Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 44 year old

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am active and intellectual. Being physically fit is important to me as is introspection and reflection on the meaning and purpose of our lives.
I've traveled extensively. I've studied a number of languages. I've enjoyed one professional career and am starting another.
I am most interested in a friend and companion in life. We don't necessarily have to share the same goals and ambitions. We can find the points at which our paths intersect and begin our journey.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. im a easy going person with great personality and a good sense humor. who enjoys a good laugh and lives life 2 the fullest. looking for someone with a big heart and a people person like myself 2 enjoy each others company.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. About me? I am a man who loves the outdoors & having fun. I am a hard worker and loves what I do, which is hard to find now a days. During the summer when I am busy with work a perfect day off would be to head up to the mountains in my jeep and do some hiking or head out on the boat to "TRY" and catch a fish but if that doesn's work just enjoy the views with great company and listen to some music...just relax!!!
Off season, travel travel travel! What is the the association with off season, I work where there are sporting events 6 months out of the year; so my work is seasonal.
I love to cook (went to school for it), love to go out for dinner and be critical on how the service and food was...LOL but when your in the industry that is what you do.
What am I looking for...I am looking for a woman who truly enjoys life, loves to be adventurous, loves to travel and doesn't care if the plans get changed along the way. I could not think of anything better then to wake up having a cup of coffee laughing and smiling at each other and figuring out what we should do today.
I am looking for companionship, your best friends are hard to come by and they are nornally the same sex as you....I want a best friend that is of the opposite sex and one that I can build a TRUE relastionship with as well. There are no strings attached with me, I am who I am and would love to share myself with the right woman.
Am I nervous moving on, h**l yeah, It has been a long time since I was single, but like anything in life you need to take chances sometimes; so I am taking one. Never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be posting on, but there is no time like the present to move on with my life to find happiness so here it goes.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Well my time here is over...6 months membership is up. Good luck to you. If you're out catching some live music, you may bump in to me. I'm the tall guy with the cute dimples. xoxo
I'm a tall, handsome goofy/funny man looking for a fun woman who loves life. I have fun wherever I go. Bottle of wine while we make dinner? Hike in the morning with a lazy champagne brunch after? Singing around a campfire? Snuggle up and watch a movie? Dinner or dinner party with friends? All sounds fun to me. I'm very affectionate, and expect the same...can't be stingy! A kiss tells so much! I can be serious too, and I'm a great listener. Conversation is a wonderful way to spend time together.
I play music professionally, so you'd have to put up with me playing and singing for you. :-) I play music for fun though...I also have a good "real" job with a great Fortune 100 company.
I love witty conversation...I have a pretty quick wit, and snappy one liners make me laugh. If you like to laugh 'til your sides hurt, then I'm your guy.
I like intelligent, witty, confident women who can stand on their own. I'm not looking to save anyone, nor 'complete' anyone. You need to be your own person. I'm looking for a partner...we're great on our own, fantastic together, and can back each other Bonnie and Clyde, without the machine guns and bank robberies. (although, enough dirty martinis and ya never know what trouble we'll find)

Date someone special from United States. Having read a bunch of profiles here I thought about the Seinfeld episode where Goerge says to Jerry, "I may know less about women than........anyone, but one thing I do know is...." I think the one thing I know is that most women don't want to see a guy who takes his picture in the bathroom mirror with no shirt on. I see women complain about this all the time and I'm wondering if it's just one guy who everyone is looking at. If he's out there my advice is, Dude put your shirt on!!, your making the rest of us look bad. And while your at it stop sending winks women don't like that either.

Generally speaking I'm a positive and laid back guy. I'm passionate about a lot of things in my life which include but are not limited to great food and restaurants (sushi is a must), movies, books, traveling and politics. I have a bit of an alternative way of seeing the world probably in part due to having done a lot of traveling and spending a semester abroad in college. I always enjoy learning and trying to grow as a person. My Christain faith is an important part of my life and I'd like to find someone that can relate to that. If I had a mission statement it would be that I want to I try to leave the small part of the world I'm in a better place. I believe the reason we're here is to love, learn and to have a lot of fun and shared laughter along the way.
I have a great family (east coast boy) and amazing friends and I feel very blessed in my life. I appreciate women who are strong, confident and who have their own lives and opinions so they can have something to bring to a relationship. I try to be honest and truthful and appreciate that in others. Thanks for reading and if you think we might have a connection feel free to drop me a line and I wish you all the best on your journey.

Meet a soulmate from United States. Your headline is a great way to grab people's attention. It will be displayed at the top of your profile and in search results.Your headline is a great way to grab people's attention. It will be displayed at the top of your profile and in search results.Your headline is a great way to grab people's attention. It will be displayed at the top of your profile and in search results.

Date a man from United States. I am a mastermechanic and just took over a new shop and looking to start a new life I love the outdoors camping,boating,snowskiing, off-roading and other things. looking for a gem of a woman who injoys lifelooking for a fun loving woman that likes the outdoors and wants to go on trips to new places. Likes to cook for and go out.Likes to meet new friends and have a good time

Meet single man from United States. Telling the truth is a whole lot easier than telling a lie, one lie require another and it never ends, the Truth, only need to be told once, one time for life peace. Although the Truth may hurt some for a moment, but a lie will hurt for life.
just a life of growth

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I live an active lifestyle. I like to be outdoors hiking, cycling, or even riding my cruiser bike with friends. I like going to restaurants that serve good food and drink with great ambiance, (ie-a nice wine bar with great food). My favorite spot is LGO after hiking Camelback. I am very outgoing and I love meeting new people. I am looking for a woman who is confident in who she is, has goals, likes to travel, be adventurous, and have fun. I am looking forward to signing up for my first Ironman and start training this summer. I'm not the typical Ironman guy where I let training get in the way of my fun time though.
I changed careers 4 years ago and became a firefighter, absolutely love my job. I sold real estate for 14 years before my new career and I still hold my license to work for clients on my off days. Even though I work in a blue collar profession, I have a degree from ASU and consider myself intelligent and a deep thinker at times. I am a sagittarius, so I'm always looking at the big picture. Not that I'm huge into astrology, but it describes me very well. I am close to graduating from paramedic school in June, and I'm looking forward to getting my free time back. I also pay attention to what is happening in the world and would like the woman I'm involved with to do the same. Have an opinion on things that matter. That being said, I tend to lean to the left and I'm very open-minded in my views. A plus if you listen to NPR!
I have no problem making myself the butt of a joke. I am very good at making people laugh and don't take myself to seriously, even though my friends would describe me as a go-getter and very motivated in my work and personal life. I would also consider myself a very good communicator and I'm very easy going with the woman I am with. However, don't mistake me for being a pushover. I am very confident without being a cocky douche bag.
Just so you know, I have a bit of a bad boy side to me, even though I'm nice and respectful. I play bass in a classic rock, 80's heavy metal band. The same guys I played with in high school. I also love to go out dancing to many types of music, but I am partial to theme paries with the techno music thumping...I'll explain if you're interested.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I moved to Tempe in October 2011.... It was nice in October but now I feel like I am on fire.
I was born and grew up in Germany. . I speak with a slight accent but fluent in both languages. I have been fortunate to have visited many places in Europe and the US. Met many interesting people. I have made friends, lost friends and I am loyal to the ones I have. I am easy going yet determined, respectful to others and able to fit in most settings. I have a passion to enjoy life. I am at peace being on my own but really am looking forward to spend my time with someone who compliments my life. I wish to add to someones life with respect, great conversation and companionship. . A well balanced relationship.
I am not pretentious. I am who I am and very much at peace with that. I am socially aware and emotionally available. I am seeking the chemistry, a partner in crime, my best friend and lover.
I do have a funny sarcastic streak with a dry sence of humor. Hope to make you smile all the time and make you laugh most of the time.
I have a few hobbies. snow skiing, ATVs, jet skiing, dinners, cars, motorcycles,, scuba diving, the gym, shiny paint, camping,
... spending time with friends , Travel Europe, Mexico, anywhere sunny, or snowy.

Date a man from Phoenix, United States. Get me the hell off this site....for good!!!! Please!!!:) "Want to be committed.....and have fun"......or is it "I want to be fun....and have commitment" I want to be committed, or committed to....or by? Hell, I don't know...let me put it this way...I want to have committed fun.....seriously...if that is possibly.(Can you be seriously fun?) Anyway, we all want the same thing...right? To win the Powerball...and if I'm reading the odds correctly, and I think I seems to be well within my reach! More importantly, however, is to find someone to share it with....and by "it" I mean the "fun" ......not the, we don't win, but it's awefully fun to sit with someone and imagine the fun we can have....with or without the cash!!! We can do a lot of damage with $50 cash, a full tank of gas, and a day with no schedule! ND "If we couldn't laugh, we'd all go insane!" -JBI'm looking for someone who will pull me away from the TV when needed....and doesn't mind being pulled away herself. Active...athletic....and not afraid to explore some new part of this state. Doesn't mind getting dirty....but cleans up nice. Most importantly.....can laugh at others....with others..and at herself!

Meet single man from Phoenix, United States. Strong, adventurous, loving, caring are just a few adjectives describing who I am and what I am looking for. I want someone I can love, laugh and cry with. Share new adventures and make new memories. Who can cuddle on the couch or go out on the town. Likes to play poker and have a few beers. Laugh at my stupid jokes or tell me to shut up because Im being goof ball. Must be able to communicate your feelings and be honest. I don't like lier's and dishonest people. Waiting for that special person if thats you contact me...