Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 58 year old

Date a woman from United States. I am looking for someone who likes to laugh, slow dance in the kitchen while dinner is cooking,
active, enjoys and respects nature,
enjoys and respects other points of view.
An ideal first date would be doing something active together ; hiking, being on the water, riding horses. Of course lying on the couch and having you read parts of your favorite book to me would work as well.

Meet someone special from United States. I am looking for a person who likes to laugh and enjoys life. I enjoy meeting people on a daily basis and they are who make me smile. My friends describe me as someone who likes to do things in a spur of a moment. I love to travel and hope to meet someone who also likes to travel.

Date a soulmate from United States. Hello future friend! I can't wait to meet you. I've been on my own now for three short years after 30 some odd years of marriage. Ouch it's scary out here...I need someone to help take the spookiness out of being lonely...but at the same time not feel the conversation has to be constant. I enjoy the talk but I also enjoy the quiet.
I would love to write something here that will capture my personality and my zest for life - something that will make me stand out from the rest of the crowd - something creative and original, but instead I will just say:
I'm deep and complex with an inner fire that keeps me happy and motivated. I have a wonderful group of friends with whom I love spending time. I'm sociable, peppy, a tiny bit sassy, loving, sometimes funny, energetic and intelligent (at least that what I've been told!).
I enjoy camping, canoeing, hiking, and fishing - if you bait the hook and take the fish off the line. I'm not really good at canoeing..but I would expect you to be! I love to travel - road trips across the state or trips around the world.
I love animals and I have a rescued hound dog that is very special to me. I have 2 rescued cats that absolutely adore the hound everyone gets along quiet well.
I'm looking for someone that is intelligent and humble. That special someone fore me would enjoy going to the movies or staying home to eat a bologna sandwich. A sense of adventure is a must with a dash of responsibility and a cup full of common sense.

Meet a woman from Fayetteville, United States. I'm looking for a man that enjoys spending time together and having fun. He must love family, animals, and God. I like to go camping and travle. Also listening to music and admiring art are some other things I enjoy.

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. I have all sorts of interests and would love to share experiences (the known and unknown). I have a great sense of humor and need someone that can laugh along with me. My students laugh with me quite a bit but know that I am demanding and expect hard work and progress. I have a disciplined work ethic and try to teach this to my students. I enjoy performing and then going out and socializing. I'd enjoy someone to share these times. I'm heading into a different part of my life that makes me feel I would like to explore having a relationship with someone special. I'd like a gentleman and a man that is fun loving and open minded. Since I teach, practice and perform, he needs to understand "scheduling ahead" and being dependable. I've never married and have been independent most of my life, so I'm looking for understanding and companionship. I enjoy working out, dancing and I've recently lost quite a bit of weight. I'd like someone that is reasonably active and in good shape, but I'm determined to continue focusing on my physical quest even if my partner doesn't have that particular interest. There's so much to learn and explore and so many different people to meet and get to know. I'm hoping to find someone special that will embrace life and me. I love giving and receiving hugs.

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. I'm secure in my home and job but can pick up without much notice and hit the road. I love to travel and my mate would need to share that passion. My kids are on their own but still keep in touch. I try to make something out of every day. If you believe relationships are built on a foundation of trust and honesty we might be a good match. I've had the same career for a long time but looking at my last 4-5 years. Looking for someone who is willing to invest time and effort into building a long term relationship.

Date a woman from Arkansas, United States. I am the last of three sisters born into an awesome family, brought up with very good values. I am looking for a man with good values , that is romantic, like I am, that has good communication skills, that is honest and a hard worker, but also that will pamper me and make me his center of attention, as I will him. Chemistry and romance has to be there between us.

Meet someone special from Arkansas, United States. I am not really crazy about talking about myself, but here goes, I am a lady, sincere, honest, I think I am more a country type, but I do like going out and enjoying a good dinner. Quiet conversations, good laughs. Honesty and a good since of humor is a must in the type of man I would be interested in. I work out three times a week and watch what my diet so if you are the type to want to lay around all week end and eat cookies you probably are not my type, I am not a health finatic, but I do live a healthy lifestyle. I dont smoke, drink very little. I believe in treating other people the way they would want to be treated, I dont make fun of other people, nore blame them for where my life is. I am divorced, was married 27 years, Am I over it,? well I dont think anyone can really be over it , I think what has happened in a persons life , shapes that person into who he or she is. Am I over my ex-husband? Yes, he is no longer in my life. So I am not carrying around that baggage. I would like to meet a man who wants to get to know me for who I am , spend time with me , go to flea markets, walk in the park or the moonlight.

Date a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I like people with a positive outlook. I believe age is a state of mind and you're never to old to learn to do something new. I'm not looking for a husband, I don't want someone at my side 24/7, I like for people to have their own interests, know how to compromise, believe that life shoud be lived and not just go thru the motions. Enjoy horses, even if they only watch, likes sports but doesn't have to watch every single game that comes on TV.

. I am a fun loving girl who prides herself in being easy going and honest in all of her endeavors. I love children although mine are grown. I pride myself in being a strong woman who is determined. I am proof that life sometimes doesn't deal you a good hand but you have to look at it and find something positive in the situation no matter how small it is. I feel this is what keeps you going and successful. I am looking for a person is also is honest and enjoys life. Someone who is tolerant of others and can see the positive even when it is gloomy.