Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 27 year old

Date a girl from Fayetteville, United States. My favorite days are the ones that do not start with an alarm clock, coffee functions as a main food group for me, I am nearly always late, I keep the very best company.... I have nothing else to say in this box...

Meet single girl from Fayetteville, United States. I love to laugh. I don't take life too serious and always find humor in everything I do. I have the best family and friends a gal could ever have. I am extremely lucky and very appreciative. I have heard many good things about online dating sites so thought I would try it out.
I enjoy just about everything and I am pretty much in a good mood all of the time. I hate onions, humid weather and sci-fi movies. I love ALL kinds of music and I am a die hard Lady Gaga fan. I still enjoy Chuck Norris jokes and Beaver Lake is one place I can relax (yes, we drink it every day and I pee in it every weekend) and chill. Bud Light and wine are also close friends of mine, especially after a long day at the office. I am a huge fan of instant gratification (cleaning, mowing, power washing, organizing) and I don't think I am too weird, right? :-) I enjoy sarcasm way too much and my TV channel is always on HGTV (Property Brothers is my fave). My friends are my family and I am always hanging out and enjoying life.

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. I'm outgoing and energetic, and try to surround myself with the same type of people. I enjoy meeting new folks, and because of my career I sometimes have to be around large crowds, which doesn't bother me. A sense of humor is something I DON'T lack, and I love making people laugh, in turn, I need a guy with a great sense of humor. I'm looking for honesty, and openness, I'm not a jealous person, and never will be, so I don't tolerate crazy ex's or the jealous types. I need someone who enjoys staying fit, and doesn't mind trying new things. Music is my life, and sports is a close 2nd, so if you don't enjoy both of those, please don't bother. I was raised in an old-fashioned household, and still believe that a guy can open the door for a lady. I'm easy going and DRAMA FREE, and expect the same in return! Everything happens for a reason, and it's all possible with faith, love, and prayer, I hope you share those same beliefs.

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. I just want to find someone that I feel comfortable with..............................................

Date a girl from Arkansas, United States. I like to think of myself as a fun, free-spirited person. I love to get out there and experience new things. I love to have fun. I am the kind of girl who will run outside and play in the rain just to do it. I love hiking, camping, bike riding, and anything that has to do with the outdoors. I enjoy being inside too though. It's always nice to be able to relax and enjoy a nice quiet Sunday.
Cooking is also something that I really enjoy doing. I will admit that I am no chef but it is still something that I really enjoy doing. I just hope that people enjoy my food as much as I enjoy making it for them.
I have a good sense of humor. I love to laugh and I love making people laugh. I am a very goofy person.
I really don't know that I could tell you what a perfect match for me would be. Mainly I just want someone who is going to be there for me and that I can be there for. I want someone to have fun with and someone to experience new things with. Life is an adventure and everyone needs a partner to enjoy it with. I want someone who has a positive outlook on life. I want someone who isn't afraid to be goofy every now and then and who can make me laugh. And i also want someone who enjoys the company of friends and family. My friends and family are so very important to me. They are part of who I am. They are my support system and I would not be who I am today without them.
I am also a huge razorback fan. There is nowhere I would rather be in the fall than at a football game calling those hogs. If you're a fan then that's a huge plus for me!

Meet single girl from Arkansas, United States. im 27 f bout 230 lbs. I live in fayetteville arkansas looking 4 honest and kind people. Not snitches or people that disrespect people. And no liers or theifs i dislike them ALOT. So if dats u hit me up.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am very outgoing and love to be around people what I am looking for in a patner is Honest and trustworthy someone who will understand I have a family and I am looking to complete that one day I love going to church and want someone who values that..I also like to hang out with friends and have some adult time when possible

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I recently moved to Fayetteville. I love meeting new people and trying new things so here goes! I enjoy running and working out. I also love to play tennis! I am a very fun and out-going person! I value my health more than anything. Without it I would not be able to enjoy my family and friends! Chat me if you are interested!

Date a girl from United States. I am easy going, hardworking, love to learn new things, meet new people, and have fun. I love learning about other cultures and their languages and traveling to experience them. I've also just recently started to appreciate traveling to new places throughout the US. I love spending time with friends, but I also value time alone to relax. I try to work hard during the week so I can fully enjoy my weekends. I love a good red wine. I love Zumba. I'm not a huge sports fan, but I enjoy the excitement of a game and will always be true to my Wisconsin roots and be a Packer, Brewer, and Badger fan. I tend to move around a lot, but I've been in Fayetteville since 2009. Though I don't know how long I'll be here, it's become home for now.
I try to live life actively doing things I love and finding new things to love. Im looking for someone to share those things with.

Meet single girl from United States. I’m a smallish girl, but I live life to the max. I love mingling and chatting away. I work hard and want to meet someone for socializing and enjoying intimate times like going the movies, romantic meals, cuddling up and watching DVDs. I’m not a shy, introverted person – but I’m not an extroverted male either that has to show off. I’m somewhere in the middle.

Date someone special from United States. I'm a psychology student at the University of Arkansas and I love it here. I'm not big on the bar/club scene, I would rather spend my nights at a sporting event, a movie or at home reading a book. Also I LOVE anything outdoors, I'm a girl who doesn't mind getting sweaty. A friend of mine told me that "southern girls don't sweat, they glisten". I come off kinda shy but it doesn't take me very long to get comfortable with a person. I'm a very family oriented person, my parents live in Houston but I talk to my mom at least once a day. I'm looking for someone who's adventurous and willing to laugh at my goofy jokes with me.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Likes to be outdoors camping, swimming, and Definitely Fishing or doing other family fun stuff. I'm a single mother of two small children ages six and two just trying to raise them up right. I'm looking for a guy who's honest and faithful that will treat me and my kids good and wants to have a little "FuN" on the side.