Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 33 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Well,
I'm strong, loyal, focused and knows what he wants. You must be smart, attractive, honest, fit, and willing to commit.
I have a 7 year old little girl who has a great personality, smart and also fit.
My job is demanding and typically in the U.S 90 days year and that alone is my biggest issue and most cant deal, which I completely understand and that's not saying I don't have flaws, cause I do. Now with that being said I am stubborn but always open to comprise, and have a small amount of OCD...but we all do I think and that you can credit to my mother..."every thing has its place" ...jus saying
Ask and you will get noting but honesty regardless of the outcome...if I'm wrong I'm wrong period, life is to short and we are not getting any younger.
BTW...don't let the beard scare you off..loll

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Been dating for a lil over a month. Meeting people and enjoying the time spent! Im real positive and I love to smile and have a good time! I like to make every moment special and I like to make the one I'm interested in feel special. I will make time to meet someone I am interested in and if I'm curious I will pursue! I'm not nevous I know the things I like and I like to get to know wat makes you! I'm sweet compassionate and caring and I want to treat u special. If you are interested or curious then you should Definetly make a move? I would never want to miss out on a good Thing!!!

Date single man from Arizona, United States. i am hard working, Athletic, nice person , passionate, well groom, super happy (365 days jaja (almost) , fun and spontaneous, crazy and charismatic but goal oriented.
I love to find the right partner, travel around the world, stop at all islands of the world, camp or enjoy the AC of nice hotels' rooms. I have a lot to offer, love, care, loyalty, respect and confortable life full of excitements, and adrenaline rushes . Still in school, so this would allow time to build nice an strong base in any relationship, i am not rushing into anything. But i still love the company of a beautiful, patient and caring lady while i get my PT degree.
i belive in good loving-passionate relationships because of my well establish morals, it may sound stupid but i have seen some couples like that out there, so why not me & you.
I am not perfect , not even close to be, hard headed at times or stubborn .. but i like to try hard for perfection ... it pays off at the end, even though it is not easy.
lets have a glass of wine !, Hike, movies & P. corns. Comedy show, or Dance all night .... a fun time ..
Ps: Or Swim , Bike , Run ..

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a caring individual that values the friendships I have and the family that surrounds me. I believe in the golden rule and try to live my life by it.
I enjoy going to the beach, for hikes, a round of golf or to the movies. I am out going and not very shy once I get to know you. I enjoy a good happy hour and will try anything once.
I am new to online dating. I figured I would try it since my job and schedule are rare enough that most people don't want any part of it. I work every other month, when I go to work, I leave for Afghanistan. I know my schedule sounds crazy and I know it's going to take a special women to be with me. I truly am an understanding person, enough to understand most of the readers are no longer interested. If you are still interested, I would love to meet you.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Looking for an articulate women to share time and and enjoy life with. A woman that wants to get out to see new things. I'm fit so need her to have that same nature, that can handle the shared time with my kids. She must be able to do her own thing, but yet keep interested all the time. I love a woman who knows where she is going in life.

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. I am a motivated person with ambitions and have a good solid foundation going on. My life resume is proper and for the most part my life is together. I am interested in meeting some new people, expanding my circle and possibly meeting a woman I'm crazy about.

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I am a genuine, fun-loving, down-to-earth guy that truly believes in living life to its fullest. While that may seem cliche, having a positive attitude and adventurous spirit will always make even the most mundane activities exhilarating.
I enjoy trying out new restaurants, going to concerts, hanging out with friends, hiking, taking nature walks, watching movies and listening to music. I always try to enjoy life, whether it’s going and doing something I’ve never done before or just making it a Blockbuster night.
I am always up for adventure and learning new things. I also love to travel. I have been to two of the natural wonders of the world: Iguazu Falls (on the border of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay) and the Grand Canyon. I am constantly looking for new places to go and things to see and experience. I would like to find someone to share these experiences with.
Humor is an important quality to me as I am pretty laid-back and light-hearted. I believe that �laughter is the best medicine’ and I am always cracking jokes to make others at ease and happy.
I am honest, intelligent, humorous, affectionate, and an overall fun person to be around. I am looking for a girl with similar qualities.

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. Hey there, I'm Matt. So are your eyes glazed over yet from looking at all these dudes? Did you know if you stretched out all of the guys in Phoenix on match down head to foot we would go around the earth one and a half times? I actually just made that up. I don't know how far it would be. I just kind of miss reading stats that tell us how far stuff stretches around the earth. (We have 60,000 miles of blood vessels in our body!) Here are some other things I miss: sitcom plots where two people draw a line and split their house in half (one person has the kitchen and the other the bathroom...hilarity ensues), Hostess Fruit Pies (I know they still exist, but my adult brain won't let me enjoy one), going to drive in movie theaters (I think we have just one left in the Phoenix area), and pop-up books (unfortunately you can't get those on a Kindle).
So more about me...I'm a laid back guy who can deal out some witty sarcasm in most situations. I like to make people laugh so my mind is usually searching for the right joke at the right time. I'm an independent thinker who looks for truth and authenticity in other people cause that is what you will get from me. I have a good heart and I treat people well. I also don't really put much importance on the superficial things in life. As for my career, I'm a software developer and systems admin for a large company, and I enjoy what I do. I went to college for three years, but left because I was tired of being a poor college student and I feel lucky that everything turned out well. I spend quite a bit of time reading and working on side projects related to my career to make sure I keep up as much as I can. I like to stay active and exercise on a regular basis. I try to eat healthy and when that fails I just pretend that everything from Trader Joe's is good for me. Don't ruin it by telling me that organic sugar isn't nutritious. :) I like to take road trips and have driven cross country before. I haven't left North America so I want to do more traveling. (I've heard London is the spot to go for a first trip to Europe.) I think life is about maintaining a good balance. Sometimes it's fun to do something full throttle, and other times I want to relax on my couch. So that brings me to why I'm posting a profile. I'd like to meet someone who shares a similar outlook on life and hopefully have it turn into something long term.
More about who I'm looking for...a girl who is confident in who she is and is looking for someone to compliment their life, but not define it. I'm attracted to girls who have intelligence, independence, and who can laugh at themselves (and me). Physically I tend to be attracted to girls who are average to above average height, care about their health, and natural looking. So if you've spent some time under the knife of one of Scottsdale's finest sculptors (AKA plastic surgeons/the pimps of the medical field) we probably won't see eye to (botoxed?) eye on life in general. :)
There's definitely a lot more to talk about so if you're interested send me an email.

Date a soulmate from United States. Who am I?
I am happy and positive 99.9% of the time and I should be I have a great life and good friends. Family and friends are very important to me. I love my job and everyone I work with. I wouldn’t change who I am for anything.
Who am I looking for?
I am looking for my lover, best friend, someone that I can talk to for hours. I want someone that loves hanging out with me as much as I do them. Personality needs to be positive. I like girls that know they are beautiful and express it in a confident way.

Meet a man from United States. Moved here from Texas a few years ago for work, yes I wear scrubs and boots most of the time and flip flops and jeans the rest.
Work keeps me pretty busy, but I try to do the things that keep me sane: hanging out with my friends, going to the movies working out, hitting the links, rec soccer league, the occasional happy hour or even more infrequently, night out in Scottsdale. I am over the party every night phase but once every couple months its still fun to cut loose. I would rather cook dinner with a couple of friends and enjoy a good bottle of wine. Most of the time I am happiest stretching out on the couch watching a movie.
I know what I want in life and what my goals are for the future. I am honest, some would say blunt to a fault. I don't like games. I am looking for someone to enjoy the ride. I am happy with who I am, but I encourage my friends and significant other to challenge me to be a better person....before I drone on any more if you have a question just drop me a line and we'll figure out if there is something there.

Date single man from United States. I am a fun outgoing individual who likes to travel and see new places. I am a songwriter and music producer and have always had a deep passion for music.I have goals I set for myself that I follow up with and pursue daily. I want to learn a second language, a martial art and an instrument. I like spending time with family and friends. I like to laugh and smile and keep positive people around me who like to do the same. I am definitely an optimist so no Debbie downers please. I also like to live a healthy lifestyle so staying fit,eating right and exercise is important and I do not want a woman with bad habits.One thing that you should know about me is I do not have any children of my own but I do have a step-son who I raised since he was an infant so he is definitely like a son to me. He knows me as his Dad so even after the divorce I grown so attached to him that I choose to stay apart of his life instead of walking away. Well instead of telling everything about me in this bio,why don't you give it a shot and contact me with a wink or something to let me know your interested and and get to know the real me a piece at a time?And if your just browsing through this dating catalog well thanks for taking the time in viewing my profile.

Meet someone special from United States. I was born and raised in AZ and currently reside in in North Phoenix with my 3 rescue mutts and one overly chatty 16 year old female cat. I keep a tidy house, so you would generally have no idea that I am running a small zoo here. The Roomba was the greatest invention ever, but I digress.
Fitness and a healthy diet are important to me. I maintain a vegan diet and work out enough to stay physically fit. I'm no Lou Ferrigno, but consider myself "slender and fit".
My job involves regional travel during the week about 40% of the time. When I'm not on the road, I generally like to unwind. Having lunch with my parents, getting in the gym, giving the dogs some attention, seeing friends on weekends in Old Town, etc. I was shooting competitively for a long time and I'm slowly getting back into that again.
Q: Vegan? Isn't that what the Cullens are?
A: The Cullens are "vampire vegetarians", which means they only drink animal blood......which doesn't make them vegetarians at all. I eat nothing that was an animal or came from an animal. It's sometimes a nightmare to eat out in unfamiliar restaurants, but I manage. I got turned on to some interesting documentaries about 5-6 years ago and the diet evolved into what it is today. No, I won't try to convert you.
Q: Ummmmm, did you just make a Twilight reference in your profile?
A: Yes, that just happened. I'm awesome. My vague knowledge of the series simply shows flexibility and compromise to sit through mediocre chick flicks that don't interest me.
Q: It says "No, but it's OK if my partner has kids" in your profile. What does that mean?
A: Great question. In short, I've been neutered. It was a self-inflicted procedure, and an agonizing couple of weeks after that. Three day recovery, yeah right. I'm not anti-kid, so single moms.....I'm your guy! Or ladies who don't want kids of your own.....we're good to go also. Adoption......maybe.
Q: In the religion section, you say you're agnostic. Does that mean you're open to be converted to whatever my religion is?
A: Agnostic is a fancy way of saying "I really don't care." Higher power or not, life is too short trying to figure out how we all got here. But no, I'd prefer not to go to church unless it it is for a "special event" only.