Date men from United States / Arizona / Goodyear, 34 year old

Date single man from Goodyear, United States. I?m the guy who helps people move, the one you want around in an accident?seriously; I?m a paramedic who loves having a job helping people when they need it the most. I?m currently thinking about getting my nursing degree ? no Gaylord Fokker jokes, please ?
I?ll help friends move?across the country. I grew up in a family of pranksters, so watch out. Usually I?ll channel it into something productive, like arranging a day off for you so I can whisk you away for a surprise weekend. I?ll always be thinking of the next nice thing I can do for you, whether it?s something small like remembering that lemonade you like so much, or taking you on a big adventure to a tropical island. I?m quiet until you get to know me and find out that I jump out of airplanes for fun, build sand castles on every beach I come to, and drive to the next state for a good concert. ?and there?s my Chippendale?s Halloween costume! I?m geeky enough to put on a Santa hat for the kids, macho enough to do the Spartan Run. I?m that manly man with the tender heart for family pet, small children, or my sweetheart, and not necessarily in that order.
You?re a bit of a smart-alec, always ready with a feisty comeback. You can run with the boys, literally, to do the Warrior Dash, or put on that great dress and show up for a formal dinner. You?re not offended by my sometimes slightly crude sense of humor or my monkey feet that can pick up a dropped pencil. You know how the ocean restores me, and you?ll show up either to join me in the surf or look beautiful guarding my latest sand creation. You?re the kind of girl who will tell me we?re having dinner with your family, but when I get all dressed up I find you in the living room wearing nothing but one of my old shirts and a come-hither look. You?re equally uninhibited with sharing your opinion, because you?ve given them a great deal of thought and don?t want to waste that. You know we don?t need to agree on everything, but mutual respect is essential. You have a life of your own: friends, family, interests, and are very independent, but you love coming together in an equal partnership, for fun in the snow, travel, exercise, or just spending a quiet romantic evening in each other?s arms.
OK... If you have gotten this far then you probably are someone that should email me. So what are waiting for?

Meet a soulmate from Goodyear, United States. Hi, thanks for checking my profile out!
First, here are a few things about me. I grew up in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Naturally I am a huge Packers fan. I was transferred to Arizona in 2009 for my job. So far I love it here, the heat doesn't even bother me. In fact I look forward to it! Weird huh?
My friends and family are very important to me. All of my family is back in Wisconsin and I try to go back and see them at least once a year. I am honest, loyal, trustworthy, hard working, and dependable. These five traits are very important to me, and I would like the woman I meet to share those same values.
For fun I like to do anything outdoors. Some of my favorites are hiking Camelback, taking long walks, biking, golfing, or basically any other sport. Jumping in the pool at the end of a long day is theraputic. Watching sports is also something that I enjoy. Football and baseball are my favorites. Somtimes it is just nice to veg out on the couch and watch a movie too.
I am most comfortable going to a sportsbar instead of the clubs. It is a bonus if there is a live band there. It does not matter what they are playing, if it has a good beat and I know the words to the song I will be in heaven. Give me a burger and a beer and will be even happier!
My ideal match would be someone who enjoys being active. She would also be adventurous. She would help a little old lady across the street. She would help a friend with anything, even if it inconvienced her. She would have a great sense of humor and be able to both give and take a joke.
If this has intrigued you at all, that's great. Send me a message and we will take it from there. I look forward to hearing from you!

Date a man from Goodyear, United States. Well like just abut everyone i never thought in a million years i would do this, so here goes nothing.. I grew up in Michigan and have been in AZ for about 6 years. Family is very important to me thats the main reason i moved, even though it was hard to leave some good freinds behind..but i still visit quite often so no biggie. I have a great job, and have worked hard to get where i am at. I work a lot of hours but only work 5 days a week and my days off vary from week to week...but i can usuallly get time off that i need cause i write the schedule. If you asked my friends to descrbe me they would probabaly say that i am the nicest/easiest going person they know. I dont have a mean bone in my body and i hate arguing and confrontation..just hadle it like normal human beings, yelling and screaming just makes you both look ridiculous. I love sports, going to new restaurants, cooking, casino etc etc...even just hanging out at home with my 2 dogs, ( if you dont like dogs that might be a problem)...what i am trying to say is that i enjoy doing things, but dont mind chilling at home too. I have a beautiful home that is close to my parents, aunt and uncle, and hopefully my sister and brother in law with my two little nephews( if they move out here next summer like they say they are). I am uber easy going and will try just about anything once......(kinda like this)
I am looking for someone that shares the same interests, is fun and outgoing and drama free. I want someone who will go to a baseball game and eat a hot dog, nachos, and drink a beer and not worry whether they are going to get fat or not. Someone that laughs at my jokes even if they are not funny(but they are)....someone that is not fake, but normal. Obviously there is more to me than these run on sentences and paragraphs, so if you are intrigued let me know.

Meet someone special from Goodyear, United States. Im from California, I've been here for 12 years and since then been working for the state. I have a 8 year old son who i see every other weekend. Im easy going, down to earth with a sense a humor. I like to workout, I play all types of sports. Im outgoing, I like helping people and seen a smile on their face is priceless. I consider myself a true gentleman. Honesty and Trust are the key for a good relationship. Im looking for someone with a heart of gold, understanding and appreciates me.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Just a single dad looking for a special someone..looking for a woman that wants to be the center of my life...want to be the center of her life to...of course we ll start off as friends and go from there...I work a lot and haven 't really gone out much. I'd like to find someone that has similar interests but if you don't have similar interests that is ok. I am pretty easy going and know how to treat a lady like she is suppose to be treated. I am a good cook but I also love to eat out. I don't drink much with the exception of maybe a glass of wine or glass of beer. I don't smoke but don't mind if you do. I enjoy watching hockey and going to the games. I like most sports, like playing tennis, golf, inline skating, football, pool, swimming, bike riding and such. I have 2 wonderful boys who are the center of my life. I like dogs and cats for some reason cats like me.

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I love my kids love 2 spend my weekends with my kids like 2 work out go 2 movies dinner I work a lot look 4 someone cutie loves kids loves 2 have fun has a job stay in shape loves tattoos I'm from Los Angeles I like 2 travel I like going 2 vegas I don't want some 1 that plays games or lies don't have time 4 it I'm a hard worker I poor concrete I'm a UNION man

Date a man from Arizona, United States. First of all, the screen name wasn't my first choice :-( the ones I wanted were taken and that one was automated. Anyways I'm not an expert on this, nor describing myself, straight to the point, I feel ready to meet someone that wants a serious relationship, would love to make plans for future, someone to trust, to share moments, to have by my side when is time to take big decisions, that person that will get old with me and travel around the world collecting our retirement checks and sending post cards to our grandchildren... OK that was a little too much forward on the tape, you get my point right? could you be the one?

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I would like to believe that I am outgoing but at times I just like to just kick back and observe and formulate an opinion. I am compassionate, understanding most of the time (I try my best), caring, and very giving with what I have to give. I am not very needy or smothering like some guys I know, so if you're looking for a 24/7 that may not be me. I guess there would be more but if I write any more there wouldn't be much mystery left for you to discover on your own.
The main thing I am looking for is someone who views life in a positive light. I really can't stand pessimists and negative people. Life is too short for that non-sense. The only way to get ahead in life is to enjoy it to the fullest. Obviously having some sort of spark and excitement about another person will help get things moving in the right direction from the start of things. If it's not there, it doesn't mean it can not develop, so don't get me wrong. I'm very open and open to new experiences and hope to find someone similar.

Date single man from United States. I love God! I am a hard worker, I try to help people out as much as I can. I love my family and my friends. I grew up in Cottonwood, Az and am glad to be out of there. I don't really know what to put on here, but I am fun to hang out with and whether or not I find the right person on here I hope to find a few good friends

Meet a soulmate from United States. So you have to tell me after filling this out did you feel like you were filling out a job application...What can you say to try and get someone interested. I am an honest guy who likes to have a good time. I am not a big fan of the bar scene. I want to meet someone that appreciates the person that I am and gives back to me everything that I put into a relationship.
I like a girl that is ok with throwing on a ball cap and going to the park but can also get ready for a night on the town.
If you asked my friends what I am like I would hope that they would all say that I am a good person. I like honesty and pride myself on the fact that I treat people the way that I want to be treated.
I have a 11 year old son who is my pride and joy. I share custody with his mother and we have a good relationship when it comes to him. Absolutely no drama.
If anything that I have said interests you or atleast peaks your curiousity drop me a line. You never know unless you try. I am on here to try and meet people that I would not normally meet.
Hope to hear from you soon.