Date men from United States / Arizona / Surprise, 34 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I am an outgoing guy that enjoys life and likes to have fun. I am looking for someone to hang out with who likes to do the same. Sometimes you just need to take that leap, you might find something amazing. I am a pretty laid back guy. I have a great sense of humor and want someone that can see the humor in life too. I like to see the good in everything even the bad. I actually care about others and like to do what is right. I have values in my life. Sometimes I think I am too nice, Don't get me wrong, I don't let anyone walk on me and I stand up for what I believe. I like who I am and I have no regrets.
I like to run and be outdoors. I have ran two half marathons and am training for a full. I would love to have someone that enjoys being athletic too. I like having friends over to just have fun. I am a bit of a gear head. I love old muscle cars and have one I am putting together.
If you are someone that sees life as a glass half full then you are someone for me. Lets get to know each other.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I am one of the most caring people you will ever meet. Age doesn't mean much to me...only a number.I am looking for a girl to treat like a princess and one who wants something real based on a connection, not just simply sex. I am charming, sweet, romantic, a good listener, funny, loyal, motivated, independent, outgoing and charming. I don't pretend to be someone I am not. I am here because where I work doesn't afford me the opportunity to meet many new people.
I am an extremely ambitious person. I have my career set and am well on my way to achieving my life long dreams. Additionally I own my own business which I started. Despite being extremely mature and as far along in my career as I am, I love to be silly and have fun. The glass for me is half full.I want a gal that calls me just to say hi. Misses me while at work. Wants to be around me. Makes plans. Makes decisions. Pushes me a little. Takes initiative. I want fireworks! I want romance, candlelit dinners,passion, etc. I want to be loved and cherished. I want to feel like I mean the world to someone.. I want to feel needed. d want to be able to give you everything. My time, my attention, my love, I would want you to be first in my life, and I would expect the same from you. I want someone whose life doesnt necessarily revolve around me; but would notice if I wasnt part of IT. I want to be able to have a fight with you and know that it will be okay. I want to know that you and I are a team and well face things together as such. I want to be able to rely on you to stick with me even when things are tough and I try to push you away, and I want you to know that I wont let you get rid of me either. I want everything you have to give me. I want your time, and your respect, and your love. I want to fall asleep at night in your arms and wake up in the morning knowing that youre satisfied with me and that Im everything that you want. And I want you to know that I feel the same way about you. I dont want to be with someone just for the sake of not being alone. I want that overpowering, soul shattering, life-changing love. I know it exists- Ive seen it. And I think Id rather be alone than find myself settling for anything less than that.....

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. At this point... I have no idea what im looking for... I am just looking for an honest and caring person.. Someone that likes to have fun... whether that means going to a movie or out to dinner... or just going out for couple drinks ... just someone to spend time with .... hiking.. golfing ... it doesnt matter.. just want to live life......

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. I'd like to say that I'm new at this. I'm not. I've had my share of good matches and bad matched. I've made friends with some of the poeple I've met her and have lost contact with people on here. And yes those nightmare ones that people have talked about really do happen. Yet I'm still here. Hoping that in this hectic world that we live in I can somehow find that one true person.
I don't really know how to decribe myself without thinking that it sounds stupid. But at this point if stupid is what does it then I'm all for it. I am a single dad of 2 little girls that will be turning 6 and 9 in the next 2 months. They are what drives in on day to day. But that's what all parents would say. But what they are is a part of me as I am a part of them. They are a culmination of everything I hold dear in my life and a sum of all of my values.
I work as an RN and love every minute of it. Well almost at least we all have those day that we go home saying why the hell did I decide to get in this line of work. Then there are those day where we see the impact that we have in people's lives and we get that heart felt thank you or hug. For me a nurse is what I am not what I do.
But work is work and anyone who would truly do that instead of having time off needs to get their priorities straight. Work is what I do to live. And I try to live as well as I can. I might be a little loose with my money and could do with a few more lessons in frugality but the way I see it money can't be taken with you to heaven. And while I do believe in heaven I am not very religious. I'm Catholic by birth and due try to do things by what my faith has taught me. Being spiritual and religious for me is in the way I live not whether or not I go to mass or observe all the religious holidays and celebrations.
For fun I'm like to do whatever it is that I can lose myself in. Something that while your doing it there is nothing else on your mind except the task at hand. It can almost be zen-like I guess. For me I find that state of mind from a multitude of things. Whether it's hiking or biking, hoping in my car and just taking a ride to nowhere but it always seems to get me to exactly where I want to go. Spending time with my kids is great and love doing things with my family. I have a very close know family and circle of friends. The group of people I do things with pretty much is the same group of poeple that that I've been doing things with since 7th grade. It's great but then it also doesn't give much in terms of trying to meet new people.
I could probably go on but I think I'll stop right here and actually I think I did a pretty good job at not sounding stupid. If you're interested let me know. If not then I wish you the best in finding what your looking for.

Date a man from United States. Am I good person I love my family..... Love animals ... Football... I like to help people like walking the dog playing with tha cat.Likes cars art books music .. Mexico .. American Indian too on my mothers side sioux Indian .. Been to Mexico for 8. Years it nice good town

Meet someone special from United States. about me i love working out staying in shape eating healthy as much as i can which i tend to go off the road sometimes lol im not the type that like to go out every weekend and party i rather go on a road trip or hang out watch a movie,catch a game latest movie or just hang out , things i look for in a women is someone whos fun to be around with were we can laugh at stupid things together .i have mylife together the house,good job ,good head on my shoulder im looking for my partner in life someone i can connect with.

Date a soulmate from United States. I am laid back, considerate nice normal sarcastic person who is easy to get along with. I can at times be silly and tend to not take every thing too seriously unless it needs to be. I love to go to the movies or watching them at home. I also like going out to try new restaurants, hiking camping or anything out doors though I admit I don't find I do them enough. I would like to find someone intelligent with morals and a great sense of humor to explore new things and some new places. I have two children that live with me full time they are older and I do enjoy doing lots of things with them but they have there friends and things they are into and have reached an age where they don?t need me around all the time.

Meet single man from United States. I am a single dad who shares custody of my four year old son, who doesnt get out very much, due to having my son on alot of weekends. I am a confident normal guy who is just trying something new because it is getting harder to meet someone when i spend so much time with my boy.I have a great sense of humor and dont take myself too seriously. I also like to work out and mostly eat right. Not sure what else to write!?

Date a man from Surprise, United States. I was a bad boy for a long time or at least I thought I was, but I have done a lot of growing up lately. I'm at a point in my life that I'm ready to settle down and find my real princess. I really never thought that I would be saying that and I especially never thought I would be saying that on a website for dating. Truth is that I have done all those childish man things that most of us men stupidly do. I'm really ready to commit and give my all to the right woman. I believe in chivalry and treating women with complete respect. I treat my lady like a princess and I believe that being honest and remaining faithful is very, very important. So, if you want to be treated like trash, you better look else where. I really believe in creating a good relationship from a good friendship. I'm hoping to find a lady who likes to stay active, but who can still appreciate a good night at home just chilling. I have a good career, my own truck and live on my own. I'm not looking for a babysitter or a caretaker. I just want to make it clear that I'm not looking for anything more than a good friendship with the possibility to develop into a great relationship. I love kids and grew up with a big family. I'm not afraid of a good woman who is a single mother and has children. I have very strong core family values and grew up looking up to my father. I know that after reading a few profiles that they kind of all start to sound similar. I want to let you know that if you take the time to get to know me, you will not be disappointed at all.

Meet someone special from Surprise, United States. So it says I'm supposed to describe myself here so.....I'm just a normal, red-blooded American simple kinda man who's looking for a great woman to accompany him in this journey known as life. And for those of you looking for more details, allow me to elaborate a bit. Just moved to AZ from So Cal in order to be closer to my family, I couldn't convince them to move back so here I am. I am a very well balanced person and I strive to be so in every aspect of my life. I am also a walking contradiction in and upon myself. I live a healthy lifestyle by eating well, working out and staying active. Yet I also love good beer, sleeping in late on occasion and absolutely I love my burgers AND fries animal style. I enjoy going out for a nice dinner just as much as playing pool in a dingy dive bar sipping on a Guinness (OK I'd probably opt for the dive bar and Guinness given a choice). I also enjoy and know how to appreciate the subtleties of a quiet night in together. I MAY even let you pick the movie.I have a great career that keeps me busy and occupies a great deal of my time. My match will need to understand that part of my life and support me in it. BUT, from Friday evening to Monday morning I am all yours! I am a HUGE sports fan, especially baseball. Big football fan as well (Go Chargers!) but to me nothing beats a day at the ball park. Love music almost more than any other indulgence in life. It has gotten me through some difficult times. I also play ... (message truncated)