Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 64 year old

Date a man from Phoenix, United States. I have Ph.D degree in physics I was a reasearch professor in ASU between 1988 and 1996, while, i created 5 patients. Right now I am in the real estate business in downtown Phoenix with a farm / orchard in San Simmon, Arizona.
I have 60 acre mature pecan orchard now, and I just complete the development of 36 acre new pecan orchard. The 480 acre farm is one of my most valuable asset, it cost me 936K to purchase, and invested $800K as improvements before 2008. The improvement including converted wells from gas to electric, and developed 200 acre riser system based on 60 miles underground pipe system from 15" down to 1" connected to all the 4 agriculture wells. This riser system allows me to plat 8000 pecan trees. The water of this farm allows me to develop up to 400 acre pecan orchard.
I have a total of 52 rental properties in central Phoenix. I have 40,000 sf dirt right in the downtown Phoenix zoned as S-5 which entitled a 15 story multi-use building, this is another most valuable asset of my.
My plan is to sell all my real estate properties in next 3 to 5 years depends on the market situation, and develop 400 acre pecan orchard, nice green family business.
I am a hard worker, healthy, down to earth true man, and want to start a new family with /without our own kids (depends on my new wife). I am looking for a mature young woman who is interested in a long term, committed relationship, and who can help me manage my multi-million family business.

Meet single man from Phoenix, United States. While I share the common human need for companionship and intimacy, settling or being with someone that I am not really "into" is out of the question. By this stage of life any kind of games regarding relationships should be well behind us.
I am extremly into health, nutrition, and fitness. Its just common sense, and although I haven't always been this health conscious I have been blessed with excellent health. It isn't just about looking good. Its about feeling good and keeping your body and all of your faculties strong into advanced old age. Quality of life.
Its a bit unusual for a man my age, but I have an almost 16 year old daughter who lives with me at least 1/2 of the time. She is a super kid, intelligent, compassionate, fun, funny, beautiful and she would love anyone who truly loved me.
Characteristics I find attractive are humility, kindness, compassion, intelligence, a sense of humor, and a sesitivity for the feelings of others. In other words, a "nice" person.
People are so divided on the following topics it makes sense to get them out of the way, so FYI.
Sports: I'm physically active but have no interest in watching sporting events
Golf: Was breaking 100 at 12 yrs old. Gave it up at 18 and no regrets. Fine for you though. My sister still loves it.
Music: I'm on a classical binge, but I grew up on classic rock, jazz, blues, R&B, a little Hawaiian.
Political: I am non-political. The world is getting plenty screwed up without my help.
Spiritual: These are deep waters. This subject is very important but for now lets just say "spiritual but not religious".
For fun: Check down below in the "favorite things" section.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am a social person who enjoys being with
friends. At other times I am content
being on my own with a book and good
Working out gives me a feeling of peace
and harmony. I hike at least two times a week. I would like some one to share my interests and
have her own. We would get to know each other
while driving to San Diego or Vegas.
My idea of a first woudl be interactive, shoting pool, throwing darts.
my favorite board game is backgammon
I would like to take the time to develop a close lasting relationship

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. A historical note: In November of 2011, my account was hacked and I had to recreate my profile. So I am back as of 1-17-12 .
People tell me that I am a great listener, that I have a certain something, that I have a great attitude and they never see me down. I've been asked why it seems that I am always smiling and laughing. (Why? Because to me, life is good.) I guess I'd agree with all those comments. It is just me, being me, that is the key. I never try to imitate others. Be yourself with me and we will probably get along. I don't like phonies. Oh, and be honest. Don't be bringing any lies I don't have any time for that, I am what you read here. Also, I need to see photos, recent ones if you get my drift. Mine capture me, they are up to date.
I'm young at heart. I don't mean - jump off the bridge young, I just mean I feel young, think young and try to stay up to date with things. At the same time, I haven't yet gotten an iPhone. So you see, there is some some conflict there. I'm usually well dressed and groomed. I was a suit and tie guy for 35 years, I'm comfortable wearing that.

Growing up in small town Iowa, I have those midwestern values. It was a great place to grow up. I did all the things that kids did back then. Played sports of all kinds, rode my bycicle throughout the country and just generally had a blast. During the summers, my friends and I would be out of our houses as soon as we awoke and wouldn't return until the moon was up. (Try that nowadays.) In my pre-teens, I got interested in making money. So I mowed lawns, shoveled snow and later got a newspaper route and actually became a little businessman - handling the money and paying my bill to the "Man" every Saturday morning. (So, take that Mr Mitt Romney!) It wasn't Bain Capital but I always had jingle in my pocket. LOL What more could a kid ask for. Graduated High School and from there it was onto College. Earned a BA in business and it was off to Arizona. Never looked back.
Liking sports of all kinds,my favorites are SCUBA and golf. Of those two, golf is my absolute favorite. Everything about it fascinates me. And I don't mind saying that I am pretty good at it. I read about it, practice it, watch it and play it. Frankly, I love everythijng about it. Some people think my middle name is "The Golf Channel." (So, if you got the answer to my teaser line, you'll score some extra points.)
I'm a curious fellow. I read and research things quite a lot. I read various newspapers and keep up to date via many different sources. I absolutely love NPR and PBS. I watch a variety of news programs, including CBS Sunday Morning, 60 Minutes, Sunday morning talk shows, McLaughlin Group, and Rock Center. For entertainment I watch things like; The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, all of NBC's Thursday nights lineup, 2 1/2 Men, Mike and Molly, Modern Family and a lot on HBO. Boardwalk Empire, Enlightned and Real Time with Maher are some of my favorites. (I loved The Wire and the Sopranos, of course.) I'm a sucker for a good movie. My tastes are wide and varied, liking many genres. Some of the more memorable ones have been; Memento, Pulp Fiction, Terms of Endearment, The Grifters, Apocalypse Now, Meet the Parents, Moonstruck, Ordinary People, Castaway (I always cry during that one) The Kings Speech, Somethings Got To Give, Margin Call, Too Big to Fail & Inside Job. I really love Indie films. Too bad Hollywood has declined in the last 25 years. Agree/Disagree? I also love live Stage Theater. My favorite has been Les Miz. Saw it six times. Bet I've seen nearly a hundred productions over the years.
The fitness center is what I love. I do it 5-6 times per week, high intensity-short workouts are my favorite. I'm in pretty good shape. And get this: my Doctor is not on my speed dial.
My match will have brains,a little empathy for others, knows how to dress and how to get the most from what she's got.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. Mature man looking for the right woman and a LTR. Want travel, adventure with a lover and all that it entails. Intimacy is what binds us to a LTR. A long trip together will ultimately reveal whether we have what it takes for a permanent LTR.
If your not interested in a serious relationship but only want to date and be entertained then I'm the wrong person for you.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Although I live a full but balanced life, I would really like to meet a very special lady who will be my best freind and lover, and I will be hers. I do not believe in love at first sight, but there must be that mutual "chemistry" thing that we both know can grow. I am a licensed pilot (small planes), hike 2-3 miles several days per week, enjoy plays, and enjoy trying out the many new fun restaurants, especially wine bars. I have had a successful career and still involved with it, and looking forward to telling you all about it. I am not into dating just to date. If you relate to this and are truly seeking a fun loving realtionship, let's talk and meet! You will find me to be attractive, confident, funny (very), and caring! Must not be a smoker!

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. i am looking for a faithful, loyal friend.that enjoys life and living. thats what best describe me. someone that is thoughtful and caring. I enjoy walking and talkig, movies, and experiancing something new.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am an honest and kind man with a good sense of humor and a desire to spend many fulfilling years with someone special.
I don't drive a motorcycle, watch NASCAR, skydive or play golf. Nothing wrong with any of that, but I prefer to spend my time with you - traveling, walking, talking, cooking, dining out, watching movies, listening to music, going to concerts, holding hands, cuddling and sharing dreams. Maybe even dancing. (And, of course, if you really like some of those more sporty activities, we can talk about them - except for NASCAR.)
I am looking for a mature, interesting, caring woman for friendship and hopefully a committed relationship. A fun loving woman who has sound values and an interest in enjoying the later years of life. Someone who greets each day with energy and passion and understands what it means to be a best friend and lover.
I'd like to find someone who values family and friends and who finds joy in being with a man she can trust and laugh out loud with. Spontaneity, humor affection, love of family and a desire to make a great relationship ever better are very important to me. And did I mention that I do dishes for food?
I'd love to hear from you.
Be kind to yourself, be well and do well.

Date a man from United States. I am a fun loving guy, very open and caring. I am a hopeless romantic looking for the girl with that incredible ability to laugh at just about everything.I'm from the midwest,moving to Scottsdale after selling a company in 1990. Since joining I suffered a stroke and now walk with the aid of a leg brace, doesn't bother me and I hope it doesn't bother you.

Meet single man from United States. would like to find someone that like cars, motor cycles, going out and fun . likes to go on road trips. like to fun not under anyones ideas of what is new and difference willing to try new things. also like drag racing

Date someone special from United States. fun loving outdoor type looking for someone to share trips with. river running, hiking,camping biking,etc
do not like group activities. prefer small parties or one on movies at home not in the theaters.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Hi I'm 64 love to ride my Victory Vegas,I try to enjoy life to the fullist.I enjoy cooking,watching tv and vedio's,just going out in general.I' retired,have 5 kids,1-2 who stay over occasionally.I'm stocky not bad looking.