Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 66 year old

Date a woman from United States. I have a nice welcoming smile and try to always have a positive attitude. I spend time with my grown daughters (3) and my 2 younger grandchildren (10 & 6)....the older two are 28 & 25,,,,they do not have much time for Grandma. I still work full time, I love western music, used to be a pretty good dancer and love to see the shows in Branson, MO.
I would love to find someone to talk to, maybe go to dinner and dancing once in a while.....................Love western music.........actually I would like to learn to Clog.........line dancing looks like lots of fun and even square dancing............sound good to anyone???????????
I went on a 15 day cruise this last October-November, it was wonderful. My best friend in the world and I went through the Panama Canal and really had a great time.........She lives in California so we do not yet to see one another very often, every two or three years. The Panama Canal was very interesting, I have lots of pictures, and we also went swimming with the dolphins. The cruise was really nice, good food, lots of older folks like us and only 3 children on the whole ship........over 2000 passengers...........