Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 34 year old - page 12

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Let's see...I'm 33 years old, and living the dream! I have an awesome job that takes me all over the world, and every day I get to have all sorts of cool adventures and meet new people. I just relocated to Seattle from Phoenix in early January, and I'm having a great time exploring the city when I'm out for a run, or the mountains when I'm out hiking or climbing, but I'm always looking for someone to show me some great spots that I haven't been to before.
So, about me...I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy, in that I think it's important to have a job and be a responsible adult, but I still like to go out and live it up whenever I get the chance. I'm the kind of guy that will open car doors for you, lift heavy things, and kill spiders (or catch them humanely and release them outside, if that's your thing) for you. If bribed with a meal, I may even change the oil in your car. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for a Little House on the Prairie deal here, I'm just looking for someone who appreciates a modern gentleman who's not a friends would say I'm intelligent, honest, extremely loyal, a good listener, and a horrible dancer (but I'm still willing to try from time to time.) I love ordering the weirdest thing on the menu, taking a weekend road trip at the drop of a hat, and cheesy B horror movies on Netflix. One thing that didn't fit down there in the 'for fun' section; I love to cook, and I like to get fancy. Just so long as I'm cooking for others...If it's just me, I'm hard-pressed to make tuna helper.
I'd like to meet a woman who's brave, daring, and willing to experience new things, including any new recipes I may have found online and cooked up for dinner. She should be open, have a big heart, romantic, and be able to hold her own in a good conversation, and would rock the backpack and hiking boots as well as the high heels and LBD. My match should have a great sense of humor, whether it be mainstream, sarcastic or quirky (if I could meet a woman like Flo in the Progressive commercials, that would be awesome. I love me some Flo). I like to be spontaneous and I want to spend my free time laughing and enjoying everything life has to offer with someone who is confident and definitely not afraid to be herself or get a little goofy. I can get down with some sarcasm. My ideal match wouldn't mind watching sports, either live or on tv, and wouldn't be afraid to have a beer or two, real beer, not that light crap. I do travel for work at times, so my match would also be someone who's independent, who appreciates some "me" time. I'm new to the city, and open to meeting new friends, but getting to know that special someone would be great.
Also, I love dogs and cats equally, and I had both as pets growing up, but unfortunately over the years I've developed a cat allergy, which is a huge bummer. Most times a Claritin does the trick...I do get along swimmingly with all dogs, though. My friends call me Cesar!
Anyway, if you've gotten this far along, perhaps I'll hear from you. Either way, best of luck!

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am easy going. I like to try different things when opportunity arises. I do like Broadway plays and musicals. New York would be a lot more fun if it was closer. I do like to travel. I have been to Canada, Jamaica, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Hatti, Belize and Beautiful Las Vegas!!! I want to go to Europe one of these days. I am looking for a girl that is easy going, laughs at my jokes, and can take a joke. She would also like to travel and try new things. Enjoys good food from around the world.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I'm a young up and comming buisnessman, starting from the bottom of ther ladder.
I've been working for sometime and have become quite knowlagable.
I'd like to enjoy some chat, converation with people. As well I'd like to meet for some social activites.

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. i am me and i know not what to call it. i am looking for someone who can relate. I laugh a lot i have my opinions and i love for people to try to change them from time to time. I want a person who knows how to live still.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Hi i am looking for someone with a good sense of humor to share my life experiences with. I am sincere, honest, fun loving and life loving. I enjoy an active lifestyle and try to stay healthy. I like wild nights out as well as quiet nights in. I would like to meet someone who also enjoys life, who enjoys laughing and who doesn't take life too seriously.
I should mention I've only moved here recently from Ireland with work and am on a three year's contract which could be extended or i could have the option to move here permanently.. Jus so you know ;)

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am on 'THE NO STRESS EXPRESS'. I am a very sociable and outgoing person, when I figure out what I want then I go after it. I am easy going in life, and enjoy being around others that are looking to have a good time in life and try new things and see new places. I enjoy traveling to new destinations and learning about new cultures and what they have to offer. I have been fortunate to travel and experience lots of new places over the last several years, learning many things along the way about myself and others. I have no idea what a perfect match for myself would be, if it were that easy then I dont think that I would be searching around here? Right now in life, I am only looking to meet new people to have fun with and perhaps create a friendship that is mutually beneficial to getting the most out of life.

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I'm not so sure if this is really my style but how will I ever really know if I don't try? I'm going into this with no expecations and look forward to something different than interaction in a bar setting (too many shadesters out there ruining it for us normal ones).
I am a native to Arizona and have lived here for all but 4 years of my life. I spent one year away at college playing baseball at University of Nebraska. This Arizona boy didn't enjoy the cold weather too much so I transferred back home to play ball for Arizona State. I love my family and they come first with everything. Dad, Mom, two sisters, one brother, 4 nieces, 2 nephews, and the love my life, Roxy (my 4 year old Boxer).
I have had one too many operations on my knee and Yoga is my new medicine. I started doing it to fix my body but little did I know what it would do for the mind and soul. Life is good!

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. I am basically an Arizona native since I moved here from California as a youngster. After graduating I school I joined the Air Force and was stationed in South Korea. After that four year stint I rejoined my family in Arizona and continued college obtaining a degree in business and I am working on my MBA currently. I just recently became a mentor with big brother and big sister. I enjoy volunteering and giving back whenever I can. I grew up with the most amazing family and have been fortunate through hard work to have a good life I feel it is important to give back to the less fortunate kids.
I own and operate a company that rehabs bank owned properties and due to current market conditions it would be safe to say I am putting in some long hours right now. Nevertheless, I really enjoy what I do and it’s great working with friends and growing a company. In my free time, I generally try to hit the gym at least 5 times per week and Tuesday night is my softball league. Right now, it is perfect as it gets my mind off of work.
I have been off of the dating scene for most of this year due to work commitments, but now that I am removed from day to day operations I have found more time for dinners, movies, golf etc. I am looking for someone who is not a backpack. Life’s hard enough and I really don’t want to carry more on my shoulders. Oh ya, I forgot to mention: no drama. I hate drama and fighting. Dates/relationships should be easy, fun, and adventurous. So, if you think you fit the bill and you’re looking for some fun I am always up for a nice dinner and some positive and stimulating conversation.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am a small town guy from Central Washington. I am new to the online dating scene so this might be a bit rough...for you, and me! lol
ME: I am a down to earth guy with a small town upbringing. My family is very close though they are far away. I love all of the things there are to do in the Phoenix Valley, in and around Arizona. There's never a dull moment from sporting events, festivals, hiking, pools, bbqs, night life. I work hard, but at the end of the day I'm usually down to hit up one of the amazing places around Phoenix or Scottsdale for food and drinks or just to make some food at home and cuddle with a drink, DVR or a new movie...
YOU: the Girl next door... cute, intelligent, adventurous, athletic/active, with good family values. I like a nice girl, but not too REAL :)! If you like kids, I've got a handful of amazing nieces and a nephew that you'll fall in love with...
I'm looking to find the special someone to make memories, become best friends and share life with... Life's a journey that's best traveled with someone you love...don't let the little things overwelm the more important things in life, but make the little things important.
Ready for the journey...

Meet someone special from United States. Hellow ladies would love to chat and make a new friend. Hopefully a long term relationship. But if never happens at least ill still love the company and time of you lovely women in this world. My mother allways wanted me married early in life but wasn't ready I'm ready now. Funny thing.


Meet a man from United States. I've been married and divorced a dozen times. Make that 14 if you consider marriage contracts signed in foreign countries to be binding. I have some sort of odd skin disease, but my dermatologist says it's not really 'that' contagious. I often walk in my sleep. Sometimes, I walk in my sleep to my car. It's funny - but the law enforcement community doesn't seem too happy with the 'sleep driving' that usually happens next. Apparently some people don't find it amusing if you mow down a few garden gnomes and a cactus or two in the middle of the night. No sense of humor, right?!?!
At this point, you should be considering one of two possibilities with the material you've just read:
1. This guy has a serious personality disorder.
2. This guy has a serious personality disorder AND a terrible sense of humor.
If you picked number 2, you're half right!
Alright, I guess I should stop fooling around and tell ya a bit about myself, right? Here we go:
I've been living in the valley again for 4 years, after having lived here once before. I'm a Chicago boy born and raised, but I've also lived in Orange county as well. I work in the Information Technology field as a consultant, although I don't consider myself to be a stereotypical IT guy (I'm not a big gamer or Sci-Fi guy). I enjoy traveling, and I am fortunate enough to have journeyed to many places for both work and pleasure. I absolutely love trying new restaurants and bars. There are many excellent places around they valley, and there always seems to be something new opening up! I'm also a huge music fan with very eclectic taste . I love going to concerts and seeing a live band rock out on stage. Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I have a bit of a goofy sense of humor.
A sampling of some of my favorite music artists: DJ Tiesto, Bob Seger, Journey, Kelly Clarkson, Deadmau5, Tito Puente, Garth Brooks, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Pearl Jam, Sade, Morcheeba, Reba McEntire, Koop, Metallica, The Black Keys, Buena Vista Social Club, Trace Adkins, BT, Delirium.
Some random torpedoes of truth (Charlie Sheen wrote this title. OK, no he didn't.):
- Nobody I know would call me "quiet and reserved"
- Believe it or not, I have a serious side too. (I have to be a grown-up all day long)
- For some scary reason, my friends seem to always solicit me for advice. (Suckers!)
- I have been permanently banned from one bar in the valley. It was years ago, but ask to find out why... It's mildly entertaining.
- I tend to be pretty passionate about my convictions in life, but I'm always open to other people's views.
- If I had to change my career and do it all over again? I'd probably go back to school and be a clinical therapist. (Scary, eh?)
- In case you were wondering: White Sox, not Cubs. (And I lived on the North Side, go figure.)
Assuming you're still reading (ZZZzzz...), here's a little about you:
- You enjoy going out for a night on the town to a fancy restaurant and maybe a swanky bar
- You enjoy going out for a night on the town to a hole-in-the wall cafe and maybe a dive bar
- You like getting dressed up to paint the town, but you also don't mind relaxin' at home and watching a movie
- You are a passionate, caring person that enjoys life and loves new experiences
- You may not be looking for a longer-term relationship at this exact moment, but it should be somewhere on your radar screen
You've made it this far and you're still awake? I'm truly impressed!