Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 45 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am a professional living in a university town. I am a true friend to those who know me and would give my shirt off my back if I need to do so. I travel occasionally each year for business to both domestic and international destinations.
I enjoy a good joke, a nice meal, and intelligent conversation. I am grateful for every day that I am able to live.
I'm looking for someone to share experiences with as we move through our lives.

Meet someone special from United States. I'm a very personable person who loves to laugh and enjoy life. I can have fun doing almost anything but especially love live music or concerts. I spend alot of time with my kids and close friends who are just like family.

Date a soulmate from United States. First if all I'm not looking for someone to take care of me. I'm very independent and I can take care if myself.
I'm looking for someone I can grow old with although I'm not ready to grow old!! Lol! I want someone that I can sit in the front porch with and rock our grandbabies or get out in the yard and play with the grand kids!! I have a huge heart and a lot of love to give.
I have three beautiful daughters who are all grown and live in their own. I so look forward to grand kids whenever God decides to bless me with them. My girls are my everything!! And if you have kids they will by my kids too!! I don't believe in "step kids"!!
Ive been called an "Encourager". I always try to see the good in everyone!! I have a positive attitude and always encourage others to make the best of every situation.
I'm fun loving, warm, sensitive, caring, compassionate and have a great sense of humor. I love to laugh. I want to be with a person that has a great sense of humor and doesn't take everything so serious!! I love running and working out with my trainer. Fitness is important to me. I want to live a long time and be healthy for my kids and future grand kids.
I love spending time with my family. They are very Important to me. I love going to church although my work schedule does not allow me to go as often as I'd like. I love my Lord!! I want the man that I plan to spend the rest of my life with to love God as well. I believe putting God first is key in a lasting relationship.
I look forward to this journey to find my best friend and love of my life. I know there is so much I forgot to say but then again that's all a part of getting to know someone.

Meet a woman from Fayetteville, United States. I am a sweet, romantic, compassionate person.
I give my whole heart to whatever I am doing, and I want to give my whole heart to that special person in my life.
I am loyal and I love making everyday and special moments extraordinary. I do all with quality.
I love animals, and the orphaned and hurting seem to find me. My friends call me "Snow White".
I am most happy on the foreign mission field, I have been blessed to have been able to go to Brazil and the Dominican Republic.

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. I'm fairly easygoing. Family comes first - and that includes family of choice as well as origin. My kids are priority, that's my job until they leave the nest, but I have to take care of me, too. So, while they are my priority, it doesn't mean EVERYthing is for them. One must seek balance. I'm just looking for someone to be my partner. You don't need to come in and rescue me, raise my children (or me, for that matter lol). You just be you, I'll be me, and together, we'll be irresistible and unstoppable - that's hero enough for me. Oh...and it wouldn't be the end of the world if all that happens is I make some new friends.

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. I am honest, down-to-earth and very fun. Family and friends are important to me, so I treat them well. I am a writer, and I think I have the best job of anyone I know. I am currently taking creative writing courses at my university. My life is always interesting. Kindness is what motivates me, and I really value integrity.

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. Yeah, itРІР‚в„ўs that time again. It seems like once or twice a year a subscription to Match for a month is in order to meet some wonderful people. Since my career limits meeting men to date and the bar scene is not for me, Match has been a good catalyst!
Yes, IРІР‚в„ўm one of those old fashioned girls who still believes that sex is for marriage and God should be number one in every relationship. Are you still reading??? Seriously?? You must either: a) agree with me or b) you are seriously bored. LOL :-)
IРІР‚в„ўm a very happy mother of 3 wonderful children who are out on their own. Two sons, one in Houston and one in Springfield Mo. and a daughter who graduated high school May 2012. I have no idea what is going to be written on the pages of lifeРІР‚в„ўs book now that this chapter is complete. But it will be exciting! Can't wait to see what God has in store for the days ahead!
Hmmmm, how can I describe myself? I love the sky, sunrises, sunsets and lightning storms. Quiet walks holding hands through the park and naked Saturdays watching movies (of course that is off limits unless we are wed ;-) Romance is a must and making memories you will never forget! I love to travel if the budget allows and hope to see Europe someday. If not, thatРІР‚в„ўs okay too, there are plenty of movies and we can pretend. Dave Ramsey and FPU's financial approach have encouraged me to change my lifestyle. This is very important to me since debt is a four letter word. Material things are great but not my lot in life. IРІР‚в„ўd rather do great things for other people and give to loved ones or less fortunate. IРІР‚в„ўm comfortable in a hoodie and jeans or a formal evening gown if the eveningРІР‚в„ўs events so desire- whatever comes our way.
Family is very important to me and I want the kind of man you can take home to mom. She and I have a wonderful relationship and my sister is my best friend. That is until I meet that special man that God has picked out for me. Until then, I’m content, happy and enjoying my life. Friendship is important and the only games we will play are the ones with dice or a deck of cards….. NO Drama Please! I love most types of music except rap.
Thank you for taking time to read my profile and if IРІР‚в„ўm not your Match, may your future be blessed!


Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I was divorced in July 2011, and I'm beginning to feel like myself again.
I like to stay fit, so I take ballet classes twice a week and weight train three times each week.
My favorite things are my two cats, wine, and my best friends.
I belive in always putting forth one's best effort in every situation. There is no other way.
I will never understand why people get pleasure from killing fellow earthlings. Murdering small creatures for the fun of it and calling it a sport is inconceivable to me. Hunters need not apply.
My ideal person is educated, witty, open-minded, eloquent, and honest. He must have a strong work ethic and a good moral compass.

. Im so ready to just hang out and have fun. I'm easy to please. I like a little romance and down to earth kindness and respect. Honesty is a must. I can laugh at myself and need someone who can do the same. Everyone has baggage-I'm willing to help carry yours if you are willing to help carry mine. Life is too short to worry about the small stuff. Everyday is a gift! Live life to its fullest!

. I am Asian and live in USA. I am Good Christian with a great heart, 45 years old, divorce, conservative, sincere, honest, God fearing. I am generally a very down to earth gal who is shy at first but once we get to know each other, you may end up to laugh! I love travelling.
I am looking for a new friend to share life ups and down with. A man who is completely mature, fully responsible, family oriented, God fearing, conservative, understanding, trustworthy, sincere, has sense of humor, kindhearted, (hopefully willing to go to church every Sunday).

. I am a fun-loving woman with a great sarcastic, keen sense of humor who enjoys being around a crowd or just a night with that special someone.
I am easy going and laid back most of the time, but like to stay active from exploring some new adventure or a spontaneous weekend get away. Most people would describe me a thoughtful and giving especially something that I am very passionate about as well as fun to be around. I try not to take life to serious except when absolutely necessary.
I am always interested in learning and trying new things and believe in enjoying whatever you may be doing at that moment or whatever person you are r
with at that time. Life is what you make it and too short not to enjoy. Live it to the fullest and have few regrets.
I believe that taking care of yourself is very important. It is not only good for your body but makes you feel better about yourself. I work-out in some form several times a week to stay in shape. I am very active and full of energy and life, but sometimes staying in, watching a movie, snuggling on the couch, makes for a perfect evening as well.. I enjoying taking in the beautiful sites that the Ozarks have to offer, dancing or just going to a local hangout for a drink. I can have a great time doing almost anything, from the mundane the chaotic. It is all about being in the moment and sharing it with that special person. I am comfortable dressing up but can be just as happy in jeans and a t-shirt.
I am looking for someone to share new adventures and enjoy life with, to share the good times as well as the bad and someone who has morals and values. Someone who is intelligent, enjoys life and lives each day to the fullest, honest, adventurous and not afraid to try new things, someone who can serious when required but also goofy with a sense of humor as I love to laugh and tease but can be serious when absolutely necessary.
Trust is an absolute necessity, without it you have nothing to build upon. In a nutshell, I am looking for that person that I can't imagine being without. That special someone that is the first thing you think of in the morning and the last before you go to sleep at night.
I have learned through my life that you always have alot to be thankful for even if it doesn't seem like it at times. I try to be optimistic at all times and find the good in people.
I am not looking for marriage, but a friendship that could grow into so much more who is willing to let things happen naturally and lead where they may, whether that be a relationship or just friends.
If any of this sounds like you, email me and letРІР‚в„ўs see where it could lead.
I do have a photo that I will b glad to send you. Haven't posted one due to my profession and the awkward moments that it could possibly create. I love my job but it does not define me as a person.
PS: if you are looking for a friends with
benefits arrangement then I AM NOT the one for you. I only date one person at a time. I juggle too much at work to have to do that when I get off work