Date women from United States / Arkansas / Searcy, 48 year old

Date someone special from Searcy, United States. I am a firm believer n God and the bible. I dont attend church very often but still have a good relationship with the Lord Jesus. I am looking for a good hearted fun loving man who loves kiids and family

Meet a soulmate from Searcy, United States. My friends would say im loyal easy going and young at heart iv raised my baby on my own without help im hoping to meet a man that is not a selfish person easy going and hard working but can still be fun

Date a woman from Searcy, United States. Hi:) I'm a funny loving and can be serious when needed .. Love to live lough and love!
Not looking for games, looking for that exciting adventurious loving caring man to give all my affection and love to .. Love to cuddle and show my affection ..
If your that special man :) let's chat and get to know each other .. Friends first and then see what happens :)

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I friendly, I like people. Will help others, I have 2 dogs and a cat. I enjoy plants and gardening. I like fishing and hunting. I do all kinds of crafts: painting, sewing. I use to do Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. Sunday School Teacher. I enjoy children. I'm looking for love and companion to be with.