Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 49 year old

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Looking for someone special that likes being with family and spending time with her man to treat him like a king and i will treat her as my Queen. One who cooks well and dresses nice n smell great is old fashion in some ways

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. The glass is always half full. Hopefully with wine, and you are in France somewhere. You are happy, secure, employed and looking for an adventure. All your friends wish they had more time to be with you. Looking for quality friendship, and more, while enjoying life as much as possible.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. been separated for 2 years, (divorce pending), and just starting to spread my wings. I like long walks in the park, stairing at sunsets, and cuddling up in front of a fire watching a good romantic movie..... NOT... No KNIGHT IN SHINNING ARMOR HERE...

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Friends and family describe me as:
World-class goofball
Always living life to the fullest, while on the road less traveled
Wears his heart on his sleeve
I've lived in many parts of the world and still have much on my travel itinerary.
My interests are all over the board from outdoor activities like hiking, biking, climbing,and swimming to boating, fishing, jet skis, quads, and more. Museums and art shows grab my attention regardless of the theme and I've yet to see the Guggenheim or Smithsonian and really want to. Motorcycles are something I dig riding and working on but it doesn't define me. An evening in cooking together rates high. I get into music of all genres.
Exercise is important to me not because it's good for you, but because I really like it.
I like to spoil. Discover the little thing that brings a smile. Waking someone with their perfect cup of coffee. I'm a romantic....and I'm proud of it. I'm a firm believer that nothing good comes easy or quickly....let's learn about each other and decide we can be friends before anything else.
If you're honest, enjoy communicating, easy going, take care of yourself (physically and mentally), open minded, curious, and adventurous we'd probably get along. Although I was never fortunate enough to have kids, I like being around them and they seem to feel the same.
I'm in the transition of moving to Phoenix and expect to be here permanently by 8/15/12. I most likely won't be visiting before then but wouldn't mind learning about someone before I get there.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. Well here goes.... I grew up on the east coast and have been in AZ most of my life now. I guess I can say as far as "me" is concerned.... I'm kinda, funny-silly, confident, playful, emotionally, physically and financially secure. I'm very even tempered, reliable as well as quite the optimist; the glass is really half full.. I have had 1 long term relationship in my life and not shy about moving forward in any way.... I live my life to the fullest....Enjoy every day like its my last... I am looking for the same or similar; spontaneous, passion in all things, enjoys life and makes the best of every day, loves to travel...the beach...Europe (someday)...
I am particular in what Im attracted to (aren't we all) and believe that beauty is so much more than just what we can see but don't get me wrong to be in shape is all good for body, mind and soul. right?.. I believe that a man has a role that he must abide by in every relationship, weather its our children or its our lover. No one of us can make anyone else happy and fulfilled if we're not first happy with oneself first!
My mother taught me about respect, courtesy, good manners, and how a woman should be treated in all relationships and let us not forget about the passion....some people just don't have it...i get it...i do!
I place a high value on depth of character, integrity, and honesty. I believe that you get self-esteem by doing esteem-able deeds and try to do at least one every day. I'm big on chemistry. I know within about 5 minutes or 5 seconds :) whether there is a connection and my guess is you will too.

Meet single man from Phoenix, United States. Thought Conditioners ...
* 4 Me: It's about substance versus style, actions over words, and quality not quantity :)
# I'm interested in earning a "true, uncommon, and genuine" friendship -- anything else is meant to be ... or not.
^ Non-judgmental, open-minded, with a taste 4 a variety of flavors per se :)
The 411 on M ~ 6', 188 lbs, Christian, professional, non-smoker w/ zero ink or piercings, along with an athletic physique. I have not engaged in any semblance of a "sustainable" relationship for over 8 years. I'm extremely selective, know what appeals 2 me, and welcome exploration encompassing matters of the heart! I'm flattered that anyone might deem my profile worthy of a response. However, I'm allergic to "BS", have zero tolerance 4 games, and maintain no desire to exchange infinite emails leading 2 Planet NADA.
General description? Brutally honest, direct, calm, relatively quiet, sincere, expressive, intelligent, voracious reader, polite, courteous, generous, passionate, emotionally and physically attentive. Additionally, I've enjoyed residency in St. Louis, Missouri, Wichita Overland Park, Kansas, and Portland, Oregon, with visitation to 39 / 50 states Canada (Toronto) Mexico (multiple locales). Aspirations of travel 2 Europe and/or Australia before my life ticket expires.
"Sampling" of Movie Favs:
Shawshank Redemption
A Beautiful Mind
The Blindside
Scent of a Woman
Finding Forrester
With Honors
The Pursuit of Happyness
Good Will Hunting
Brian's Song
The Thomas Crown Affair
The Natural
A Bronx Tale
Wall Street
The Big Chill
Field of Dreams
Godfather I, II
The Green Mile
Silence of the Lambs
Stand By Me
Recent Reads:
Awaken Theh Giant Within
Faith of My Fathers
Walking in Your Own Shoes
Healed Without Scars
The Prayer of Jabez
Secrets of The Vine
Always Looking Up
The Shack
The Purpose Driven Life
The Mentor Leader
Have a Little Faith
Divine Providence
Come on People
Quiet Strength
The Last Lecture
The Secret
A New Brand World
Emotional Intelligence
The Boys of Summer
Tuesdays with Morrie
The Art of The Deal
THE 411 on Ms. Fan-tab-U-lous ... Christian,dynamic, diverse, active, captivating,vibrant, fun, spontaneous, sensual, and intellectual. Do you exude great passion for life and all things positive? Would you categorize your physique as curvaceous / fuller-figured? My non-negotiable vice is HONESTY! If you are remotely confused with fact v. fiction I'm definitely NOT your guy. Additionally, if you are a mass / serial dater, or into games, fuggetaboutit and refrain from connecting w/me. We all have our preferences. Recent research reveals there are over 110,000,000 singles in our country. Should I not appeal 2 your " brand of male" then best wishes in your quest 4 the "1" that fills your heart. God Bless !!
NO photos = NO response

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. I am a Vegetarian, ( because I can't support brutality in any form.) I Never got into alcohol because, well obviously, it is a stupid thing to do. I believe in the power of love, laughter, light, and FREEDOM! I am not into religion, rituals, money motivated thinking, or political parties, which all divide us from one another and steal our freedoms..
If you are this sweet and intelligent VEGETARIAN lady who likes travel, music, nature, long walks in the jungle hunting Orchids, swimming at the hot springs, receiving a massage, Juicing some fruits and veggies, catching that movie, letting me throw grapes in your open mouth? Was that your nose? Oh yes, has a sense of humor, low need for drama, and is without religious and political baggage, you are a rare lady indeed and I would like to know you.
I know I have surely removed many wonderful people from the possibility of meeting, but if I am honest with you it is better for everyone.
So, If alcohol is your thing, we already know this fellow named Sogi ( me ) has drawn that line for his own protection. I have found nothing good coming from ETOH.
This is how I believe, surround yourself with beauty and quality and beautiful things occur, surround yourself with crazy and crazy manifests at every opportunity. I choose to hold the former in high regard and admire and look up to those individuals who are making the hard choices to live by their inner ethics, unswayed by peer pressure.
Too heavy? Oh well, If I just wanted a fling........Id say" lets PARTY ", but I know what I don't want, as well as what I want fortunately, and when alcohol is involved relationships fail. So once again, a subtle sign it is not, my posting here today says, Those into alcohol need not respond. Those who hold a similar value towards all living things as I do please respond. That might be one in a million! or less, it would appear. If you like fashion, quality over quantity, music, and a lifestyle that values a more down to earth quietness and a simple but elegant life we might just ...................................

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. I have lived in Arizona almost all of my life. I have been divorced for 6 years. I have lived alone since my youngest son moved out a few years ago. I was fortunate to have him living with me the last several years. My kids are all grown up and on their way to leading their own successful lives. I am very proud of the young adults they have become. I will always be their father, but now it is ME TIME! I guess this is more about where I am in my life and not who I am, so here it goes.
I am pretty easy going, but I'm not a pushover. I am clearly an extrovert. My outgoing personality allows me to get along with just about anybody, but I am picky about who I spend my time with. I am most comfortable in my flip flops but I know when and how to be formal. I love being around people and enjoy a social life. As outgoing as I am, alone time is equally important to me. What I miss is having that someone special to share my time with, exploring this new chapter in our lives. I don't know if I will meet her online or walking through the grocery store, but I welcome her either way.

Date a soulmate from United States. Don’t go any further without bringing along a sense of humor. No, really.
- If it "really" matters to you which team wins, I may not match your enthusiasm, but I will find you totally adorable whether you are celebrating in victory or sobbing in defeat.
- If you claim to be "zero drama", DING! Wrong! Your pics were taken before your nose grew. Everyone is at least 5% drama. Go back and check your math.
- Favorite movie quote AND personal motto, “I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days." -Bull Durham
- There, Their They're: They are (clue) not interchangeable.
- If it is imperative that the love of your life scuba dives, I'll play the wuss-card right up front wish you Jacques Cousteau-guy much happiness together. (Note: I’m happy to sip Corona’s on the beach and pay for the dive trip if you’ll come back, give me a big wet hug and tell me how awesome the death-defying trip was)
- If half your profile is a diatribe about every bad guy who’s inappropriately approached you on Match or behaved badly on a 1st date…I sincerely apologize for our side. Seriously. I wouldn’t introduce a nice lady to most of the guys I know, either. Why is it so hard for guys to just be decent? Seems pretty simple to me.
- I will put the seat down without being asked
- You don't have to own pets. But, if you absolutely don't like animals, my condolences to your humanity.
- I know this is HUGELY ironic. I don't think I could date a vegan. If you understand me, I’ll buy lunch.
- Red wine. That goes without further explanation.
- If your Match “handle” has the word “crazy” in it, I will take you at your word.
- I'm spiritual, but if you are seeking a good Christian man, I can introduce you to my good friend, Christian. He prefers "Chris".
- If you can pin me in under 30 seconds because you're a scrappy little gym rat, I can train for that. If it's because you've got me by 75 lbs or more, we'll never be evenly matched I can't lose every time, sorry.
- If you look like your dad your brothers, it's nice to bear a family resemblance. But, if you look EXACTLY like them, I'm probably not your guy. (Caveat; if you could be a Cosmo girl you still look EXACTLY like them...we all need to meet for a glass of wine. I may never have a more interesting Match-date)
- Speaking of which, dating is ok. But, I’d like to meet Miss Forever never have to date again.
- My sign? Slow Dip Ahead.
- If your ears are gauged out to the size of half-dollars, your tongue is pierced to the point of speech defect you have earrings in your nose, lips didn't even open my profile. Never mind.
- If you are so gorgeous that you think we'd be mismatched in public, I say, "Let the public decide!" No, really.
- I’ve been told I’m funny. If you aren’t smiling in a single-one of your posted pics? I’m guessing you are my Kryptonite. I can’t risk that.
- "When your wrong, your wrong". If you don't know why this is laugh out loud funny, I will cringe every time you send me a text or email.
- We should tolerate everything except intolerance, cruelty criminal behavior. Yes. That one isn't funny. It's true, though
- If you think George “W” was an awesomely smart president, I will just tilt my head in that RCA Victrola dog-sorta way while you tell me about it.
- Interesting? Anthony Bourdain, Radiohead, Aaron Sorkin, NPR, "The Fountainhed", The Beatles, Citizen Kane, Blade Runner, Dilbert, Jon Stewart, Charlie Rose.
- Not remotely interesting? Anything “Kardashian”, bling, what your neighbors think, Snooki, TMZ, Brad/Angelina/Jennifer, etc….
- If you can tell me why the polar bears are in trouble, we're still good.
- …Slow Dip Ahead. I’m sorry. Still chuckling. Some sales pitch, eh?

Meet single man from United States. Hi,
Looking for my new best friend.
Lost my old friend, my wife of 18 years to cancer 2 years ago
She was a great women and made me a good man.
When you are the care giver to someone with cancer.
You find out how special life is, and that you need to enjoy it!!!!
With my free time I enjoy golfing, working out, yoga an being with friends
I love doing all kinds of things. If it's fun, Let's go!
I'm looking for someone easy going, fun, likes to laugh
If this is you
Please respond, so we can get off this dating site
Make it a great day!

Date someone special from United States. I got a need for speed! If it goes fast Im all in. Im a disabled US vet with 30 yrs as a big rig mech. N truck driver. Ill ride or drive anything like I stole it. I waz married for 15 yrs an been divorced for 15 yrs. WAHOO! I get ta start over again. I like gambling (but not chronic),going out to what ever,but also like to stay in n do nada. 200 characters huh?Damn.I like to build n play w toys, lots o toys! Done. Oh ya,I like pretty women, I would like to hook up again, but no hurry. Im very picky.

Meet a man from United States. My Match: Seeking a woman who wants to enjoy life and be happy. A woman who is not into drama or games and appreciates being close on all levels. A woman who can be spontaneous and suggest new ideas or new things to explore. Life is too short to not move forward and take some chances. A woman who is independent and can be blunt on what is on her mind. It would be nice she enjoys the outdoors and stays in good physical condition. A woman who wants children would be ideal.
About Myself: I stay in great physical condition. I work hard and play hard. I have a great sense of humor. I love to laugh and have fun. I’m a giving person and have a great heart. I enjoy the outdoors, dining out, sports and travel. Although I am more of structured person I appreciate spontaneity. I like touching and being close to a woman. Although I don’t have any, I think tattoos and piercings on a woman are attractive. Being friends first means a lot to me. Would love to talk or maybe meet for dinner with no expectations and see where things go. Hope to meet soon !