Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 65 year old

Date a woman from United States. After being widowed for 4 years I have decided to step out into the world once more and look for a friend. I want someone to do things with wheather it's a blues festival in the Delta, going to an old rock concert where the muscians look like they have lived all their lives hard, or just going fishing sitting on the bank talking. There is a lot of life to enjoy and I'm ready. I want someone that has at least thought about their bucket list and is ready to start checking things off and laughing all the way! I would like to take a motorcycle trip across the country and take time to see things like the largest ball of string and everytime you had a decision to make you would just "go west". I want someone to share the quiet times and the exciting times all with humor and kindness.

Meet someone special from United States. I believe that life is meant to be lived with joy and passion. That's why I smile and laugh just as often and as much as I can. I've lived in tons of places, traveled to many more and cherish all my experiences...even the bad ones. I try to learn from everything I do and everyone I meet. I love learning new things and am constantly on the hunt for an adventure. Last year I opened my first store - no one told me about the economic crisis looming...but I'm still having a great time with it and loving all it has taught me. If you're looking for someone demure and shy then I'm not your match....I have been known to be a handful. I like myself too much and love life too much to not live it as fully as possible.I'm looking for someone who can say silly things and intelligent things in the same conversation and be equally comfortable with both. I want someone who's mind is not closed and who thinks a power play should only happen in hockey. I need kindness, consideration and laughter in my's what I try to give so I want it in return. My match has to have a sparkle in his eye and a ready spirit.