Date men from United States / Arizona / Tempe, 34 year old

Date someone special from Tempe, United States. I am passionate about travelling, animals, and the outdoors. I am a very goal driven person, always willing to take into new challenges. I am also very honest and pretty straightforward and what you see is what you get, nothing more, nothing less. I am the kind of person that always fights for what he wants and it does not matter how many times I fall off the horse, I will get back on it again and try one more time. On that respect, I would love to meet someone that is compassionate, caring, open minded, not afraid of commitment and opening herself to others, willing to try new experiences and to take on to new challenges, not afraid of being hurt since fear will never let us fully express ourselves. If we get hurt, oh well, we can always pick up what is left from our hearts and glue them together again ! Overall, I would like to meet someone not afraid of fully experiencing life and her feelings and enjoy the simple things that this world has to offer.

Meet a soulmate from Tempe, United States. I am a single father of two amazing little boys. There is no mama drama, and they are my priority 100% of the time, even though I only have them 10% of the time. I am looking for a woman who is intelligent, honest, and likes to have fun and travel. For now, I am just looking for a friend to spend time and have fun with. If something more develops out of that...great! If not...still great! Just to put this out there, I am wheelchair dependent (which should be fairly obvious in my pictures), but I am totally cool and confident with it...hopefully you will be too! So, send me a message if you want to talk. I don't bite...hard! Btw, I do have more photos, but due to my profession, I feel it is not in my best interest to post too many of them on here. Message me and I'll send some your way.

Date a man from Tempe, United States. Living organisms are fascinating to most people. Most of us are fascinated by large, warm fuzzies (raccoons, horses, pandas) while others find delight in small wonders (small animals and plant-like algae in pond water). Whatever your taste in creature fascination, the following list of attributes apply to all organisms. The attributes below are common to all life and reflect the basic needs of acquiring energy, reproducing, and exchanging material with the environment to sustain these and other activities.

Meet single man from Tempe, United States. I am passionate, driven, sensitive, caring and kind. I love to laugh and believe we should do it as often as possible. I believe that integrity is the most important trait a person can have. I have a close relationship with my family and care deeply for the lifelong friends I have made. I am definitely a romantic and love to cherish my partner.
I am looking for a woman that is confidant; knows who she is and knows what she wants. Honesty and communication is critical to a quality relationship! I love a girl that enjoys a black dress and the opera but is equally happy with jeans and a beer! (or wine ?)
I have recently brought my passion for design and architecture into my professional life and will be starting the Masters of Architecture program at ASU this fall. I have always been interested in building stuff and like to fix things…I have even built a few cars over the years.
Lastly and most importantly I am a father! I love being a dad and strive to be the best there is. I share my daughter’s time equally with her mother and we maintain an amicable relationship. My daughter is the most amazing thing in my life. She inspires me to live every day to its fullest, but also to slow down and enjoy the little things.
I know there’s more to say…but who wants to read it all, and there’s never an easy way to break the ice…so if your interested don’t hesitate to send a quick email or just a wink ;-)

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I am a happy person that love to talk. The thing I am most grateful for is my son. I am looking for someone that is fun, happy,likes kids. I am also looking for someome to go to the movies and have dinner with. Someone who like to travel, but at the same time would love to stay home and watch a movie with some wine and popcorn.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I consider myself some sort of traditionalist. Others probably wouldn't see me that way, but dont listen to those people, they really have no clue. Appropriate Dr. Suess quote, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." I was born in Oregon, grew up here in Arizona, was stationed in New Orleans with the Marine Corps, and then came back home to study music at ASU. That's the geographical part. I am an artist at heart, but I don't think there is just one thing that defines each of us, it is the accumulation of numerous experiences that makes us whole and who we are. So who are we? I try to be considerate and even nice whenever possible, so I would hope you might be too. No bad girls, thanks. If you have a tendency to engage in shady activities and pride yourself in being a "bad girl," this is not the droid you're looking for. Now, five to nine percent bad is ok, seems within reason, we are all sinners to some degree. You know the saying, Witchcraft is all fun and games until someone gets turned into a newt! Bottom line is, I am alright. So if you are alright too, and self-aware to the slightest degree, I might know someone you'd hit it off with. Me!
Its says i have about 3300 characters remaining. It would be a shame not to take full advantage of this chance I am being given to share myself with the you who have happened upon my profile. I strongly believe in the bonds of family, sometimes it is the only thing that seems real and tangible. It is so true that you get what you give, reap what you sow, life is a problem solving activity. I am in constant search of inspiration from whatever source is available. I am a prime example of "don't judge a book by it's cover." Like most everyone else, I've got the basic 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes and a nose. So if you were looking for a 3-eyed guy with one arm and a limp, keep on searching! I have the ability to be absolutely hilarious and extremely pleasant when the tide is low and the wind blows in from the northeast. I've at least a bit of manners, and I try to approach every situation with a positive attitude. It is so easy to become bitter or callous in todays world, so I fight against the haters that are so prevalent these days. "Hater Update: less prevalent lately. Good on ya." It is still my task to balance out the yin and yang in all things that I do.
So what am I looking for, who am I hoping stumbles upon this page? 4 arms, 4 legs, 1 eye , no nose and 14 ears!! Someone who finds a drop of rain magnificent, and two drops down right spectacular, three drops? just simmer down. Psychic powers are a plus. Someone who has got their chi flowin thick. Beauty both inside and out. A girl who takes pride in responsibility, caution in comformity, risk within reason, and nothing for granted. If its not too much to ask, it would be great to find someone who really appreciates music in all its splendor. Sing me a song about the days long gone.

Date a man from Arizona, United States. The Cliff’s Notes:
Fun, caring, interesting man seeking fun, caring, interesting woman. Must have functioning brain & soul.
The Novel:
Hi there. Welcome to me. Here’s a small, potentially negative-sounding preface: I usually avoid dating. I generally assume it’ll be hard for me to find someone I'm attracted to that I also think is interesting or fun, so dating usually seems pretty pointless. I thought that joining Match would make it easier to find someone, but it mostly just shows how few and far between women are who would be a good match for me (see afore-mentioned �functioning brain & soul’ comment). There are plenty of gorgeous girls on here, but it's so hard to find someone with any genuineness. I should also say that I sometimes wish appearance didn't matter at all to me, but a pretty face on a sharp, kind, fun & funny person is what usually makes my heart go pitter-patter. The sharp, kind, fun & funny personality is what KEEPS my heart feeling that way. It’s also made me realize how attractive some women were that I barely noticed before. I'd love to find someone who fits the sharp, kind, fun & funny mold and also cares enough about the world to do something more than just think, 'too bad it's not different'.
Maybe I should ask myself, �am I so much of a catch that I should expect to get some perfect woman?’ Hell yeah, I am! Okay, I'm kidding. Kinda. Girls looking for Studley G. Hunkster can continue to look elsewhere for their shiny shirt-wearing, tanorexic, clubbing dude. I've never made an attempt to be that kind of guy, as I’m sure you figured out by my photos. I like being physically fit, but I don't care enough about getting some mindless girl in the sack to put the effort and time into staring in the mirror deciding what part to work out next and stressing over how often to schedule my tanning sessions. I just can’t imagine such an uninteresting life, just following cave man instinct, but to each their own. What I do my best to always work on is my mind and the world around me. I love improving myself, whether it be in doing music (I sing and play guitar- sometimes in bands, sometimes on my own, and sometimes just at home), working on my business (I own a screen printing company I started on my back porch 10 years ago), or better understanding how my own thoughts work- I'm into psychology, I'm always learning new things, and I pay attention to politics (no matter how much they frustrate and repel me at times) because I believe it's possible to make the world a better place. I'm definitely a Liberal, but I'm a registered Independent since I don't follow party lines. What I'm most passionate about is animal & human welfare. Protecting those that can’t help themselves, basically.
I probably sound like I’m too serious, but actually I’m usually seen as pretty fun and goofy, and people tend to think I’m pretty funny. I look and feel a lot younger than I am, so most people think I'm in my late-ish 20's. To use the clich?, I'm truly young at heart, and I'm happy to look the part too. I kind of don’t want to say this, but I probably should: I usually date women who are a bit younger than me or at least look young for their age. As much as I’d prefer to date women who know all the same music, TV and other pop culture stuff as me, it can look a little weird if I date someone who looks late 30’s or early 40’s since I look younger than I am.
I love my two well-behaved, awesome dogs to a ridiculous degree and they keep me happy and on my toes, running around like an idiot with them. They come to work with me every day and we’ve had as many as 7 dogs at work since I encourage employees to bring their dogs. …as long as they’re not barky, bitey, barfy or BM-y.
Enough about me. How about you?

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I am a simple easy going person. I am the type that is easy to get along. I am the one that looks at the glass half full. I am a business profession that works for a major airline. I have been in the airline industry for over 13 years and held lots of jobs in that time frame. I enjoy my current position which includes lots of travel to international destinations. I am a strong minded and career oriented person, but over all family and great friends come first. You will always find me doing something and very rarley staying at home, especially in the winter time here in Phoenix. The summers here I just tend to get away on the weekends to cooler weather. I guess working for the airline helps me do just that. If I stay in town will usually enjoy the pool, and hang out with my local friends. I do like to go out and have a nice dinner and drinks here and there. Nightclubs I rarley do, (unless their is live music). I asked 3 of my closest female friends to give me a one liner for how they would describe me to someone I might be dating so here they are:
- Last of the few gentleman out there..
- Super sweet and caring.
- Serious when he needs to be, but pure fun the rest of the time.
The last piece of me that I will mention is that I have a 5 year old son who means the world to me. He is with me 50% of the time so eventually you may get to meet him. I am NOT looking for a mother for him as he already has one. I mention him last, not because I dont give it importance but mainly because I feel that the person that will open her heart and soul to me will have to accept the fact that I do have a son. You will be dating me not him anyways! LOL
Are you still reading? Great, I am looking for someone that is self confident, enjoys children, and enjoys social life, but at the same time can be content with movie, couch, and of course a glass of wine to relax and enjoy the night. My future partner must enjoy traveling, large friends and family gatherings (I am hispanic) I am also looking for my partner to supportive of my career, and be there for me when I need you to be. I believe communication and constant partner attention is a must for a relationship to work. So you would have to be willing to consistently make time for me and you. I am sure you may have some questions so just shoot them my way.
I am very hesitant on this online thing but friends are urging me to get out there, I know first hand this works because last November I attended my sisters wedding to a great man she met onine. Can it be possible I find someone too through this website????

Date someone special from United States. I am 34, single, never been married, have no children. wow when you write it all down like that it does seem a bit bleak. I guess i just never met the right person at the right time, i seem to meet these great people right after they just got in a relationship. Which is what leads me to online dating, tired of being single, my job is to travel and repair medical machines so its gotten a little hard to meet people.
enough of the reasons why i am here.
i am funny, sad, happy, kind, dorky, smart, introverted, extroverted, i am just like everyone else, i am all of those things and more, i guess the important things are i like dogs, books movies, TV shows, creepy German bands no one has heard of, dance music, girls who like tattoos, going to the gym, dark rainy nights curled under blankets on the couch listening to the rain beat against the windows. i like to travel, eat at new places i see on the travel channel, talking to strangers on airplanes with interesting stories, sitting at home reading a good book for hours even though you know you need to go to sleep but you just cant put that book down.
The person i want to meet? i want someone who's as quirky and odd as me, someone who i can watch movies with, go people watch at a mall or go dancing. someone comfortable with themselves, someone who wants to be with me as much as i want to be with them. someone who i can talk to for years and never feel like we ran out of stuff to talk about. someone who is willing to put up with my music or at least go see a show once in a while :) even if i have to purchase earplugs for them before hand.

Meet a soulmate from United States. I have been told that I am dedicated, hard working, and dependable. I'm sure i have a few more, but I hate describing myself. Self employed so I work long hours. My free time is spent on the lake/river or on the couch with my feet up. Looking for someone to spend quality time with. My family, my animals, my friends are all important parts of my life. You have to know how to laugh.

Date a man from United States. I will try to keep this simple: I am honest and have such a good sense of humor that I crack myself up all the time. I am a firearms enthusiest that enjoys having intelligent conversations with people. I am extremely loyal and looking for a long term relationship. Ladies come 1st because I love to open the car door for you and pay for everything. I am very clean and like to keep a clean house. When things are organized l feel good. You wont ever have to worry about me invading your space because I love my privacy too. I am looking for a friend 1st and a lover 2nd.

Meet single man from United States. Well where do I begin. I'm originally from Michigan and moved here To go to Arizona State University. After graduation I decided the weather was great compared to the Midwest so I decided to stay. After working for someone for several years I decided that I really wanted to be my own boss. In 2006 I started my own business and have spent the past 6 years growing it. I think now its time to focus on finding someone to enjoy life with. I also have a beautiful little girl. She is the most amazing person I know.
Im looking for a genuine women who is smart, outgoing, loves to travel and try new things. Is a very caring individual, loyal and is in it for the long haul.