Date women from United States / Arkansas / Fayetteville, 28 year old

Date a girl from Fayetteville, United States. well im am trying to just find someone that loves me for me. i really dont have a social life because i work all the time and wen im not at work im either sleeping or just hanging with my family or sleeping because i love to sleep lol

Meet a soulmate from Fayetteville, United States. I'm a fun-loving, independent woman who knows how to laugh. As a cancer survivor, I value every moment that makes my life more interesting and I pride myself on my sense of adventure and attention to detail. I work in a job that requires I be highly analytical so when I get home I want to chill out, watch some TV, and unwind with a glass of wine.
I work in healthcare and I absolutely love my job though I have a feeling I'd be really good at hosting infomercials.
The first things people usually notice about me - My eyes/hair/skintone//freckles (seasonal) or my bootie.
The six things I could never do without - Water (I am a camel. That is not a racist joke.) cell phone, music, air conditioning, margarita night!
I spend a lot of time thinking about work! I prefer to think about traveling and going on adventures. I spend a good amount of time working on my bucket list.
The most private thing IРІР‚в„ўm willing to admit - I'm a daddy's girl.

Date someone special from Fayetteville, United States. Hi. I am new to the North West Arkansas area. I recently moved here for a job. I am originally from the east coast and looking to meet others in the area. I have a full time job which I love and which keeps me very busy, but I also teach fitness classes for fun and have plenty of free time. I enjoy the outdoors--hiking, biking, running, swimming, etc. as well as watching movies, going to the theater or other live music. I was a competitive swimmer, but that was a long time ago. I have done some triathlons and half marathons. I should note that I am not the best runner so I will always finish the race, but will likely never finish first. I am kind of competitive, though, but try not to be a sore loser (at least for very long). I would like to get back into doing these races more often, as in the past year or so, I have not done any. I would love someone to motivate me.
I consider myself a pretty easy going person, but can be very passionate about certain things. I like to think I am pretty open-minded and listen to others. I can admit when I am wrong, but like most people, hate realizing I am wrong. I am straight forward and honest (in a polite way of course). Some people might find that difficult or abrasive, but I would prefer someone be honest with me rather than pretend or beat around the bush.
I have a sarcastic sense of humor, but laugh at almost anything, including lame jokes.

Meet single girl from Fayetteville, United States. My dream job arrived so I moved to Arkansas! I enjoy the outdoors and am never afraid to try anything once. I enjoy staying active and soaking up as much sun as possible. I would love to meet new people and see where things lead. I truly believe life is about what you make it so know what you want and go after it.

Date a girl from Arkansas, United States. Relaxed and joyful lady. Love to laugh and make others laugh. I rarely use the word hate, but I hate negativity and drama. I'm very focused on what lie ahead of me and I take my future endeavors very seriously. Excited about what God has planned for me as far as my future family. All the more reason for me to smile!

Meet a soulmate from Arkansas, United States. I am a single mother old 2. I am looking for Ny soul mate somebody to complete me and treat my girls as there own. I don't like bugs or animals. The longest I have been in a relationship is 7 years.I like to go to the movies and go for walks. I would go to a bar but I just like to have fun and have quality time with my other half. I needs somebody that is honest loyal cause I hate a liar.

Date someone special from Arkansas, United States. I like to be a ninja. And I am a model on the sexy side. I like beaches and sports. I have a great sense of humor. My nieces love my faces I make when they're sad. I am a lot of fun and enjoy joking. Yeah

Meet single girl from Arkansas, United States. I hope to find someone that likes to talk, enjoys hanging out and doing our own thing, can relax and be who they are with me. I enjoy spending time cuddling and relaxing, but I am not clingy, I don't do drama. And I enjoy having my senses stimulated... especially with intellect!

Date a girl from United States. He must be kind smart funny caring adventurous culinary honest trustworthy assertive awesome nice happy trusting committed long term handsome nerdy techy laughable contrasting knowledgable harmonious great

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hi, my name is Lona. Thanks for checking my profile. I am a traditional Chinese girl living in the U.S. about 5 years. I moved to Fayetteville one year ago because of a job offer. Like beautiful small town also love big cities. I am easy going person, like to hang out with friends and also can stay at home alone. Family is very important for me. Love traveling and reading, music and movie, friends and family, studying and working, nature and animals, photos and foods, outdoor and shopping. Life should be beautiful for anyone taking care of it. I am looking for the right person with the matched personalities, who enjoy spending time with me, and would like to build the life long relationship. Ask me directly if you get questions.
I give myself one month on this site until May 10, 2011. I may get back to check here after that day, but cannot see your emails. Contact me now or I may meet you somewhere some day. Good luck everyone.

Date someone special from United States. I am a hard working single mother that just loves to spend family time. I am a very outgoing person that loves my kids, family,animals,an traveling...hit me up would love to get to know a good looking man that has the same likes..

Meet single girl from United States. I am an outgoing and can be funny. I can be shy. I am greatful for my kids. I want someone who can love me and my family. I love animals. I love pizza and pasta and also i love to eat out. I am looking for a good and understanding person who likes kids. I am thankful for waking up every morning.