Date women from United States / Arkansas / Centerton, 48 year old

Date a woman from United States. ABOUT ME: I was raised in the Midwest most of my life (Iowa, Kansas, Illinois). I moved from Chicago to California in 1991 and I really did enjoy living in the East Bay. I recently relocated to NW Arkansas (June 2012) to be closer to my family. My father's health is not getting any better so I decided it was time to give up California for Arkansas. I also know my mom will need my help, so here I am...Sure will miss Cali, but my father is more important to me.
I am the youngest of four and have a great relationship with my siblings and my parents (who are still married!). I’ve always been independent (whether I was in a relationship or not) and not too long ago I decided to take a break from the relationship circus (yes, I said circus) for three years. Looking back on that time, I can sum it up by saying it was a “cleansing” experience and I basically became my own best friend. Being alone can be very rewarding, as long as you like yourself. I know what I want and what I don’t want now and I do feel it is worth the wait to find that special someone. To some of you, it may seem like a long time to be alone. But in all reality, the time just flew by. So recently, I decided it was time to get back into the dating world to look for that special someone. So here I am…
My Personality: I am easy to get along with, easy to talk to, fun, polite, courteous, and can be reserved at times.
My Free Time: I don't expect every weekend to be filled with activities when I meet that special someone. I do enjoy down-time. I enjoy watching movies (action/drama/comedy) or anything interesting on TV; like funny TV sitcoms and the occasional reality TV shows – mostly Survivor. I enjoy gardening. I enjoy cooking in the kitchen (the barbeque is a man’s domain). I enjoy experiencing different cultural foods – most recently was Tai food and I really did enjoy it (big fan of coconut). I enjoy taking walks along a path/trail, or exploring a nature hike. I like to take road-trips and stop in little quaint towns to grab a bite to eat and window shop. I enjoy going to movies. If you have an activity you like to do, ask me about it and I’ll tell you my thoughts.
WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR: I'm looking chemistry first. IРІР‚в„ўm really sorry to say this and donРІР‚в„ўt mean to come off superficial but I need to be attracted to the other person first. That doesnРІР‚в„ўt mean IРІР‚в„ўm looking for Gerard Butler (movie: 300), or Brad Pitt, Lord knows IРІР‚в„ўm not perfect or a supermodel. But this person will have handsome attributes while being manly. IРІР‚в„ўm definitely NOT looking for a skin-and-bones kind of guy, or a guy with zero body fat. I like some meat on my man.