Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 32 year old

Date a man from Arizona, United States. I am a quite and shy person so if I seem hesitant that is why but once I am comfortable it a whole new ball game :-). I am not a big sports fan but on occasion will go to or watch a game. I am more of the get down and dirty type of guy, like working on cars cleaning the yard fixing thing around the house. Family and friends are the most important things in my life and would do just about anything for them. I am honest faithful and just want to have that special someone to spend the rest of my life with.
I am looking for someone to cuddle up with watch a movie, go out have a drink, or just take a trip to enjoy the scenery. I am not into games or drama and would prefer someone that is the same.

Meet someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm faithful, trustworthy, and grounded I have never been married and do not have any kids. I have a good sense of humor but sometimes it is a bit sarcastic. People tell me I am great with kids. I like to think I'm practical. I am very driven professionally but understand the importance of balance and downtime.
My ideal match is someone who has a zest for life confident and inteligent. I am looking for someone to share new experiences with.I would love to find a woman with a rich culture different from my own, someone that will continuously open my eyes.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. I seek a real woman who knows God and who wants to live each day differently, who long to see new things every day, you have dreams and goals do you want the best for your understanding that the only life we always helps and gives us the desires of our heart is God that values ??life and has a heart for helping others to the best of it every day and you want to see the dream that God has for your life and stick

Meet a soulmate from Arizona, United States. I am a passionate person who tries to live life to the fullest. In my free time I like to hang with friends, family & my adorable boxer Molly. Love food, wine and cheese. Moved to Arizona from San Francisco area and learning to enjoy the unique places that the desert has to offer. I work really hard, but like to play hard as well. Though I can be satisfied with being a home body from time to time. I have all sorts of interests music, sports, movies, art and open to new avenues. I would consider myself very personable, can be witty or sarcastic now and then. I would rather see my friends or company smile than a frown. So I will do the silliest things to make anyone laugh. Relationships with friends and family are very important to me. My closest friends will always be friends for life. I am looking for someone who laughs at my jokes, is honest and respectful, easy going and has a good smile!

Date a man from United States. Hi! I would normally start of by introducing myself, but since this is match I will save it for the email. I am born and raised in Arizona, so I guess you could call me a local boy. I love desert...heat and all. Some people would say I am biased growing up in AZ, but I have traveled a fair amount and always seem to come back. I am an aspiring architect.....modern architect, so if you like houses with tan stucco and arches and living rooms with big puffy sofas we probably won't get along (just kidding). I work at a reputable architecure firm locally and currently working on a mixed use residential/office highrise project in Saudi Arabia. I feel very fortunate to be in the position I am in. The goal is that I open my own office someday, possibly with my dad as he is an architect as well. With that said, I love to travel, see different cultures and be influenced by new people and places, which makes you a better person (and a better architect).
My friends and family would probably say I'm independent, driven and confident, yet easygoing? I take my work seriously, but I don't take myself too seriously. I love the outdoors, running, hiking, camping, tracking down good whoever is reading this hopefully isn't afraid to get a little dirty. When I'm not working I like to hang out with my friends, go out to eat...probably too much, (I am a good cook when I want to be), see movies, museums, concerts, walking in urban areas. I'm up for anything! I come from an amazing, supportive family with two younger sisters and hopefully someone I would date would have a good relationship with theirs as well. I would like to meet someone outgoing, quirky, genuine, sporty, independent, educated, good sense of humor and definately has a passion they are pursuing! Don't get me wrong, I love a women who takes care of herself, but I am not looking for a high maintenance barbie doll. An artistic side doesn't hurt either.....I thought I would give this match thing a shot because you never know who you'll be reading this.

Meet someone special from United States. Gonna keep this pretty brief and humorous (will probably fail there) as this is the internet and I'm kind of a private person. I tend to only reveal personal things to those I respect so that's what I look for in a partner, that's right, boobs. Ok, just kidding, yes, someone who I respect enough to ask their opinion, someone who has an original take and is not afraid to be different. I absolutely cannot stand pretentious people or stuck ups, I'd rather shoot milk outta my nose and make fart noises. I'm a very faithful guy (love Jesus) but find the church can lead people to pretentiousness instead of openness and repentance, so there you have what I look for in a community of good peeps.
Ok, so you got this far, then you won't mind reading my short list of what I expect since I see it on ya'lls (that's right I say ya'll) profiles and while we're at it did you know that all of you have, "Live, Love, Laugh," as your headline? Is that what ya'll discussed in the ladies room? What are we supposed to do, Die, Hate, Scowl? Ooh that's kinda morbid...ok, the list:
-So you climbed on the computer and now everyone is in your league, fantastic, now when they don't respond, quuiiit it.
--Quit putting funny colors on your photos - I'm trying to see your face not how cool you are at the interweb.
---Every pic you have is with your child? - Really, we get it, package deal, but we're trying to date you but yes, you've made it clear we better accept your child, wait, that's not your child, are you saying you really love and want kids...
...hmm, met any single guys who think a baby in their very near future is a good thing? (I actually love kids and want more than 1 or 2)
...I am even willing to date someone with a kid (1) but I think you get my point now...wait, probably not, oh well, did I mention I'm looking for someone who's not easily offended and btw, cute kid!
.......but just btw, I'm hoping to meet someone totally single, as in no baggage, no children, no major debt, no mental issues, no funny dressing or tattoo issues, etc, etc. e pluribus e unim...or whatever.
----You don't have a photo - get outta here
-----There's one photo of you and 10 of your house, landscape and dogs? Please move along, nothing to see here. I actually wish it was mandatory to have a pic to see a pic on here...
Love this quote - "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."

Date single man from United States. loking for a nice friendliship and get atract for nice girls enjoy the time and know each other to have a nice relationship and i will like to camping and spend the night with your company and get funn together

Meet a soulmate from United States. I am an easy going guy, who enjoys having fun, and is on a quest for happiness. Had a pretty rough past few years, and now that my situation is changed I'm looking to make the most of it, and live life instead of life living for me. I'm passionate about music, and enjoy things that are artistic or creative. Love the outdoors, and looking forward to getting a chance to do more in them. I'm a fiercly loyal person, and once I get in a committed relationship with someone you never have to worry about my eyes straying. Securtiy in a relationship is something that warms my heart, and helps me sleep better at night. If you were to become the woman in my life there would be very little else on my mind, in my thoughts, or desires then you =).
I am currently seperated, and moving forwards with a divorce. There is a 0.00% chance of reconciliation in this situation, so there is no threat of me running back to that relationship. I do have a four year old son who doesn't currently live with me. He is very important too me, even if I don't get to see him as ofter as I'd like just due to the situation. Just wanted to note this down, because he is part of the "package" that comes with me, even if it's not full time.
I'm looking for a match in mind, heart, body, and soul. We don't have to be the same, because difference is the spice of life, but we need to fit together like two puzzle pieces, different pictures and shapes on them, but wouldn't fit together with any other. A woman who is warm, kind, smart, and outgoing. Independent, and able to care for herself, but agrees with me that a life is less lived without a person to share it with in interdepence. Someone with passion, especially for those they love, and is not afraid to show it. Just as comfortable going out for a night on the town as sitting on the couch in each other's arms. Doesn't matter what we do, as long as it's together. My intent is to find another long term relationship, and I want to do it the right way, taking the time and due diligence to get to know each other, become close friends, and then move forward from there. There's lots more, but getting to know people, and actually TALKING is half the fun, so if I at all sparked your interest, or if you need any clarification, just shoot me a message.

Date a man from Phoenix, United States. I can't call up a good guy friend and say, "The sunset should be gorgeous tonight. How about we go get a glass of wine and watch it together?" Making a phone call like that would probably get me off the friend list and have his wife asking some uncomfortable questions.
With that said, I'd like to meet a nice woman that I do things like this with. My resolution for this year was to take a dance class but I don't have a partner. You would think that this would be an easy order but asking a stranger at a bar or a co-worker just isn't working.
Working out is a way of life for me. An ideal first date would be a swim, a run, or some sort of workout, and then maybe coffee or lunch after.
My daughter is the best thing in my life. I love being a daddy. There is nothing better than playing with her, seeing her smile and laugh.
So, if you think we are on the same wavelength, don't be shy.

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. So this is where I write something that grabs your attention right? Is this where I tell you that I am the best and the perfect man? Guess what.. I am not him. I am Sean and that's what you are going to get if you wish to introduce yourself to me. I am an Arizona native and just moved back to this state from a 3 year vacation in San Francisco. As I came back to this state I realized that all my friends are either married of have kids.. So when it comes to me trying to do something with them I am the 3rd,5th,7th wheel. I am not enjoying that so much. Along with that I have a very busy work schedule and it keeps be busy through the days and sometimes weekends also. Also I have learned that the art of communication is dead. You get so many strange looks just striking up a conversation with someone now days. What happened to the days when you could honestly talk to a member of the opposite sex and have a conversation without them thinking that you only want to sleep with them? I am a very open person and will answer any questions you have so don't be shy. Also I have a ton of hobbies and always keep busy. One of my new favorite hobbies is murder . The main purpose of my day is to enjoy the moments made up in the day and try new things and experience living. I never want to be the one at the end of the day and say to myself "what did I do today" and be sad about it.
So this is the point after you are done reading that you either Wink, Email, Or just Ignore. I will be honest and just come out and say it. If I have Winked at you or emailed you it is because I truly find you interesting and I would love the chance to get to know you better. IT IS NOT FOR A HOOK UP. Please ladies let's just stop thinking that because a man winks or emails he wants to hook up. I am tired of other men ruining it for the nice guys. I believe in taking time and getting to know this person in front of me. True I am to open about topics of discussion that aren't normal... but I do have standards and rules of my own. I know what you are all thinking right now.. "What a man with rules?" Yep I have guidelines. So back to it... If I email you... please a simple reply would be better than nothing at all. It is called manners ladies and true gentleman has them. I hope this hasn't come off in a negative or rude manner ladies. I am just sick of the games and sick of hiding who I am.
Looking forward to hearing from you

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I was born and raised in The Valley of the Sun, so in that sense, I haven't made it far in life. I have ran half marathons in other cities as a way to best sightsee. I keep myself healthy by hiking, camping and biking but no gyms. I have two kids who are are my loves and im raising them accordingly. I don't put on an act ever, I'm not critical of people, and i enjoy good company. I've recently felt like I need a smart pretty girl for fun company. Im easy going but I am driven. I'm active but can sit through a movie. I have a well proportion life of family, friends and work. I just think there may be another portion to be included in my life.

Meet a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. DISCLAIMER: I'm not interested in sending a ton of emails back and forth. I would much rather get to know you in person. I don't want to waste your time or my own. I believe the only way to truly gauge if you are compatible or have chemistry with someone is to talk face to face. This doesn't mean that I'm looking for an instant relationship. Just want to know that there is chemistry to begin with.
Oh and "Winks" are a lame way of saying "Hi". I'd rather receive an email. It at least shows you have some confidence.
If you have continued to read past the above then here is the meat and potatoes.
I'm goal oriented and strive to be the best person I can be. I have a big heart and give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I was raised with morals and integrity. I love my family but don't get to see them enough. I'm a very passionate person. I love to workout and am at the gym every day during my lunch hour. A healthy life style is very important to me but I still love fattening foods every once in a while. I'm German and Norwegian so what do you expect? We love to eat.
I'm looking for someone who has an open mind and is able to carry on deeper conversations. Someone who is out going and likes to have fun. Someone who's not afraid to be themselves, who knows who they are and are able to laugh at their own expense. I like being active and want whoever I'm with to challenge me with new possibilities. If this sounds like you or interests you at all, don't wink at me but send me a simple email. I would love to chat sometime.