Date men from United States / Arizona / Williams, 34 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I grew up in Williams AZ, I don't like big cities. I'm a small town boy. I like riding my bicycles, and just hanging out and driving my Caddie. Listing to music is always good. God bless America. I love the U.S.A

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. Hi... I guess I'm just a pretty chill guy...just trying to keep life simple & all that. Definitely a slacker and a whole lot of a sinner... but in contrast, people say I work too much. I think I'm just hopelessly in love with someone I haven't even met yet, despite my great & many attempts. Does that make sense at all?
In any case, the driving factor in my life is my daughter...everything is built around her, really. Lately I've begun to remember that I want some cool things that don't include the kiddo... frequent and dirty romantic getaways, for one =)~
I don't really know how to describe my ideal match in words & I prefer to take people as they are... I'll know her when I meet her though. The easiest way to say it is just that I want that connection, you know? To know that someone else feels the same way about me as I do and sex and friendship and everything else. I'm a person who knows some measure of how nasty the world can be, and have come to value that calmness that only being intimate with a beautiful woman can bring.
That's who she is, the girl who wants to just go away with me... every moment we possibly can... to end up drunk, in love, crazy, naked and covered in sweat.
Are you here? Should I explain that differently?