Date men from United States / Arizona / Phoenix, 56 year old

Date a soulmate from Phoenix, United States. I am a Hopeful Romantic! I am a math teacher. I love sports, animals, music, movies, and kids. I love to laugh and smile and make others laugh and smile. I love to touch, hug, hold hands, and kiss. I love to play Pinochle and Bridge. I am a good decent man looking for just one good decent woman for a LTR. Outer beauty fades but inner beauty lasts forever. Any good I can do, let me do it now, for I may never pass this way again.

Meet single man from Phoenix, United States. i want a caring,honest and sweet woman who will love me for the rest of her life and grow old with me, i woman that we will support each other base on ant decision we both take together, be happy with each other at all times.

Date someone special from Phoenix, United States. Hi, I'm honest and I know what I am looking for. I am looking for this special person to love and have a good time with.
I enjoy cooking but rather have help doing it. I am a shy person at first but after you get to know me that will change.
I am looking for someone to go out with on a regular basis. If you are looking for just a weekend thing well don't bother me.
I enjoy sports mainly the big three football baskerball and baseball.
To put this in a nutshell I am a honest dependable faithful person and will do anything in my means to make this lady happy.
I am honest, truthful,and very kind and polite.I know you have heard this before but this is really the truth.
Oh I enjoy hiking,fishing and water skiing when I have time.

Meet a man from Phoenix, United States. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I enjoy going on spontaneous road trips, fishing, playing music, and hiking. My life is also about my home, family, spending great times together with friends. I always treat everyone I know with respect and I am a good listener. I'm also a fairly easy-going guy.
All my friends say I’m a charming and funny guy. I have a good paying job. My line of work is as an IT consultant for 10 years. In my job I am an engaging person and I like to interact and communicate with my coworkers.
I have a daughter who is living away from home and I’m a proud Grandfather. I raised my daughter on my own from the time she was five years old until she grew up.
I have been loving music all my life. I started signing with Phoenix Boys Choir as a kid and have never stopped doing music since. Now I write songs and have released a CD about romance and my life stories. I like to make funny spontaneous comments and puns and have been known to do crazy stuff like having a water fight or making fun of things my friends do. I’m always laughing at myself and others in a good way when those comic situations in life arise.
I’m looking for a beautiful lady to compliment my life and have fun with and to go to movies, shows, dining, recreational places, sports events, or have special times with, or whatever makes the sparks fly.

Date a soulmate from Arizona, United States. After going through a divorce, I am looking for friendship first; anymore is down the road.
I am very active and spend a great deal of time outdoors. I am also extremely busy with work so my personal time is valuable. I like to spend that time with close friends.

Meet single man from Arizona, United States. Hi! Words and pictures on a screen are so 2-dimensional, but here goes.
About me: I am very upfront, consistent with who I am, and confident with who I want. I am searching for a special and unique woman for a long term/only relationship. If you are older than me, close-minded, do not like kids, intimidated by intelligence, or are not serious or ready about finding someone, please pass me by. I have a fulfilling life, have a job I enjoy, exercise, and have other pursuits. I like keeping busy, but my Significant Other is the Priority.
For the record: I am an optimistic believer in Love and Romance; however, I do think that the magic and �connection’ do not necessarily happen immediately. In other words, this could take more than 5 minutes, but we would know witin a couple dates if something is there.
My Ex and I get along fine; we share parenting of the two youngest , ages 13 16 (the baby in the picture is my grand-daughter, who I babysit on occasion). My oldest two are on their own, pursuing their dreams and adventures. My Family is intact and continues.
Back to the agenda! I am for real, healthy, intelligent, imaginative, and somewhat silly; dedicated to my kids and friends, and appreciate a good cup of hot coffee with a piece of cold chocolate (best when shared). I have a job and career in Corporate America, which I like, but is not the be-all and end-all of my priorities (retirement is in distant site, but I have no intention to slow down, just change direction). I can get dressed up, but prefer casual and comfortable.
There is that warped sense of sometimes sarcastic humor (mostly aimed at myself). Life should not be taken very seriously. Loyal and honest is how my friends describe me, which means I am there for those who I care for (meaning, I will be there for you).
I have many interests, but do not smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs, watch sports, drive sports cars, or play with guns. The kitchen is a very comfortable place for me (real men cook and bake, or at least I do). I am not homophobic and am politically liberal. Being an intellectual, I read and think a lot. I love Nature and the outdoors (thunderstorms, lightening, rain, mountains, snow, and trees), although I have minimal experience camping (willing to try though). I am physical, meaning being close, pda, holding hands, dancing close, hugs, and intimicy. Dancing is very important (deal breaker if you do not like dancing), but l like to try other things as well (but roller coasters and bungee jumping are not appealing to me!). I exercise regularly (run, lift, compete occasionally in powerlifting, geezer-class). Despite my age, I do not look/act it, (or feel it), and yes, the pictures are recent. Barring the unforeseen, I have good health and decades of adventure in front of me which I would like to experience with Someone Special.
About You: You are not a chameleon. You consider yourself smart, self-confident, and have a clue; attractive and sexy. Communication, trust, feeling safe, mutual respect, friendship, intimacy and romantic moments are things important to you. You do not need to have a man to complete or maintain you, as you stand just fine on your own two feet. What would appeal to you is a man who is a bit unorthodox and different, but one who is smart, with a good heart you can trust.
If you have read this far and the above is appealing, email me and tell me about you. Perhaps we can break the ice and see.

Date someone special from Arizona, United States. I'm easy going, and try not to take life so serious but think positive about all situations good or bad. Love to travel fly or drive, I enjoy waking up and jumping into my truck and drive where ever the road takes me. Love the beaches, Rocky Point, San Diego to name a few, BBQing a good Rib_Eye or just hamburgers and hotdogs over a charcoal grill, not really into gas grills, but if i'm not grilling, the person grilling can use whatever pleases them, I also enjoy cooking breakfast. watching (Suns, Cardinals, ASU, U of A, DBacks and of course Coyotes) and playing sports, comedy clubs, strolling down town Phoenix and Scottsdale and playing golf. I'm open to new things, as long as it doesn't hurt much! lol. Did I mention I love playing golf? LOL!

Meet a man from Arizona, United States. Above all, I consider myself dedicated to family, friends, and my career. I am secure in my career and still somewhat goal-oriented but ready to "sit back" and enjoy. I do tend to live life to it's fullest and am optimistic. Always with a "half-full" attitude. Stable and satisfied with my accomplishments and strengths and still trying to improve on my weaknesses. I would like to think that my smile can be contagious. I enjoy meaningful conversations. With someone special, I can be spontaneous, adventurous, romantic, sensual and at times playful. Coming up with little surprising gestures always adds a nice element. Looking foremost for someone to laugh with, be spontaneous with, and have fun with! I want to share the many things in life that make for a solid foundation.
Mutual physical attractions need to be part of a good relationship, so being fit, confident in yourself, your age and your looks, sensual, affectionate and caring are qualities that I admire. Having similar interests is always helpful but not essential. It's nice to enjoy things we already know together but I am always willing to try something new and interesting. Learning is fun! Above all, someone who is secure with who she is, she was, and where she wants to be. Someone who is also ready to "relax" a little and enjoy the things she's always wanted to do or do more of. No hidden agendas or fabrications of something she's not. Not always looking back to the past but excited about the future. Someone who is willing to work together and not be independent - two working together can always accomplish more than one. It's the best chemistry there is. :)

Date a soulmate from United States. I’m intelligent, friendly, down-to-earth, caring and have a good sense of humor. I believe there is good in this world and I see the best in people. Treating others the way you want to be treated is important. I'm a good friend because I’m loyal, a good listener and strong, and if you need me - I'm there. I’m adventurous, spontaneous and a lot of fun.

Meet single man from United States. I am a man that work hard and care that the women I'm in Love with comes before my because if you are taken care of then I'm also taken care of. I like family time but I also like us time ( a walk, drive, or just setting out on a deck watching the sun set).

Date someone special from United States. as i said in my head line . i 'am 57 years young i have had a sorted passed . i did aq few stupid things in my life and paied the peice with my freedom. i will tell you more all you have to do is ask. i want a woman that is strong yet vevry bit a woman in all ares of her make up i 'em looking for some that is real ,passionate, loving careing loves to be pampered somewhat and is wiling to pamper me as well. . i have put
up my gun's so to speak. i want to live my life enjoying it for what it has to offer.. and want to shear it with sone one that wants the same things and has ths same intrest i have . no head games , no players , no drama, no b---s---!! i have been through it all don,t want it or need it no drugies or drunks, just someone to accept me for me nothing els i have a lot of love and passion for that right woman. so if you are looking for that real person then you are in the right place and if your a little bit bad well thats ok to.

Meet a man from United States. outdoors, fishing, hunting, quads, HDriding but not a biker,beach and ocean romance, fireplaces, movies and popcorn, old shops, animals, travel new places, family very important, 15 grandkids under the age of 9 and they love their Bonka. Ex-contractor, love to build, woodworking, household chores, very clean and organized, very religious but wont push views on others, Was once the Quarterback in life and Business, not any more, looking for a honest, trusting, person to spend the rest of my life with, enjoying our families and each other with lots of smiles and laughter