Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 59 year old

Date single man from Phoenix, United States. I relocated to the Phoenix area in 2003. While I can not consider myself new to the area, there is still a lot I have not seen or experienced in the area and in the State. I say it has been good fortune to me to have lived in seveal areas of the country. I am originally from Illinois. I have lived in Texas, California, Oregon, New Mexico and now Arizona. Yes, I am aclimated to the Phoenix summers, the mountains are not that far away to find cool shade. I travel a lot on business. I am essentially "on the road" departing Monday and returning on Fridays. I enjoy the traveling by getting to know the various areas I travel to and meeting many people. Are your bags packed for traveling? When I am home I enjoy being out riding my motorcycle. As it is said, "you can ride in a car and look at nature, or you can ride a motorcycle and be part of nature". That includes the bugs in the teeth. I am discovering the points of interest around Phoenix and Arizonia, but finding it not much fun when doing it by myself. I want to find someone who is interested in being active. I like to golf, camp, ski and go exploring, take day trips to see the sights, movies and concerts or even watching a DVD on the sofa and cuddling up. Baseball games in the spring and summer are great. You can even throw in a football game or two. Heck, just about any sporting event is fun to attend. I like to cook so I am handy around the kitchen and can even read a receipe. I like a woman who is confident with themself. I admire women who have been sucessful in their life, business wise and family wise. I like to dream of possibilities and explore the opportunities to accomplish those dreams. I am looking for a partner to go exploring with. Are you that someone?I am looking for a woman that is active, exciting and provacative. Someone who is willing to go exploring in a multitude of ways. I like a woman who is in control and confident in herself and is willing to push her limits, too. Someone to spend active days and quiet nights and vice versa.

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. I have a great laugh, and having seen the "light", I enjoy every day to its fullest. I love animals, and own a few. I love old movies and old music. I love to bowl, camp and fish (real fish), not these little minnows out by me. I am looking for someone with a brain, whether it is street or book knowledge so I may have a conversation with. I like muscicals, though, have not been to one recently. I guess I am just looking for someone with the same common interest. Tall or short is not important.

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I am professional person who is looking for someone special in my life. No sure why but they have my age at 59 and I am really 65. Don't know how to change it yet. I believe myself to be honest, humorous interesting, genuine, athetic, authentic, and fun.
I am positive about my life and am a happy person. I am easy to talk with and a giving person. I am very dependable, plus I am financially sound.
I am looking for similar traits in a life partner. That is what I am interested in and not interested in causal dating.
I understand we must date to get to know someone, but I also do not enjoy dating someone just to date or go out.
I know what I am looking for and if I answer your profile you will know that I am interested. If I don't I didn't see a match for some reason. Nothing personal. We all want the same thing, just we all have ways of evaluating someone we see on the site.
I look forward to talking with you and getting to know you if I am right for you and you are right for me. But, until we meet and feel the chemistry we'll really never know.

Meet someone special from Phoenix, United States. What is anyone, everyone, looking for? Some one who can put a smile on our face, just by thinking about them. A friend. Some one looking for friendship, and whatever that friendship may bring. Let's just have some fun and see.

Date single man from Arizona, United States. Thank-You for visiting me here on my profile page. It is a work in progress and like my life reflects change. The pictures are VERY current and I will continue to update them. I can only wish others on this site would do the same and be honest in their posting. Please READ my profile as I am specific in just who and what exactly I am seeking, if you don't spend lots of hours in the gym each week, if you smoke and or use street drugs, are a heavy drinker, or reside outside Arizona we are NOT a match. If you are married or currently seperated we are not a match. I am gainfully employed by the State of Arizona as an Officer that specializes in working with " at risk youth " mostly inner city hard core street gang members with one form of substance abuse or mental health issues. I work with both boys and girls, most all suffer from abuse and or neglect. I started my profession thirty plus years ago as an Officer with the Sheriff's Department and look forward to hanging up my boots in the near future to better spend my time selfishly playing my guitars and working in the garden on my property here in the West Valley of Phoenix. I co-wrote and supervised a Community Based Program for the State for many years where juveniles and adults on probation and parole completed their court ordered Community Service Hours. I have been involved with the Arziona Golden Gloves for many years, both in training the kids and with working the events. It helps me with my work in assisting kids to get out of the street gangs and off of the drugs that are stealing their young dreams and lives. I am very honored to be able to have served my community, the youth that I have assisted over these many years and my country. As I work out with free weights three times a week in my home gym,and spend my free time in the garden with my fruit trees and grapes, and also enjoy playing my guitars I would really like to find a lady that enjoys these things as much as I do. I really can not see myself serious with someone that does not share my fitness lifestyle. However, please note that I am very aware that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. And hope that everyone here finds love and romance you are worth it. My match will be serious about her fitness and healthy lifestyle, she will enjoy wearing old blue jeans and working in the garden wearing a sun hat as much as she does that little black dress and heels. Then there is the garage / shop time spent with the old hot-rod and the antique Harley. It would be a plus if she had her own bike. I very much enjoy antique hunting and restoring things as I am always involved in a project around the house, my match would very much enjoy finding treasures at antique stores and thrift shops and restoring them to their original beauty. It would be a real plus if she enjoyed singing and could play the guitar or piano! Music is a very big part of my life I have been singing and playing the guitar for thirty years. I have recorded several songs and am putting together a web site for my music. I play & sing mostly classic rock, putting my own twist on the music, but can play most anything from Pink Floyd to Tom Waits. I am seeking that kiss that makes my knees weak, my stomach turn inside out and my heart skip a beat each time she walks in the room. (There must be a song in there somewhere) . One never knows where you will find that kiss, or those arms that feel oh so right around you. I will share even my power tools, as long as they are cleaned properly and put back where they belong when you are finished with them. Thank-You

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Thank you for looking at me and feeling nice doing it.
I am a happy, fun, busy man who lives in his balls with a smile from the heart-if this is too graphic for you, you know what to do. Honest, strong, caring, funny, witty, well traveled, stable and successful. I like women who know the value of togetherness, who are honest, not gold diggers or superficial with Hollyweird values. I really don't do this except for fun as I have great luck meeting women in person, so be careful how you present yourself in public! ...look at that smile on your face! If you're here to browse and dismiss, I don't blame you-there's a lot of stuff in males that warrants it! And so when you're looking and you see that I have the passion, the verve, the zest for life, a life I live as I want to, then you might want to risk the dangers in knowing more about me and meeting me.
You're fit, happy, atheist, hopefully look years younger than your age, have no baggage, and seem poisoned with optimism,well read, like a big, strong, fit, man who's hard to the core of his being, yet gentle and nurturing at the right times.
You like being squired and courted throughout the relationship and you're thoughtful and well dressed even in have been wanting a man like me for a long time and I have a most special place reserved for you.
I like getting out and doing a lot of different activities from dining out in all kinds of restaurants to traveling to out of the way places, staying in bed and breakfasts and five star resorts. Hawaii is a big favorite of mine and its time to go again! Beaches are my most favorite places-I like to get in the water. I have body surfed since the age of eight and love it. I also like deep sea fishing and tripping to Mexico as well as staying in, reading and discussing books and art. I really don't do baggage or resentment, or bitterness and have no time for jaded, ageist, shallow people. I am not a pencil neck who goes to the gym, looks around at equipment, underdoes it and takes 90 minutes to do a thirty minute routine. I get 'er done. I also know too much cardio breaks down the muscle tone and interval training is the best. I will take a long walk with lots of conversation and if it's worth it there'll be a lot of affection. I will learn your love language and you'll have to learn mine or infatuation will result in departure.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. Third generation "Phoenix Native" with strong family ties and values.
ASU graduate, working over thirty years in my chosen vocation.
Never married, and no children, but close to my "native family.
I'm 5'6" and 165 lbs.


Date single man from United States. I am searching for that special lady who lights up / sparks my life and soul, yet is strong and honest; with romantic feelings / passion to match and willingness to share it together. Also, Integrity and having acceptance, with a touch of flexablity/ to go with an open heart, which will be valued. All of which I have and am willing to give unconditionally to that special lady.
Additionally, having the confidence and coping-skills to Honestly and Sincerely Communicate any ideological or thoughtful idea or concern that arises, so together a understanding and empathic result will prevail, no judging just caring and comfort.
Real Communication, not surface-small talk, instead gunuine-sharing regardless of the past baggage !
I am only searching for a women who takes care of herself, likes to smile and is funny, as well as a positive approach towards themselves and life in general. Someone that can make me laugh and still laugh at themselves too; who can dress it up or down; basically keeps their cool and No games,No Addictions, solid values with openiness with respect and lets see what can happen !
Okay, ...I know you exist, for I have seen you in my Heart, Mind, and Soul; ....actually perhaps we may have met, having current pictures is a must, this guy will respond willingly !

Meet a man from United States. Someone that's committed to the Lord and to a relationship when it is appropriate. Someone that is comfortable with themselves and not threatened by their mate. No control freaks! A woman who gets her validity from God and not her man and vice versa. Dress up is pressed jeans, casual is unpressed jeans! Actually, dress is appropriate for the occasion. I love the outdoors and spend a lot of time there. I do cook, but you have to like fried or bbq'd foods. Enjoy dinner out and a good movie or fixing something at home and a DVD. Weekend trips to the mountains or the coast are great for recharging. And, it doesn't always have to be in a tent, but, as long as I'm alone, tents get it done. Bible study is special, I attend two different studies most weeks. One is a small group of men. Thursday lunch is at Priority Living at North Phoenix Baptist Church. I enjoy writing devotionals for a website, it's really added to my Christian growth. I believe in public service and serve on a couple of boards of non-profits and teach outdoor skill classes. My son and I are close, he's twenty-five and is now flying solo. He's really a great kid, he too loves the Lord and is a special blessing in my life. I can honestly say, he is now better than I am at most of the things we do (shoot, camp, hike), and, I am very proud of that! We scuba dive together, but it's been a while since getting in the water. I do get to go on ski/snowboard trips with him, as long as I'm buying and don't hang around too much! It's been a while, but horseback riding is a pleasure, most of my riding was helping out on a friend's ranch up north. Anyway, if you're a solid christian, have great family values, and would enjoy adventure in your life, the ride is going to be fun from here on!

Date a soulmate from United States. Hey you....
The smell of fresh ground coffee fills the house and
we wake up to our favorite...... French Roast coffee and the Sunday Times.
Last night we cooked dinner, flirted and listened to music.
The Shiraz did its magic and we danced into the night,
as the flickering candles created their special mood.
When Leonard Cohen and Diana Krall is playing, it's just magic.
You are fit, your eyes sparkle and we laugh together all the time.
We suck at tennis but we have great fun playing.
At least hiking doesn't take a lot of skill,
just the desire to experience nature to its fullest.
Grand Canyon at sunrise is just as spiritual as it gets.
I'm your biggest fan and you pretend to be,
when you cheer at my soccer games.
Yes, I suck at that too but it's something I love to do.
Today will also be great...............
Hey there.
Can you imagine?
Are you done with the rebounds and the games?
Have you also met enough high quality people
so you can make a decision when "the last one"
comes along, without looking back?
Do you think my daughters will like you?
You now have an idea of what floats my boat.
If it floats yours too, you know what to do.
It all starts with a click of the mouse.
Go ahead.
Just do it.

Meet someone special from United States. My intro "Are you secure enough to be spoiled" at times turns women off I'm told that it makes them think they are going to be controlled. Which can't be farther from the truth. The meaning behind it is I'm looking for a woman who likes to be treated the way they deserve to be treated. My feeling is that women are God's gift to the world.
Because of my generousity I have been used on many occasions and do not want it to happen again. I enjoy most things outdoors, along with movies, live theater,dining out, Hitting the gym 3 times a week,or just being with my lady watching a movie at home. I love animals,at this time I have only one rescue pup but she's my baby.