looking for an affair or fling.... Ive been proposed to do this before is why I say this. Lol

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. someone i can share time with, elearn about life , share life , music and beautiful days with, I would like to meet a free spirited person who loves life, the outdoors, water, and most of all music. Looks are not important it is the soul that matters

Meet a woman from Arkansas, United States. I am a petite blonde, 5'2/110, ball of energy who is newly divorced. A mix of sassy and sweet, willing to try just about anything... But responsible! Not shy. Can be super goofy and witty. I like to get dressed up for a night out (Theos, Bordinos) But Im a jeans and ball cap kinda gal too. I work out 3-5 days a week. Cardio and tennis. Eat healthy! I splurge on chips and salsa and Love candy corn, cotton candy and circus peanuts!
I was married for 17yrs. I have two girls (true loves). I am from Texas, but have lived in NWA for many years.
I am a college educated, Sorority type ...with a kick. I don't have many deal breakers except smoking. :(
City girl... Not a country girl. I prefer a lean, athletic type with a good sense of humor, sarcastic and confident. I love a dirty joke, as well as, a dirty martini. But, I guess I am pretty picky. We all know what we are looking for...dont we? And yet its so hard to describe. Chemistry can't be defined. So if the other isn't feeling it, it's not personal!
Go ahead and wink or email if you think we are compatible, but don't get upset if its not returned!!! If there isnt an immediate attraction, why waste each others time! Agree?
Have fun fellas!

Date someone special from United States. I'm a smart and down to earth woman who is looking for someone to share all of life's adventures with. I love to travel and explore new places. Looking for someone who likes to have fun and most of all is a great communicator. I'm not interested in games or drama.

Meet a soulmate from United States. A new year a new beginning.... I've been on this site for a few months and have met some wonderful people. Unfortunately, I think I haven't had my heart in it. For 2012 I want to try harder meet more people and be more open.
Things you should know about me:
.....I love to laugh and smile
.....I hate bananas, it's a texture thing
.....I work out almost everyday, and I'm still not and will never be perfect
.....I'm not good at sitting still
.....I love to travel, especially to out of the way places
.....I have a car, a job, and a house of my own
.....I have lot's of faults and some of them are quite annoying
.....I can be opinionated, stubborn, and down right set in my ways
.....I can be sweet, fun loving, adventurous, a little crazy, and down right fun to be around
.....I am no longer allowed to drive four wheelers or paddle canoes....however, I make a good passenger
.....I have never been snow skiing or gone to Las Vegas
If you want to know more please ask!!! Good luck to everyone.

Date a woman from United States. My closest friends would describe me as fun, jumpy, peppy, and adorable. My favorite color is pink. What makes me smile? Well, when I can make someone happy. That brings the smile out of me. My accomplishments that I'm most proud of is getting to experience all the things that I have. I'm very grateful for life, friends, family, a roof over my head, and everything I have. I'm hoping to find someone like me, or someone that likes me for me. I don't want to be judged, and I don't want to be picked on. I'm very sensitive. In my relationship, I don't want to just start out fast. I like to ease into things. And I want him to be okay with that.

. I am a laid back,open-minded woman who likes to have fun and love to try new things and learn ,love the outdoors and the water.would like to find the same in a partner.. Everything in my headline ,plus someone easy to get along with and who loves dogs,and kids,someone who likes me for me and knows my faults and still will be around no matter what, i am that way so my partner should be the same,I am a woman who tells like it is without sugarcoating or beating around the bush.

. I like to cook for someone and have conversations with them. Want to watch sports with. I have a child and need someone who enjoys kids and wants to be around them. I am shy and reserved until I feel comfortable with them. I am sorry for not being on for a while. It is time for me to come out of my shell and live life.

. I like long walks on the beach and traveling. I love kids and working out. i am an art dealer. merry christmas, happy easter happy new year happy birthday. this is my first time doing this. i am from florida nad love to ski and do outsoorsy stuff